
My Uncle.. who has served as my other father in my younger life,
turned 70 this week!
Some of the family came together yesterday to wish him well.
Birthday boy in the middle…
This guy has kicked Cancer and Parkinsons to the curb.  Tenacity is his middle name.
Nowadays you’ll find him on the golfcourse
or volunteering for SCORE living life.
His better half in the middle, with an old true friend on the left…
These two are the reason my first horse and I landed in Connecticut,
 and I will always be greatful for that very large door that they opened.
Connecticut cousins…
Feet are not on fire.. there is a fire PIT a few feet away.
Some of us….
and more of us….
My sister and brother-in-law
We’re twins, I know, we hear that all the time!!  🙂
My dear cousin, who is the closest I’ll ever have to a brother,
and a better brother you could not ask for.
He is the calm in the storm,
the level on the beam.
If he ever has a blow up, you just kinda have to laugh,
because it just ain’t him.  
my mother and my horse mother.
 Cousin J below on the left,  my almost – brother’s wife.
She would make a wicked bar tender…
although the bar OWNER might go broke.  🙂
Family… it’s all good.

14 thoughts on “70!”

  1. Such a wonderful birthday for your uncle. I'm sure being with family was the greatest gift of all.

    So, no pics after a couple more cokes & rum 🙂

  2. Happy Birthday, Uncle!

    Karen, your boy is HUGE and manly looking and very handsome! Wow!!! *slaps own mouth for saying that out loud*

    Great family photos, beautiful family!

  3. You two are so cute. You have the most beautiful smile.
    that's your sister???? a blonde??? and she looks like a real blonde.

  4. Just smiling as I read this one. Beautiful family, and seriously, 70?
    I can just see the love in that family through the photos, seems to be a lot of smiling and laughter going on. Great for you and your family.

  5. Great family photo's Karen…..I would have NEVER guessed that your sister is YOUR twin!!!!…not just the hair (that can always be changed),but the whole package…..I can see sisters,but twin?
    I believe you because you said it,but…..

  6. Karen, you should put up side by side pictures of you and your twin and see if anyone could guess that. Do you have any pictures of when you two were younger that show you looking like each other?….just wondering?

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