22 thoughts on “7.4.2012”

  1. Family, food, fireworks. What could be better? Love the photo's, especially the cousins; they play such an important role in our lives.

    I'm happy to see such joy! 🙂

  2. Loved the cousin line-up, they will soon be grown you know! And the great thing about family is that we just keep the traditions going… more sparklers, more cupcakes, more barbeques!

  3. Looks like you had a spectacular 4th.
    Love the pictures, especially the cousins on the wall.

  4. Lools like you had a great time. Nothings better than family and friends older i get the more i relize it.

  5. Looks like you had the classic 4th of July celebration. What fun! Those jello goodies (were they for adults only?) and cupcakes look so delicious.

  6. Looks like an all American day at your home for July 4, and that top image reminds me of mini watermelons. But I'm not quite sure what that is, but they look good! Richard

  7. Looks like a fun time was had by all. Great group photos too. Here in Mid Missouri, fireworks were banned except for the one large celebration on the river. We are a tinder box here!

  8. Looks like you had a great old fashioned celebration. I miss those days. I didn't hear any fireworks last night. Most people obeyed the ban due to wildfire outbreaks!

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