Thank you to all you folks out there
who pay any attention to my ramblings
here at This Old House 2.
You make my day with your comments!
Here’s what I’d like to give the winner, 
who will be chosen by the random generator,
 once you’ve entered by leaving your answers below
in the comments section.

Two Autumn mugs and a big bar of Pumpkin Spice soap.

Fill in the blanks….
1. I’m pretty certain that I will absolutely NEVER ____________________.
2. I have a bad habit of _____________________.

3. I never leave the house without my _________________.
4. The last time I thoroughly cleaned out my refrigerator was ____________.

5. If I had a tattoo, and I’m not saying I do or would or will,
I think I would put  a ____________on my _________________.

6. Three things I can’t live without….
(You’re not allowed to mention your family members, that’s a given.)

7.  I like my coffee ______________.

59 thoughts on “300”

  1. Now I see that you are at 301 already:)

    1. Skydive…or bungee jump for that matter. This I am absolutely sure of!

    2. Watching too much reality TV:) I mean do I really have to watch Top Chef Desserts too?

    3. Some kind of camera…maybe just my cell phone but I always have one nearby…

    4. After Hurricane Irene and losing power for 5 days I have had the cleanest freezer and fridge than I have in a long long time!

    5. A waning moon on my left shoulder…

    6. Wine, bread, and books

  2. These were thought-provoking!
    1. Get a Divorce.
    2. Being too opinionated.
    3. Reading Glasses.
    4. 2 weeks ago.
    5. A cross on my shoulder.
    6. Coffee, Books, Animals
    7. German! (Jacobs Kronung)

  3. 1. I'm pretty certain that I will absolutely NEVER be a size 6 again.
    2. I have a bad habit of leaving used teabags on the side of the sink.
    3. I never leave the house without my Dollar Store glasses.
    4. The last time I thoroughly cleaned out my refrigerator was a month and a half ago?
    5. If I had a tattoo, and I'm not saying I do or would or will,
    I think I would put a cross on my ankle.
    6. Three things I can't live without…. chocolate, lavender body lotion, my digital camera.
    7. I like my coffee at Starbucks.

  4. 1. I'm pretty certain that I will absolutely NEVER __skydive!__________________.

    2. I have a bad habit of _____not eating!________________.

    3. I never leave the house without my sunglasses!___________.

    4. The last time I thoroughly cleaned out my refrigerator was _________this a.m.!___.

    5. If I had a tattoo, and I'm not saying I do or would or will,
    I think I would put a ____design________on my ___ankle______________.
    {I already have one!}

    6. Three things I can't live without….
    _my daily meds_________________
    _____my animals
    ______my sunglasses!____________

    7. I like my coffee _____w/cream and sugar. {But, I mostly drink Constant Comment" tea!}_________.

    Congrats on 300!!!! Blessed to call you "friend!"
    xo, misha

  5. 1. I would never, in my right mind, betray Christ.
    2. chewing my cuticles…nasty habit!
    3. clothes on…but, just because I haven't so far doesn't mean, necessarily, I won't in the future. or a camera, that's a safer response, eh? -smile-
    4. try to clean 'fridge out once a month; I have dogs and that makes it easier.
    5. NO TATTS! Disgusting except on old Navel men. I know a lot of people with tatts and that's fine for them, but for me…NO TATTS!
    6. books, camera, animals
    7. like my man…sweet, hot and white

  6. 1. win the lottery (`cause I don`t buy tickets)
    2. over thinking everything!!!
    3. my purse
    4. last month
    5. a rose on my ass
    6. Ben (my precious poodle), books, coffee
    7. Hot with lots of cream

    You are a fabulous person, Karen.


  7. 1- Willingly cause harm to anyone.
    2- Drinking too much coffee.
    3- Cell phone-I am only a phone call away for my grandkids.
    4- Friday night!!!! I had company coming!
    5- Little angel wing on my shoulder in memory of our little AnnaBella.
    6- (1)Starbucks in the morning. (2) Books (3)A creative outlet.
    7- Black at home- & A sugar free vanilla latte at Starbucks.

    Please don't tell anyone how much coffee I drink!;>) xo Diana

  8. Wow! Congrats on 300 followers! That's awesome! (I'm stuck on 60!)

    1. I'm pretty certain that I will absolutely NEVER be a blonde.

    2. I have a bad habit of speaking my mind.

    3. I never leave the house without my underwear on!

    4. The last time I thoroughly cleaned out my refrigerator was a couple of months ago.

    5. If I had a tattoo, and I'm not saying I do or would or will,
    I think I would put a dragonfly on my upper left arm.

    6. Three things I can't live without….

    7. I like my coffee black.

  9. 1} Have cosmetic surgery

    2} Procrastinating

    3} Asthma Inhaler

    4} Don't remember, I spot clean it a lot

    5} Heart on my ankle…very small

    6} Books, coffee, laptop

    7} With lots of cream


  10. 1- be able to do math
    2- not completely listening
    3- camera
    4- when I moved 2 years ago
    5- map of MV on my ankle
    6- 1-music
    3-a needlework project of some sort
    7- cream and sugar

  11. I'm pretty certain that I will absolutely NEVER get married. Again.

    2. I have a bad habit of procrastinating.

    3. I never leave the house without my coffee/smokes/peanut butter sandwiches/keys. (it's the going-to-work mantra…)

    4. The last time I thoroughly cleaned out my refrigerator was last week!

    5. If I had a tattoo, and I'm not saying I do or would or will,
    I think I would put fairy on my backside. Or not. NOT a tattoo fan

    6. Three things I can't live without….coffee,shea butter lotion, books.

    7. I like my coffee black and strong enough to walk!

  12. 1. run a marathon, or run anywhere for that matter.
    2. spending too much time reading and surfing (the web).
    3. glasses
    4. I'm too embarrassed to answer and at my age I can't be expected to remember everything anyway.
    5. sun – back
    6. dancing, Starbucks frappuccino coffee drink (in the bottle), and a bra
    7. strong with non-fat half n half.

  13. Your giveaways are always so interesting. Love the new header as well!
    1. Have a 26 inch waist again
    2. Buying a bag of mini Reeses cups and eating the entire thing myself
    3. Jogging stroller
    4. This weekend
    5. white lion on my hip
    6. Peanut butter, running, and Diet Pepsi
    7. in the form of Diet Pepsi rather than coffee

  14. 1. bungee jump
    2. picking at my cuticles
    3. lipstick
    4. July !
    5. I don't have one but if I did it would be a sunflower on my ankle
    6. coffee, pets, cell phone
    7. cream & Splenda please

  15. 1. Get to meet you in person.
    2. mispronouncing words
    3. glasses
    4. a decade ago!
    5. spool of thread with a needle on my wrist! I want it so bad.
    6. Cappuccino, my sewing machine, my computer
    7. hot black, or full of chocolate.
    Patti πŸ™‚

  16. 1. vote Republican.
    2. reading my friends' blogs when I should be grading.
    3. (I have no imagination here) cell phone.
    4. was right before Thanksgiving and I discovered I had enough Gorton's grilled salmon boxes in my three separate freezers that I could serve each of my 22 invited guests two Salmon rectangles if something happened to my turkey and I needed a last-minute entree.
    5. no tattoos. I can't even imagine an fake answer to this question.
    6. 8-9 hours of sleep per night; living in the country; books waiting on the bookstand.
    7. . As in I like my coffee

  17. 1. give up
    2. biting off more than i can chew
    3. eyeliner / mascara
    4. in a past life πŸ™‚
    5. wings/bird/or hoofprints on my thumb muscle where i could see it and not many others could
    6. horses, creating things, choices
    7. with way too much creamer and sugar

  18. 1. have another baby
    2. logging onto Facebook and wasting my day away
    3. lip gloss
    4. Hurricane Irene – thank you
    5. some earth shattering quote beautifully scripted on my foot
    6. coffee, lip gloss, proactiv
    7. light sugar, light cream

  19. 1. Have thick hair!!!
    2. Spending too much money (that I don't have!)
    3. Leather Backpack
    4. A month ago
    5. …I think I would put an "Om Symbol" on my "back".
    Dark Chocolate
    7. Cinnamon

    Very fun Karen!!

  20. Congrats on reaching the big 300 (betcha never thought you'd hear that).

    On to your questionnaire – how fun!

    1 – get a tattoo
    2 – procrastinating
    3 – keys
    4 – not long ago, but the freezer is way overdue
    5 – see #1
    6 – mascara, computer, camera
    7 – iced

  21. 1-Climb a Mountain.
    2-Biting my nails.
    3-Debit Card
    4-The day before we closed on our house-Aug 14.
    6-TV–Computer–RC Cola
    7-Black, Very Hot and in my Lang mug.

  22. 1. get a tattoo
    2.chewing the inside of my bottom lip
    3. my phone
    4.last week, really!!!
    5. no tattoo, nowhere
    6. weaving
    a dog
    7. no coffee

  23. 1. Skydive. Makes me want to throw up just thinking about it!

    2. Taking control and being bossy. It is the teacher in me.

    3. Keys! I leave everything else at some point!

    4. 2 weeks ago.

    5. TJK or an anchor on my ankle

    6. 1) Erdbeer chocolate from Germany
    2) Survivor
    3) Books to read

    7. I don't like coffee. The smell is wonderful, the taste isn't horrible, but the aftertaste for the next three hours… I am a hot caramel apple cider kind of gal!

    That was fun!! You have to share yours too!

  24. 1. win a Grammy
    2. biting the inside of my mouth/cheek
    3. contact lenses
    4. a month ago
    5. my son's name on my wrist
    6. a good nights' sleep; morning coffee; clean, fresh air
    7. strong, black w/a little splenda

  25. These are fun!
    1. I will never scuba dive–I almost drowned once!
    2. I have a bad habit of worrying and obsessing over stuff!
    3. I never leave the house without wearing earrings!
    4. Ummm–can't really remember–isn't hat terrible? We haven't been cooking much lately! Yeah, that's my excuse! lol
    5. A teeny butterfly on my shoulder-though I'm too old for that!
    6. my Bible, my pets, computer
    7. I like my coffee black in the morning and strong!

  26. 1. Be symmetrical
    2. Putting off today what I can do tomorrow.
    3. My planner
    4. Month ago.
    5. Oak Leaf, rt. shoulder blade
    6. Morning coffee, white noise @ night, magazines
    7. Coffee black w/French Vanilla Cream.

  27. 1- retire
    2-leaving tags off new cloths on the sink, drives her nuts.
    4-2 months ago
    5- flaming arrow on my neck
    6-my wife-coffee-sports center

  28. Congratulations Karen. That's great news.

    1 – skydive, why jump out of a perfectly good airplane?
    2 – hurrying
    3 – handbag
    4 – what?!? people actually do that?
    5 – butterfly on my back
    6 – computer, good nights sleep, cookbooks
    7 – black and strong

    Sam – this is just between the two of us, right?

  29. Don't enter me in your draw, I just want to answer the questions.

    1. I'm pretty certain that I will absolutely NEVER … move away from this house.

    2. I have a bad habit of … talking to myself and swearing

    3. I never leave the house without my … camera.

    4. The last time I thoroughly cleaned out my refrigerator was … never. The Husband takes care of that.

    5. If I had a tattoo … I would love to do something like a girl I saw years ago. She had vines and flowers tattooed into a wonderful full sleeve.

    6. Three things I can't live without … Coffee, Cats, and a creative outlet.

    7. I like my coffee … without delay.

  30. 1. be a model
    2. worrying
    3. money
    4. a month ago, yuk!
    5. a rose, at least that's what I wanted when I was twentysomething but never had the nerve to do it!
    6. coffee, those mugs are perfect, dogs and blogging!
    7. as soon as my feet hit the floor in the morning!

  31. 1. rock climb
    2. procrastinating. sweets (yummmm…chocolate)
    3. glasses
    4. probably a couple of months ago–can't remember tho I do spot clean!
    5. purple flower on my right shoulder symbolizing my personal journey with pancan–not yet but thinking about it!
    6. my animal…horses, dog, cats
    7. cream, no sugar!!

  32. 1. I'm pretty certain that I will absolutely NEVER be thin again.

    2. I have a bad habit of daydreaming.

    3. I never leave the house without my keys. (snort)

    4. The last time I thoroughly cleaned out my refrigerator was about a year ago.

    5. I would never get a tattoo.

    6. Three things I can't live without….
    my camera

    (You're not allowed to mention your family members, that's a given.)

    7. I like my coffee with cream.

    Miss you, my friend.

  33. 1..not have any more children
    2..sometimes speaking before really thinking it through what I'm saying.
    3..credit card
    4.months ago.
    5.rose on my shoulder
    7.when I do drink coffee..I love it hot & with milk & sugar.

  34. This is so much FUN, Karen! And I can't wait to go back and read everyone's comments! lol
    1. Snow ski
    2.staring at this computer!
    4.last night
    5. small rose on my ankle (I've thought about it!)
    6.IPOD, Camera and journal
    7. with a little cream and less than a pack of Splenda
    HUGS!!! Diane

  35. Too Funny! Here's my list:
    1. I'm pretty certain that I will absolutely NEVER Sky Dive.

    2. I have a bad habit of biting my cheek.

    3. I never leave the house without my bra on!

    4. The last time I thoroughly cleaned out my refrigerator was post Irene, just like you…

    5. If I had a tattoo, and I'm not saying I do or would or will,
    I think I would put a barbed wire on my bicep.

    6. Three things I can't live without….

    7. I like my coffee, as my husband says, strong, black, and bitter. He just adds the phrase, "like I like my women".

    Cute idea, Karen!

  36. Don't enter me in the contest, but I wanted to answer these interesting questions! It's fun reading all the responses.

    1. I'm pretty certain that I will absolutely NEVER jump from an airplane.

    2. I have a bad habit of twisting my hair.

    3. I never leave the house without my Blackberry and Cherry Chapstick.

    4. The last time I thoroughly cleaned out my refrigerator was . . . This is embarrassing because I clean that thing nearly daily. Just a little.

    5. If I had a tattoo, and I'm not saying I do or would or will,
    I think I would put a___on my___. Well, I do already have a tattoo on my left foot, but I am thinking of getting a quarter moon with two little stars on my inner right forearm.

    6. Three things I can't live without . . . my dog and cat, my books, my computer.

    7. I like my coffee with heavy cream and stevia.

  37. Ok, I have to play this one!

    1. I'm pretty certain that I will absolutely NEVER raise tarantulas! (scared silly of the littlest spiders)
    3. I never leave the house without my sunglasses.
    4. The last time I thoroughly cleaned out my refrigerator was…hmmm…never? (I do it a shelf at a time…never all at once or I'd probably never do it!)
    5. If I had a tattoo, and I'm not saying I do or would or will,
    I think I would put a rose and thistle on my lower back.
    6. Three things I can't live without…. my camera, my computer, books.
    7. I like my coffee with milk.

  38. First, I am in LOVE with your blog! So glad to have found it this morning. Great photos! And to find it during a Give Away! Way fun!
    1. go bungee jumping
    2. spending too much time on Pinterest
    3. granola bar
    4. yesterday
    5. something on my ankle
    6. soy peanut butter banana smoothie in the morning, contacts, camera
    7. don't drink it, but would need sugar and cream!
    Thanks for the chance to win!
    And I'll definitely be back… ooxx`jodi

  39. 1. be stuck living in a high rise in the city
    2. procrastination when it comes to cleaning the house
    3. purse
    4. currently cleaning it out in preparation to move out of state
    5. a tattoo of Rosie the Riveter on my right shoulder in honor of my Grandmother Ruth who worked in a tank factory during WWII
    6. – my dog
    – my God
    – my looms
    7. with lots of real cream

    Love the fill ins – thanks for the fun.

  40. 1. Run for any kind of office
    2. Talking to myself
    3. Makeup
    4. 3 weeks ago
    5. Shamrock on my hip
    6. God, my wing back recliner, my dogs
    7. Half & half and sugar

  41. 1- skydive, bungee jump, or cliff dive

    2- leaving the doggie gate down… sigh… my poor chewed up shoes.

    3- spearmint gum

    4- umm, yeah, I can't think back that far πŸ™‚

    5- "choose joy" wrist… in honor of my Gitz, I just might…

    6- coffee
    – my puppy
    – my oncologist (ha!)

    7- why yes I do- with cream and stevia please!

  42. I'm a relatively new follower and love your blog!!
    I had trouble leaving a comment for your questionnaire.
    Can you except my answers like this:
    They would be:
    1: I'd never be President of the US
    2: Bad habit of cussing!
    3: I never leave my house without perfume and earrings!
    4: The last time I cleaned my fridge was over the weekend.
    5: tattoo I'd get a heart on my butt….but I'd really never get one!
    6: Can't live without perfume, earrings, and my dog!
    7: I take my coffee with cream or sugar and no cream, but not both and not neither!

  43. Karen,
    1. wear a size 7 ever again!
    2.biting the skin around my fingernails…not my nails, just the skin until I (UGH) bleed!
    3. glasses, car keys, cell phone.
    4. when I couldn't stand it anymore. I look at it as "HIS" refrigerator…then I'm not responsible.
    5. dragonfly on my shoulder.
    6.books, hot water, a nice bed.
    7. Cinnamon coffee with splenda and fat free plain creamer.

    fun! Love pumpkins spice!
    xo, Cheryl

  44. Just popped in after a LONG week! Glad to see that you have so many followers. You deserve them! Your photos are gorgeous! πŸ™‚

  45. Congrats on reaching 300 followers, and thanks for the giveaway!

    1. I'm pretty certain that I will absolutely NEVER like bats!

    2. I have a bad habit of procrastinating.

    3. I never leave the house without my cell phone.

    4. The last time I thoroughly cleaned out my refrigerator was 6 months ago?! Yikes, I do clean it out each time I grocery shop, but thoroughly is a whole other story!

    5. If I had a tattoo, and I'm not saying I do or would or will,
    I could never get a tattoo for the simple reason that I could never decide what to get or where to put one, but I do think some of them are cool!

    6. Three things I can't live without….
    My camera
    The ability to travel
    and compassion

    7. I like my coffee in someone else's cup…I'm a tea drinker! πŸ˜‰

    Kat πŸ™‚

  46. 1. I'm pretty certain that I will absolutely NEVER participate in a polar plunge.

    2. I have a bad habit of biting my lip.

    3. I never leave the house without my iPhone!!!

    4. The last time I thoroughly cleaned out my refrigerator was in August.

    5. If I had a tattoo, and I'm not saying I do or would or will,
    I think I would put "Michaelβ™₯" on the outside of my foot.

    6. Three things I can't live without….
    Love, delicious FOOD and a good book on deck.

    7. I like my coffee in my favorite mug.

  47. 1. Go to the moon.
    2. Not agreeing with every one in my family.
    3. Tote bag and book.
    4. A week ago.
    5. Heart, shoulder.
    6. Bible, books and coffee
    7 With cream and sugar.

  48. I apologize for not visiting my favorite blogs lately, and i promise to do some catching-up with everyone in the next few days. We are experiencing cooler weather starting today (Thursday) and as for myself I'm looking forward to falls return to the Lancaster Pennsylvania area. And are the color of the leaves changing your your way folks as they are mine. Hope everyone has a great weekend and enjoy the beautiful fall season that has now begun. Richard from Amish Stories.

Comments are closed.