They laughed!

..the husband… the kids..
maybe even the dogs…
…at my CVS $10. reading glasses.
They’re calling me grandma.
He cracks me up, in particular…
because it will catch up with him soon too…
They USED to call me eagle eye, just so ya know.
I was always the first one to be able to read the road signs
way off in the distance. The husband always challenging me,
trying to beat me to it.  Never did.
Yes, we’re that kind of mature 🙂
As the eye dr. said to me after an eye exam where
I proudly read off the words at the very bottom of the chart,
not meant for distant reading…
“Well, for now, that’s incredible vision. But you’ll be back.
It catches up with all of us eventually!”
Just hush.
 So I caught him….
stretching those arms away from his face to read a menu, yes I did.
 and I said..
” How’s that working for you “? …

35 thoughts on “They laughed!”

  1. Ha ha! I'm still a hold out, but I did go and have an exam. And they said, would you prefer to just get bifocals now, or start with reading glasses and ease into them later? What?? One of these days I will have to actually decide 🙂

  2. LOL, he's doing an arm workout, that's all. lol I go the drug store route myself, and find I always loose them, so I bout half a dozen and have them situated at various locations around the house, near the kitchen, on the computer desk, next to the bed. I'm embracing my near sightedness.

  3. my hubby has had readers for a few years now…..and god forbid we forget them while we're out at dinner…as i end up reading the menu to him.

    just recently i have had to use the lowest strength ones myself…but only after 5pm and only on tiny print.

    otherwise, i still pride myself as having 20/20 at 47 !!

  4. Yep, very recognizable. I've given up and bought reading glasses too. But hubs keeps laughing. Even though he's been wearing bi-focals for 20 years at least. Why is it so funny that I need readers now? *sigh*

    And I have to say: you and I both look adorable in them 🙂

  5. What a guy! 🙂

    You do look cute! My vision has changed so much; when I was younger I always needed for near sightedness and never for reading. Now, after cataract surgery I'm farsighted and don't need glasses to drive or watch t.v. Oh, and the eye dr told me to use the drugstore cheaters; he said they would work as well as prescription. Ben always cheated at monopoly 'cause he didn't think I could see OVER the top of the granny readers. 🙂

  6. I have glasses on every table, in every room, not that I'm ever without mine on the end of my nose. My arms became too short, years ago! Thankfully, I still have my distant vision… so far.

  7. Love my cheaters!! I have them hanging on every lampshade in the house, along with hanging on handles of cupboard doors. It's fun to by funky styles. FYI, you can order sunglasses readers on line. Google sunglasses – bifocals. (Sorry for using the 'b' word!

  8. My husband has been wearing them since 2004. Radiation to his head made his eyes go south quicker. I just started last summer. Been wearing them all day at school.

  9. My kids give my husband such a hard time, they know better than to tease me that much. I tell them to "just wait 'till you get old, then we'll see who's laughing". I can't see far or close well, even with glasses. I'm hoping the bit of cataracts I have grow faster so I can have surgery and only need readers. Isn't that just sad!! ha

  10. Maybe he'll visit CVS sometime and get a $10 investment in reading glasses too. We're a pitiful bunch at restaurants with outstretched hands trying to figure out what the heck the blurr is all about.

  11. Ha!!!!! I have been having trouble in the last few months, but my eye doctor told me to hold out for as long as I could. I can't tell you how many times I read things under my glasses or put them on top of my head. My glasses are for distance! I have just noticed in the last month my husband having trouble. Hee hee hee… Ah, the joys of getting older!

  12. Wish I could wear those Karen, unfortunately, I have to wear them all the time…which costs a small fortune. My husband…same as yours!!

  13. Karen,
    I have them all over the house. However, mine have to be prescription. And sometimes I have to use a magnifying glass as well…..

    I can still read the road signs though.


  14. I'm nearsighted so I just take my glasses OFF when I want to see something close. Weird right?

    But the hubs has glasses everywhere. EVERYWHERE.

    One time in a romantic restaurant he had to take his menu over to a lamp so he could read it. The server scolded him. lol!

  15. It sure does…my husband just asked me why I was bathing with my glasses on! I told him I wanted to see what I was doing, but the truth is I didn't realize…oops!

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