10 degrees

And tonight it’s supposed to reach ZERO.
Believe it or not, it doesn’t feel so bad,
until the wind begins to blow that icy snow dust
up in your bared neck parts 
where you forgot to wrap a scarf. 
The men were up at 5:30 am to plow the six or so inches that fell overnight..
and the girlchild and I trudged up to the barn around 7am
to feed chickens,  horses, clean stalls, break up the ice in the water buckets
and gripe about the icy snow dust blowing up in our bared neck parts. 
Am I painting a clear picture for you here? 
I was happy to see the menfolk had cleared a path to the coop for me..
not a lot of things worse than  that  icy snow dust getting down inside your boots
as you’re just getting into your morning chores.
I gave the girls some oatmeal in warm milk
(they’re spoiled, don’t I know it)
Then we tackled the barn chores…

Opie and Max had a good romp in the snow 
while we mucked stalls… 
Both are double blanketed today. 

The sun slowly burned through the  heavy, grey winter sky and
we’ve currently got a balmy 16 degrees.
Have I told you lately how much I appreciate my barn help?
I don’t ask for her assistance often because she’s got two jobs 
and a horse living elsewhere at this particular place in time. 
On mornings like this, though, maybe I beg just a little. 
I’ve been trying some paleo recipes, and for those of you who are interested,
the two I’ve linked below are really really good.   They got a thumbs up 
from both the husband and kids and it’s so much better for you. 
I already feel lighter in my loafers,  I kid you not. 
Getting sugar and bread/pasta/wheat products
out of your system lightens your body’s load
 and the proof is in how you feel if you try it. 
I’m not stupid enough to believe myself when I say I’ll never eat junk again..
but there are healthy junk choices out there.. like these cookies below…
My son, the picky eater and chocolate chip connoisseur, ate almost
the whole first batch I made in one milk dunking session.  They’re that good.