Today my baby boy  is 16 years old.

Buddy, you make your folks proud.
You are kind, considerate, mindful of others.
In fourth and fifth grade you won an award for
befriending and mentoring a student who was having a hard time fitting in.
You continue to do these little acts of kindness as you grow into
this fine young man you are becoming. 
Your imagination knows no bounds and you’ve even
taught us a thing or two.
And we thought we knew everything!
We love you.
This doesn’t mean you’re exempt from picking up your wet towels,
handing in all your homework assignments,
answering my texts 
and putting your dirty clothes in the hamper.
just sayin

25 thoughts on “16”

  1. Happy Birthday!

    PS: Don't let him figure out he's WAY THE HECK bigger than you and probably still growing. Never let him use that against you! LOL!

  2. Happy BIRTHday to you too Karen! They grow up fast, know you are so proud of him. Looked like a wonderful celebration, lobstah dinner would make me happy!

  3. Happy Birthday to your very handsome son. Isn't it cool to watch them grow up and become adults that you would actually Like (if they weren't your flesh and blood?)
    Way to go Mom and Dad (and 16 yr old son too!)

  4. Happy, Happy birthday to your son. He sounds like a wonderful young man that will grow into an adult that you will be more than proud of…God bless- xo Diana

  5. Children do make us aware of how quickly time flies! Happy Birthday to your son and congrats to the parents for raising such a fine young man:)

  6. Happy birthday to your wonderful son. I think your post is a wonderful tribute to him. Doesn't he just make your heart smile!!!

  7. awww, sweet baby picture, handsome and nice young man with a loving family. Just beautiful. Happy Birthday! 🙂

  8. Belated Happy Birthday to your adorable son! So handsome! I like him already based on his choice for a b-day dinner- those looked scrumptious! Very poignant post!

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