Girlz & Boyz

For those of you who have ever traveled in horsey circles
or have been horse crazy yourself…
You may have heard this before..
How to keep girls from getting in to trouble with boys?
… let them ride horses!
Well I’m here to tell you today..
that’s just crap. 
However the following saying is absolutely true…
and I am so glad my daughter and my sister’s daughter
have the love for and the ability to really know a horse.
“There’s nothing so good for the inside of a woman
as the outside of a horse”. 
It’s been said several different ways and credit has been given to
several different famous figures over the years…
but whatever the origin, it’s just the plain truth. 

12 thoughts on “Girlz & Boyz”

  1. Amen- I was crazy for horses as a kid-and had my own as a young married woman but lost Ginger when I got divorced-shoulda married the horse instead of the man! xo Diana

  2. I had a horse…….growing up, and then again as an adult….two of my daughters took riding lessons, and now my granddaughters do…..yes, it is so good for a girl.

  3. No horses here, but I believe that keeping young girls interested in outdoor activities or sports or horses, well… they all keep a girl's mind healthy and full of thoughts other than boys. And THAT'S a good thing.

    Raining here today. Where did our sunshine go? LOL

  4. We helped take care of two horses for about a year, but I've never owned one of my own. It was a lot of work but so worth it. I'm with Diane…anything we can do to get our girls interested in positive things besides boys is a GREAT thing!!

  5. I never had a place for a horse, so I had kids… not that that doesn't keep you occupied and mess with your insides. The kids grew up and are still effecting my insides.

  6. Ahhhhh horses…always loved them and boys too growing up. Didn't get one until I was in my 40s! Now I don't know what I would do without them!!! Beautiful pictures!

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