We spend January 1 walking through our lives, room by room, drawing up a list of work to be done, cracks to be patched. Maybe this year, to balance the list, we ought to walk through the rooms of our lives… not looking for flaws, but for potential.   

~Ellen Goodman

 I’ve been dwelling on the negative too much lately, and quite frankly it’s exhausting.  It’s not  the stuff I  want to be made of, either.  So, if we must call it a resolution… mine will be to look for the potential…MY potential.. and to make an honest effort to walk the walk  and talk the talk of positive thinking.

because we only come through this way once.
My favorite part of this blog is when you participate on the posts.
Please join me by sending me a photo of yourself.. either a self portrait or
one someone has taken of you..
and a brief statement that expresses your outlook, hopes or goals
for the New Year.  E-mail entries to karenthisoldhouse@hotmail.com
As you send me your entries, I’ll post them right here, below Ben and I.
In 2012, I hope for good health, financial prosperity, abundance, peace, contentment, laughter and love *  I pray for healing for my parents, my dogs, and all the beings in our world that suffer for any reason *  I pray for an end to war and endless fighting, whether here at home or around the world * I pray that every child has a roof over his head, love surrounding him and a sense of hope about the future *  I pray that every dog or cat that needs a home is adopted. And that man stops hunting and maiming innocent animals  *  I pray that everyone who has lost a job, or a home, and is bewildered about a country that seems to value the very rich over the poor, finds work, a home and begins to feel valued by their country.                       xClaudia

My hopes for 2012 are to be more positive and kick the negativity out…
and make sure I get to the Vineyard for soul restoration.

Happy New Year Joan

He turns 18 next week. He graduates soon. He is our last one. I also became a grandmother in 2011. I’m entering a new chapter in my life. It’s a little scary. I want to make it less scary and more exciting. I almost feel like I will be re-inventing myself in 2012. And… Time seems to be going faster and faster. I wish I could slow things down. I realize I can’t. So I hope to make the most of every minute, hour, day, week, month, opportunity….  ~ Jodi

I want to cut out ALL processed food, start walking and using weights– I want to get fit–not just to look better, but to feel BETTER! This year has been difficult, but I have hopes 2012 will bring new blessings! I’m praying that eldest daughter comes through this difficult pregnancy without any more complications, that the baby is well (it’s a GIRL) and son heals from the divorce, and youngest daughter finds happiness and direction in her life. I pray for all my children and grandchildren that they will be faithful and protected from evil. I hope I can stay with my Read the Bible in One Year project–we’ll see. I’m seeking a job transfer and hoping for the right decision. I have several projects in my home I would like to have accomplished by this time next year! I hope we can have a real vacation this year–not another staycation!
 Hope 2012 brings peace, hope and joy to all!  ~ Cowgirl V


I pray for balance and peace; for the grief to lessen and for life to begin again.
In time, it will happen but probably not soon enough to suit me.

May the worst of 2012 be from the best of 2011;
 Happy New Year from Thistle Cove Farm.


My goal for 2012 is to make a good memory for someone each day.  I retired last February, and 2011 has been a whirlwind.  When we retired we decided to make the move to spend our days at the cottage.  Our summer was filled with fishing, pontooning, and ATV’ing.  Besides these activities, I also enjoy photography and sewing.  My kids call me gramma jamma, as I make my granddaughters summer nighties out of recycled bed sheets.  This holiday season was a very emotionally mixed up season.  My two grown children and their families spent their last Christmas in the house they grew up in.  The Monday after Christmas we packed our belongings, donated or gave away the things we didn’t need, and took the rest to our cottage.  As of January 15th we will be permanent residents of Pearson, Wisconsin.  (Try and find that on a map!!!)  We still have a lot of stuff to deal with, but will all straighten out in time.  The first of February we are taking an hiatus from the cold, snowy weather by driving to Lake Havasu, Arizona for a month or so.  Then back to our new home to make some summer memories.   – Mary Ann

My wish is good health for everyone, a cure for diabetes, happiness, warm homes,
friendship, prosperity and at the risk of sounding like a beauty queen, world peace!

Happy 2012!

As this year ends I face two difficult situations . my grandfather , mentor , teacher , best friend was diagnosed with bone cancer this week and I’ve been told today 6 to 7 months . As this new year comes I pray and hope for a great year . I want to share the knowledge and great family values with my children what he has taught me . He has taught me to do what ever no matter how hard it is to support my family .
So i have come to the conclusion they I may loose him in 2012 but I pray he leaves me comfortable and not in pain.   – Andy

This was us last night, celebrating the New Year with friends. We were all talking about resolutions. But I explained that there are no resolutions, only recommitments to our healthy lifestye, spending time with positive people and not squandering one single moment. Every day is a gift. We are so blessed!
 ~ Raven

My goals for the New Year is to just keep putting one foot in front of the other and move forward. I would like to improve my health, get in better shape, walk more and even hike. I’m getting a dog, she’s just a small pup right now, and I should be able to bring her home in February. It will be nice to have a pal to walk and hike with. I have hopes that this election year, a GOOD President will be elected, that more people will have jobs, roofs, food and comfort in their lives. I really hope for world peace, it would be wonderful to have, but I’m skeptical on that. I hope for our soldiers to be reunited with their families, and that they will get the attention they need to ease back into life without war.
One more thing, I am so grateful for all I do have.  ~ Susan

My “word” for 2012 is TIME. I want to spend more time with God, more time with friends, more time building relationships.  ~ dorothy

My wish is that we may touch one another’s lives in a tender manner. To be more than tolerant . (Elie Wiesel) May we be sensitive of the needs of others. Personally, I hope to lose some of this weight that I have regained. It is a continual journey. I hope to be able to know where I am supposed to be. I don’t think I’m quite there, yet. I was so blessed to become a first time grandma in 2011 and now I have a new person looking to me for an example of the woman she may be one day. I also hope to get out of debt and to save some money. I hope to be brave and to listen to the voice in my head that tells me everything is o.k. and to silence the voice that tells me it isn’t.

Warm wishes from Whosyergurl in Southern Indiana, xo, Cheryl

My resolution is to let it be. I find myself getting stressed out over the small stuff in life and I know I have it better than so many people. So this year I am going to let things roll off my back and take the time to enjoy life.  ~ Elaine

My goals for 2012 are to be the best wife and mom that I can be! My
baby goes to 1st grade next year and will be in school all day
everyday. I am going to make the most of these last few months of
having her to myself for part of the day and create memories that will
last a lifetime. I am going to lose 3 to 4 lbs. each month by eating
better and exercising
and I am going to go for my dream and make my
photography business a reality!
– Kat

24 thoughts on “2012”

  1. Oh girl I am so with you on this one. This past year had way to much negativity and I also let it consume me but not now. May you have a happy and joyous 2012!! Happy New Year 🙂


  2. I was just telling someone this morning that I'm being too negative and must be more positive in my outlook. We are in charge of our own happiness and whether we let it easily into our lives or make it fight to get a spot.
    One hope is to get back to the Vineyard in 2012, I missed not being there this year… felt like part of me was missing.
    Happy New Year Karen and to all.

  3. Couldn't agree with you more!!! It took me until almost the end of 2011 to realize that all the negative thoughts waste far too much energy!!! It really just takes a small effort or shift in a positive direction to make a difference!

    Wishing you a very blissful New Year Karen!!!

  4. Everyone must be feeling the same way…I know i am. I looked up to the stars last night and asked my dad what he wanted for me in 2012…loud and clear the answer was be happy…don't waste a day!

  5. It is wonderful to see the raw honesty that posts like this produce. I have had a pretty good year and I am anxious to move forward into an even better 2012. God bless you, Karen. I am praying for a peaceful, optimistic new year for you- xo Diana

  6. I'd love to have a little more positivity in 2012. I'm pretty positive it won't happen, but I can hope. LOL!

    Happy New Year!!!

  7. I love your photo's of you and Ben. I've never thought of you as negative, Karen. You bring an enormous pleasure to us in your posts!

    Happy 2012 to you and your family. I hope it will be the best EVER!! 🙂

  8. great idea, Karen, and I wish you well. no photo from me, don't have the energy to participate on that level. I pray for balance and peace; for the grief to lesson and for life to begin again. In time, it will happen but probably not soon enough to suit me.
    May the worst of 2012 be from the best of 2011; Happy New Year from Thistle Cove Farm.

  9. Karen, I don't see you as negative–at all!
    Sometimes I get bogged down with the cares of the world, but I TRY to temper it with a little humor and hope. Really, the older I get (and I just had a milestone birthday), I realize just how little control I have over anything! May 2012 bring us all peace, hope and joy!

  10. You always strike me as very positive and active. I can't imagine you negative. I love the quote at the beginning of the blog…a great metaphor for what I would like to accomplish this coming year. That and finding joy in the smallest of things.

    Happy New Year, sweet friend!


  11. I love the quote too…I've realized lately that I am really aging and it's time to make some choices about where my life is going. Will I accept whatever comes my way or will I be more pro-active and create opportunities? I think I'm going to embrace positivity! Happy New Year!!

  12. Karen,
    I love that pic of you at the top. You are beautiful, girlfriend! What a great idea for everyone to send a photo and a wish. If only we could all sit around your kitchen table and have a cup of tea together. I love the friendship of women! We all need it so much. xo, Cheryl

  13. My outlook for the year is just to be more intentional with how I spend my time. My youngest leaves the house right after graduation, and I want to appreciate the time I have left with him here, and not get wrapped up in silly things that really don't matter. That goes for all of my family….just appreciate the times we do have together, and not take them for granted.
    p.s. That first photo is absolutely gorgeous – the mood and setting are just beautiful!
    Happy New Year!

  14. Happy New Year, Karen. It has been so much fun sharing, inspiring, and laughing along the way in getting to know you in 2011. I wish for you a wonderful ride through 2012.

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