Every now and then…

 …..I talk him into taking a half hour away from work…
(in the middle of the DAY??? … )
turning off the cell phone..
(…not turning it off!  but not answering either. )
good enough…
and taking some time to just breathe it all in.
What are we here for…
why are we working so hard….
if we can’t give ourselves permission for that.
68 degrees today, sunny all day long…

I’ll take it 🙂

23 thoughts on “Every now and then…”

  1. I'm so with you on this!!! I'm glad you talked him into it!!! We all need that now if I can learn how to do it:) have a great day

  2. My husband works at least 60 hours a week and NEVER takes time to play. I suggested some time away, perhaps Key West… nope, he's too busy.. bleh.

  3. Yeah, why are we working so hard? I couldn't agree more that we need to give ourselves permission for special days like that…

    and special that one was indeed! Love that big pooch hound…and the ocean so blue. I bet it was just good to be together. It's these days that make up our lives and will be what we remember.

  4. That is one big dog. whew! Anyway, nothing like walking on the beach to clear the cobwebs and let us look around at the beauty that surrounds us! Lucky you and hubby!

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