Pretty in Pink

We woke up yesterday morning to a  soft rosy glow blanketing just about everything.  It had rained during the night and the rising sun was trying to burn through the mist, and most plants in bloom in my gardens right now are pinkish.  It was just so peaceful.

See the rainbow?

We’ve just returned from a four day horseshow – and if that sounds like fun, well it is sometimes.  And it’s also a whole heck of a lot of work, dirty Heavy Sweaty work.  At one point the wind was kicking dust around so bad, we were all covered in about five pounds of dirt/dust/sand after a half hour practice.  When I got into the shower that night, I swear the dirt ringing around the drain could have potted a plant.

K and Miss Leah had some real competition, they made some mistakes and they had some triumphs.   This little horse is just a wonderful guide – she’s patient and calm, the perfect match for K.  In turn, K takes great care with her and is gentle even in her riding style.  It’s great to watch them develop real teamwork.

We’ve met some wonderful people too – competitors helping each other, consoling each other, laughing together. In this sometimes ugly world,  being even a small part of that camaraderie is like a balm for the soul.   If you are as weary as I am of all the crap out there, I recommend you seek  out that camaraderie and nurture it, whatever your interests.

We’ve got the foundation poured for K’s house next door – it’s getting real now!  That’s our home in the background, just a hop, skip and jump.

I hope all is well in your world – and thank you so much for the kind words regarding Ben –    …….. Till soon



10 thoughts on “Pretty in Pink”

  1. So pretty – I love seeing roses with a few sprinkles; reminds me of one of my favorite hymns.

    K is really doing well, isn’t she. I know it’s hard work for both of y’all, the rewards of being together, working together must be awesome.

    Yes, so much crap going on nowadays; makes me long for another time before (at least for some of us) when it appeared people tried harder to get along. I can only read a tad, daily. Makes me ill. 🙁

    How wonderful you’re going to be neighbors with your best girl. That is delightful, Karen.


  2. Gorgeous pink garden photos!!
    I imagine it is a heck of a lot of work training/riding horses. They are such beautiful beasts!

  3. it looks like the new house is coming along very well. and oh my on the dirt in the shower.. when I saw the title pretty in pink, I thought you might have painted the house pink. I thought that because a few days ago we watched a good movie called The Little Pink House.. glad the horse is working out. and your pink is beautiful

  4. YOu DO hve a pink world and it’s wonderful. I long for my sweet pea to finally pop and deliver some pink to my yard. Meanwhile, I’m delighted to join ours!

  5. Your flowers are so pretty! That house is really coming along now!

  6. Beautiful weekend for you all!
    My garden is very pink too but the weeds are growing much too fast.
    I love your header(?) photo. So pretty. I really enjoy your writing style!
    P.S. There is a typo- categories. 🙂

  7. Hello,
    The pink blooms and sky are beautiful. Congrats to K and Miss Leah. The new house looks like it is coming along, that is exciting. Wishing you a happy day!

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