College girl is coming home this weekend because she has a date  because she just loves being with her family on her birthday!   I remember when she was a newborn and we were about to bring her home from the hospital (my firstborn, mind you).  I was so worried about my precious cargo being in the car while there were egg and toilet paper roll weilding kids stationed at  -surely- every corner.

  This will be a pretty purple when sliced open

25 thoughts on “22”

  1. I know how excited you must be – I get that way when the BoyChild comes over now! They grow up too stinkin' fast – did you say that cake would be purple? Is it just food coloring that makes it that way?

  2. I should make one of those bundt cakes for the kids for Halloween. They would sure get a charge out of it. Have fun with your daughter (and her date) on her birthday! I'm glad she will be home for it! xo Diana

  3. Happy Birthday to your oldest. My oldest has a Bday too this weekend. He turns 34 on Sunday, just hours before Halloween. That's what a lot of pushing does for you. No trick or treater for me!

  4. Twenty-two, still just a baby… at least in a Mom's heart! We have protected them so long that it's almost impossible to let go. She will love the cake and the roses, always the same home.sweet.home.

  5. Oh how nice that she's coming home for her birthday! Happy Birthday!!!

    My oldest will be sixteen on Monday.

    After bringing him home from the Hospital I realized I had left something I needed behind. It was cold, and icy, and snowy… and we turned around and went back. We must have been crazy kids (of course we weren't really that much older than he's about to be right now!!!) to be driving around with the baby in the freezing nastiness.

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