Still shocking after all these years

      I’ve always been fascinated by the Kennedy Clan and my biggest celebrity crush was John F. Kennedy Jr. –  Growing up just across the water from his beloved Manhattan, we got frequent footage of his whereabouts.  Love them or hate them, no one can deny the Kennedy’s  are an extraordinary family who in recent history have held incredible power, ambition, and wealth.  They also knew crushing loss.. time and time again.
I was horrified when the events of John, Carolyn and her sister Lorin’s death were broadcast – how could this possibly be?  We were scheduled to vacation on Martha’s Vineyard two weeks after they were discovered submerged just off the coast of the island…when we arrived there were memorials  erected everywhere along the beaches and rustic seaside roads John had walked, biked and kayaked hundreds of times.  It didn’t seem real, that someone who appeared larger than life…was taken in such an unnecessary and avoidable way.
 Why am I bringing this up now?  Over the years I’ve devoured most of the books on the Kennedy’s, and in particular those that involved Jackie and her family, especially John. Christina Haag, a woman he grew up with in the Big Apple and came to love.. has written a book about their five year relationship.  At first I wouldn’t even pick it up at the store, because I was annoyed that a former flame would exploit yet another dead celebrity for money.  I didn’t want to read sordid crap, things that were really no ones business, by a jilted ex lover.   I couldn’t have been more wrong about this one.  Ms. Haag has written a touching and honest story of their love for each other in a time of unrest for both of them… John was trying to figure out who he was going to be – juggling his family’s political history and aspirations with his own desires in the world of theatre, which sadly were never realized. His magazine GEORGE seemed to be a compromise between the two… I had hoped it would take off for him.   We all know  this was a genuine struggle.  Ms. Haag was an aspiring theatre actress who loved her craft.. and loved him dearly too.  They tried to meld their worlds together, and one gets the sense of a real and  genuine love between them.   I’m no critic, but in my opinion Ms. Haag is a talented writer… as a reader you can feel the anguish, the love, the struggle to maintain a relationship with a persona of this magnitude.  It’s also clear that to love John Kennedy, Jr..  you had to give quite a bit of yourself over to his way of life.
  We also learn what it was like to grow up in NYC among the wealthy in private school settings. Google Sacred Heart of the Convent.. ..I love the history of some of the old buildings in the city. This is one I wasn’t familiar with until reading the book.   We also learn his first trip to Cumberland Island in Georgia, and the very church he was married in… was with Christina.  What an incredible place… I want to make that our next vacation. Google that too ~
   There is no disrespect to the Kennedy family in this book, with some insight into Mrs. Onassis and her love for her son, family, life itself…. her kindness toward others.. a picture we don’t always get to see.  If you’re a Kennedy fan, as I have been (especially John Jr.)… this is an honest, enjoyable and insightful read.  And still… so sad, because we know how it ends.

21 thoughts on “Still shocking after all these years”

  1. I'll want to check this out based on your review.

    I've had a fascination with all things Kennedy as well. I'm older than you and my fixation was mostly with Jacqueline. Her mothering, her ability to seemingly raise children out of the spotlight, and all things with their family.

    John Jr. was so beautiful!

    I bought every issue of George back then. I enjoyed the magazine very much.

  2. A very sad life to a family who has given so much to help other peoples lives better. Were they perfect the answer would be "no", but they were very well meaning. And this comes from a republican like me saying this! Richard

  3. A very sad life to a family who has given so much to help other peoples lives better. Were they perfect the answer would be "no", but they were very well meaning. And this comes from a republican like me saying this! Richard

  4. Oh I can't wait to read… he was so charismatic and I too loved following his journey. It would be doubly interesting to stomp the grounds of all his familiar haunts. My connection to him? He died, on my birthday… July 16th…one I will of course never forget- I know where I was and exactly what I was doing when the news broke…

  5. So much sadness and tragedy in that family, it's hard to comprehend. But when he and his beautiful wife died, it was almost unimaginable. Beautiful post today, Miss Karen:-)

  6. I look forward to reading the book, Karen. I've always loved the Kennedy's flaws and all. We all have them, just not publicized which surely made life for them uncomfortable. John Jr was indeed a very handsome and likeable fellow.

  7. I'm a fan, too and John (Jackie) and I share a common (long ago) grandparents. The genes sure got watered down by the time they got to me!

  8. Karen- This family has always fascinated me. When we lived in Palm Beach Gardens my neighbor and friend worked for the Kennedy family at their compound. There is so much that the public doesn't really know about the family. I have not read this latest book because I, too,thought it might be a betrayal of the family. I am so glad it isn't and now I will probably read it! xo Diana

  9. Oh how I loved John. We were in Block Island when they found the bodies. I was glued to Good Morning America and I wept my eyes out for days. Will definitely read this. What Remains by Caroline Radziwill was really good too. Not entirely about John but still lots of insight. Thanks for the heads up.

  10. Living in Massachusetts my whole life, I too have an affinity for the Kennedys. My brother was married in the same church as Caroline Kennedy.
    We had just gotten home from our vacation at the Cape and remember watching the TV coverage of John Jrs. missing plane most of Saturday.

  11. I'm sold. I'm no different than many, always had a respect and a fascination with that clan.( I have a small rock from one of the rock walls at Hammersmith Farms) and it sits proudly on my rock wall at home. I swear I don't know how it got in my bag. Anyway, copying this post to my daughter, a huge fan. Great writing Karen.

  12. Growing up in LA even though it is strongly Catholic and was always democratic, the love for the Kennedy's wasn't part of my experience.. Maybe they were considered Yankees? 🙂
    But too bad for me as they have been a fascinating force for good ( for the most part). Sounds like a good read!

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