Show me the Love….

 Have you begun spreading a little love around your house yet?
The 14th is just around the corner.
Doesn’t matter if no one else gets to see it, you know.
You matter too.

This strawberry cake was just because.
Just because I longed for it.

 The manchild found this old ball jar in a rock wall way out back…
Makes a perfect tealight holder

Candycorn… it’s not just for Halloween anymore.

 So here’s the part where I want YOU to show me the LOVE.
Take a picture, or use one you’ve taken before, or
that someone has taken of you, or one from the family archives…
that in your mind represents LOVE in some form or fashion. 
Use your creativity, this doesn’t have to be hearts and flowers.
This has to be a picture of your own, no pinterest finds, ok?
I would LOVE to see what you come up with.
On Valentines Day, my post will be your depictions of Love.
Love,  Karen

18 thoughts on “Show me the Love….”

  1. Everything looks so beautiful! You always amaze me. You will not be surprised at the picture I'm going to send you. 🙂

  2. Oh, Karen…I LOVE your post today. It is just sweet and lovely. Love those cookies and that pie- even though I don't eat them-my family would…and WAIT till my little Ria finds out they have candy corn for Valentine's Day…'s gonna be a sugar treat for the Florida trip! xo Diana

  3. Aww, soooo romantic.

    You know that every 'love' photo I have involves cats, dogs and horses? 😉 I'll see what I can do. LOVEly idea.

  4. It's good thing I caught this post. I totally forgot about it. Then again, I'm really NOT fond of this so called holiday.

    Romance to me is not a scheduled event. It comes from spontaneity and words not spoken. But that's just me.

  5. Hi Karen,
    New follower here! I love your idea of the photo post on V Day. Looking forward to it.
    Your strawberry cake looks incredible. I'm a cake eating girl, so I'm off to get the recipe. 🙂
    xo, Tina

  6. Oh my gosh, the cookies and the pie yummy! I agree, it doesn't matter if no one is coming over to visit, I'm decorating for Valentine's Day anyway. Just for me and Hubby.

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