…and then there was Frasier


very time I head out the door for a Dog Days Event I’m reminded not to bring anything home.  My family knows how hard that is for me…. all these dogs with hard luck stories, rescued and looking for homes.  So far I’ve volunteered at three events… and although tempted 100 times, falling in love atleast five or six times.. at the end of the weekend the dogs were all adopted by good people and I could go home empty handed and feeling good about it.   Husband, I’m sure, breathed a sigh of relief.

 Last weekend, an older gentleman, a little scruffy looking… came in and wanted to adopt a dog as a companion. His neighbor, a well dressed older woman, came in to vouch for him as a good dog owner. On paperwork he filled out, he looked good.   Dog Days requires references before they will adopt a dog out, and most of the time there are also home visits when possible.   He chose Frasier….and off they went.   Frasier was in his company for 25 minutes, when he turned him loose and the dog ran away.  The woman who vouched for him came back to the event and told us the dog ran away, and if anyone finds him they don’t really want him anyway….so could he please have his money back.    Unbelievable. 

 For two days volunteers put up flyers and searched the area where the dog had been lost… just a few miles from the event. There were a few sightings…and on the second day I returned to the area to give it one more look… and flagged a cop down that I saw on the road. I asked him if he had seen the dog over the weekend and he said.. “I just came from a house where construction workers have him trapped!”


I went to the address and there was Frasier, scared, cold… and so happy to see a friendly face that he leaped into my arms as the construction guys let him out.

 I called the husband, crying, and said…. I FOUND THE MISSING DOG!!! HE’S IN MY CAR!!!! and then I proceeded to tell the rest or the Dog Days crew that had been looking for him.  I think we all cried.  He came home with me, as his rescue crew was already on their way back to Georgia.   The idea was just to “FOSTER”… but if you’ve ever done this sort of thing, you’ll know that when the dog just fits right in… …. enough said.  

 And this time?  It’s me who has the husband of the year.

Just weeks ago Frasier, a retriever poodle mix,
 was on death row in a high kill shelter in Georgia. 
His coat was  matted beyond salvage.
He was saved at the last minute by a Rescue group who saw beyond the matted dirty mess.
He is house trained, adoring of people and animals…
and so grateful to be loved, you can see it in his face.
He is weary of men. When approached he first hunches down, but once petted, 
he realizes he’s not gonna be hit, and he wags his tail and leaps up for more petting. 
My husband and son have been reassuring him that most men are good.  
Just the sweetest guy.  I can’t imagine the kind of person who could abuse this dog.  

Welcome home, Frasier.

42 thoughts on “…and then there was Frasier”

  1. You made me cry.

    Oh my God, Karen. He is beautiful. He is the reason that you refused the temptation 100 times! Look at that contentment in his face. Oh, what joy ~

  2. It just breaks my heart to see the suffering that these precious animals go through…glad Frasier had a happy ending!

    I am a lover of cats and all that we have "Found" us…Shadow, our inside kitty has been with us for almost 12 years old. Our barn kitty showed up 4 years ago on the 4th of July. Earlier in the day I had mentioned to my hubby that it would be nice of have a barn kitty…that evening Cali showed up out of nowhere…she is such a sweet girl. Later we found out that she was expecting and had 4 little precious bundles. We ended up keeping them all. We had them spayed and neutered . Sadly two of our kitties disappeared not long after that. There are several strays that wander to our outside feed bowls, but we always welcome them here…everyone needs a little LOVE.

  3. Oh, that gave me a good chuckle…the very reason I don't foster, I could never give them up.
    The third pic from the bottom, his expression looks like he planned the whole thing, priceless.
    Congratulations on your new addition.

  4. Oh, that gave me a good chuckle…the very reason I don't foster, I could never give them up.
    The third pic from the bottom, his expression looks like he planned the whole thing, priceless.
    Congratulations on your new addition.

  5. You made me cry too – But happy tears that he has finally found someone who will love and cherish him. What a gorgeous boy Frasier is. Hugs – Fee X

  6. Awwww. He is cute. I can't believe that guy!!!!! I hope he never sweet talks his way into adopting an animal again.

    Congratulations, Frazier, on your new forever home 🙂

  7. It is too early to be crying this hard, but apparently I needed the release this triggered. I love love love the picture of the two of you sitting together. What a beautiful story, what a lucky dog, what a wonderful husband. I would be so lost right now without my dogs by my side.

  8. What a wonderful Easter story. He was lost but found…blessings to all involved who made Frasier's dream come true!

  9. This made me cry and fall in love with you and your family all over again. :-))

  10. I can just imagine how you felt when he ran to you at the construction site. He looks like such a sweet dog with such a fun personality.
    One of the other wonderful things about this story is that a rescue group from GEORGIA brought a dog all the way to Connecticut!! People can be so awesome.
    Welcome home, Frasier.

  11. Ah! Hooray! An early Easter gift for you and Fraiser. He looks just as sweet as can be! We just adopted a hound too—he came yesterday! He's an irish wolfie crossed with something…!? and is such a good boy!

  12. You made me cry… I am so glad you found him again! He is a beautiful dog and you deserve each other! Thank you for being there for him.
    ~ Lynda

  13. Good for you and good for Frasier! Two of my three dogs started as fosters. That label lasted a very short time and we could not be more pleased.

  14. Karen! Could he be more adorable? You look so cute with him!

    That is the best story I've heard all week. Maybe all month. Hell, all year.

    Frasier! So adorable.

  15. What a beautiful story.
    How could anyone not love that face.
    Shame on that man (I wouldn't even call him a gentleman..lol). What a cruel and horrid thing to do…and shame on his neighbor too.

    Happy Easter to you and your family and your newest member.

  16. Heartwarming!!! I just love happy endings! This connection was SO meant to be! Frasier looks like the sweetest dog, can't wait to meet him!

  17. I'm so glad he was found and okay… and I know he's in good hands now. Several pairs of good hands, with paws and hooves included. Frasier has some beautiful, soul-searching eyes and he knows he's found some kinds souls with your family!

  18. God bless you. I have four and my heart goes out to these dogs that are looked at as "disposable". He was meant to be with you and your family, that is why this happened!

  19. oh karen…this just brought me to tears !!!

    frasier is the luckiest dog ever…..and the smartest.
    he knew what he was doing running away and somehow, he knew he was meant to be with you and your husband of the year !!!

  20. That is one lucky dog!!! He is gorgeous and looks right at home. I swear that I can see how people could hit a child, but I don't understand hurting an animal! I don't mean that to sound as bad as it does, but as a mom… I think we have all been there! Lucky Frasier!!

  21. That is one lucky dog!!! He is gorgeous and looks right at home. I swear that I can see how people could hit a child, but I don't understand hurting an animal! I don't mean that to sound as bad as it does, but as a mom… I think we have all been there! Lucky Frasier!!

  22. I just fell in love with your family all over again too!!! This is THE most heartwarming story Karen!!! I think it was MEANT to be. What on earth was the matter with those people????? Frasier is positively ADORABLE and I wouldn't be able to let him go either. He is just beautiful. I do believe that they have a sense that they have been rescued. He will be so happy there in your beautiful home. Happy Easter to you and your family Karen…from the bottom of my heart…thank you for all you personally do for Rescue!! (better thank your husband too I guess!!)

  23. He is a sweet and lovely and cuddly boy, and you are right you DO have the husband of the year.
    Tell him, for me, that he brought me to tears this morning…..joyful ones.

  24. Meant to be! I am so happy for Frasier and YOU! It breaks my heart to hear these stories of abused animals, I cannot and do not understand how people can be so cruel! He is one lucky dog! 🙂 donna

  25. Bless his heart! He is adorable! What a heart rending story! And to think all that he's been through! Why in the world would someone adopt the dog and then let him get away? Sounds fishy to me!
    So glad he's found his loving forever home. Sounds like you received the perfect Easter gift! Lucky for both you and Frasier!

  26. This post makes me so happy on so many levels. Thank you for adopting Fraser and loving him. He is so darling, he reminds me of my Dexter who just passed away a month ago. It's that face. I'm so happy for you both that you found each other. Happy Easter.

  27. See what happens when I'm busy working too much, I miss wonderful posts like this one! I'm so happy for both of you…Frasier has finally found his forever home!

    Happy Easter!


  28. Hi Karen,

    It's been a while since I've visited and I'm getting caught up on your life. This post warmed my heart!! Everything happens for a reason, and Frasier's life has made a major turn. Thanks for being such a wonderful person!

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