73 degrees

 That’s what the thermometer read yesterday.
We spent a good part of the day working outside and it felt . so . good.
My side door rock garden with Newport and Hammonasset  real estate.
I need more rocks – a near future trip to Newport is in order.
I planted three kinds of phlox in the border and there are
purple cone flower and daisies coming up, but most of  the Lavender didn’t make it
through that bitter winter.  I’ll have to find something to replace it.

New kind of phlox I haven’t seen before… not sure of the name, I found it at the grocery store.

A dozen fruit trees have been planted behind the garage/barn next to the coop.  This is a Red Haven Peach.

  The chicken sh*t has done a glorious job.. the grass is incredibly green after less than a week! 
The aroma has died down, but it’s still present when the wind blows a certain way. 

Ben couldn’t  care less.

 The Geese were moving yesterday…

After a few hours work and before the family Easter gathering,
 I turned my face to the sun and silently gave thanks for all that is good.
I hope you were able to do the same  –

21 thoughts on “73 degrees”

  1. It was 92 here yesterday. Unreal! Thank goodness the humidity isn't high yet. That is when it gets too uncomfortable to enjoy going outside. Your chicken coop looks so good. How nice to have a garden. I think we will just plant tomatoes again and it is probably time to get going on that.

  2. Awesome post, Karen.

    Love what you are doing in your garden.

    The forsythia wreath is just lovely.

    And Ben is a sweetie.

  3. We woke to snow yesterday. It didn't last long – rain on top of snow magically melts the snow – but it definitely set the mood for a quiet indoor day.

  4. Okay I am jealous, you out there sun bathing!We've had nothing but rain, rain, and more rain. It fact that is all we are to get today and Tuesday and Wednesday. We are pretty sure we are going to bale the front and back yard.

  5. Your posts often make me feel like getting outside in the yard and doing some work:) Yesterday's pics of the chicks were adorable!

    According to my indoor/outdoor thermometer it reached 78.9 degrees here in RI yesterday…a record breaker for sure!!

  6. 73? Very nice!! It was in the 50's here and we might get snow tomorrow. Ugh! I love that your perennials are coming up and the tree looks so pretty in bloom. My dog would be in heaven to smell the chicken sh*t! haha!

    Have a great week!

  7. There's beauty in every single one of those pics Karen! We are having rain everyday and it's getting old…hunted Easter eggs yesterday inside, no the first time we've had to do that. At least the lake will be nice and full for summer!

  8. Gosh, you're a beauty 🙂 And I love your chicken coop (that is your chicken coop isn't it?). Have the little chicks moved in yet? I've missed a lot of posts, being busy in our own garden, so I may be asking for an answer you have already given.
    Sorry if that is the case 😉
    The weather over here is absolutely mid-Summery. It's about 10 degrees Celsius above the average. We like!

  9. Already getting hot here, but it's the humidity that kicks my butt! Plus, it's never a good hair day. Glad you were able to take advantage of the beautiful outdoors.

  10. We were only in the fifties yesterday, but for once the wind wasn't blowing, so it felt glorious! I took a quick moment to do exactly what you did…except I didn't have a comfy chair:)….and just let the sun hit my face. Nothing better than that first warm sunshine of the year. Soak. It. Up!

  11. That little bunny is sure a keeper. Glad you have sunshine up your way… doesn't it just feel awesome!


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