This is what it’s all about :-)

Every time a dog is adopted, the bell rings and everyone claps.
The dogs orange bandana is swapped for a rainbow one.
Tears of joy, always.
This weekend, there were more than 70 dogs saved,
more than 70 homes found, families complete.

Please consider adopting a shelter dog
before you buy from a pet store (inhumane puppy mill)
or breeder. (not that there’s anything wrong with that).

23 thoughts on “This is what it’s all about :-)”

  1. What a SWEET video… I've got tears! Wally is absolutely adorable and his owners looked thrilled to have him! His new owner is actually rocking Wally in his arms, like what I did with all my babies!! LOVE XX

  2. Looks like Wally got the best family! It's a win win for the dogs and the people. :-))

  3. This was so sweet.
    Do they ring the bell every time a dog gets adopted??

    Yes, why go to a pet store, or a breeder.
    I will never understand that.

  4. thanks for the monday morning tears….what a way to start my day.

    and was this local ? did i see you in the video or just someone who looks like you 🙂

  5. When a bell rings, an angel gets a home. What a wonderful event!

    Ruby, our new shelter dog, is snoozing on the couch here with me. If she were awake, she would concur that shelter dogs are the BEST … way to go, Karen!

  6. Oh I'm glad it went so good! ! You should feel very proud of your self. Hope your having a great monday

  7. I just watched it again. Thank you.

    I love how eager the girl was to ring that bell. You've made my day.


  8. You know how I feel about this subject. All of my pets have and will be shelter animals.

    Smooches and more smooches to you for your awesome efforts!

  9. I agree, my tears are flowing too! I loved watching him rock the dog. It's obvious that they are already madly in love with each other. They are both truly blessed to have each other.

  10. Hi Karen,

    Wally looks just like my first dog, Cleo! I was 6 when she came into my life and we quickly became best friends. I still think of her often and miss her too. Dogs take up residence in our hearts for life, I think.

    I'm so happy for Wally and all the wonderful babies you save.


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