
  Bobby Brown  leaves the funeral of his ex wife and mother of his child because his “entourage” of nine is asked to move to seating not reserved for family.  Instead of complying and showing some level of respect for his dead ex, who it is said he introduced to the world of drugs and in fact the family still harbors resentment for his early starring role in her drug habit….. instead… he leaves the funeral ..and his daughter.. behind. Ofcourse, the media grabbed on to that little nugget right after the services and ran with it.

   Bobby, this time, pal… you shoulda sucked it up.  At the very least, your “entourage” should have insisted you stay and waited politely for  you back at the ranch.     Just sayin.


23 thoughts on “…Really?”

  1. Who the 'EF' takes an entourage to a funeral anyway? He's an idiot and his daughter is better without him in her life to be honest.

  2. I just read this on Yahoo News. Apparently, the entourage consisted of his 5 kids from previous relationships…step family to daughter Bobbi Kristina. I don't know if that makes them family or not, but I do agree he should have sucked it up. I have the feeling more drama is going to be played out in the weeks to come.


  3. He needs a reality check; he's nothing more than a wannabe. If I was a member of the family, I would have given him the boot long ago. Ego and an entourage at a funeral… pleasssse.

  4. who needs an entourage (sp?) at a funeral anyway….he shouldn't flatter himself to the point of needing an entourage AT ALL!


  5. While I agree she was a talent lost, and her dirt bag of an then husband got her started on that road..she was free of him for a long time..it was her that ruined her life…the first time she said yes, and the first time she went off the wagon after rehab..(how many times?)
    Sorry if that sounds cold, but I have known people on drugs…and she had several chances..and a family that backed her recovery.

    Dirt bag he is, and can't explain his behavior at the funeral (which I did not watch) but I won't judge…everyone lives their own lives, and grieves their own way..unfortunately sometimes we grieve in a way that excludes caring for others with respect..

    At one time, she was a great talent, lost a long long time ago by her own hand. I frankly do not understand why she is being given this kind of treatment (by the press mostly, because her family wanted it private, although they had to agree to the press being there) When many many others, who gave much much more then entertainment, are not in this way..including soldiers returning for wars..
    It is sad when any life is lost…

  6. Ok… I have to sort of agree with Janie here. She made the choices for her life. He may have introduced her to a way of life, but she accepted it. She has had so many opportunities to be sober and has chosen not to. She had help above and beyond what so many people have and chose not to use those who wanted to help her. Addiction is such a sad sad thing. My mother was an alcoholic and I still have a hard time understanding, but sadly, they battle their own demons.

    I read that he Whitney's family asked him to leave and they wouldn't let him see his daughter. He is a schmuck for actually leaving, but who knows what the "real" story is.

  7. Wow Karen, stirred up the old nest with this post didn't you. Bobby wouldn't be feeling the love if he read the comments today. Lot's of references to various "bags".

    I missed this whole Bobby leaving thing today.

  8. Bobby Brown hasn't been known for his class that's for sure!

    PS: I want to tell you how beautiful your blog is. I love the background and header.

  9. First off… love the header….

    Second… hear hear! I ranted about the whole Whitney thing today too…. I can appreciate the voice was phenomenol but to rate a whole channel covereage all week???? Puleaaaseeeee

  10. What a sad, sorry excuse for a human being. I haven't watched or read much of the hoopla, but you'd have to be on the moon these days to not hear something about it all.

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