Another Grand Old Dame

 This  1890 beach house here in Connecticut has been for sale for some time.  It’s not abandoned, but severely neglected and only occasionally visited by the owner. We heard it was on deposit when we first inquired last year, but it is for sale once again at a drastically reduced price. I wonder if Hurricane Irene has something to do with that.    She sits right on the water with a high seawall, no room for expansion, as the houses on either side are right up next to it.  Mike is going to look into whether it can be salvaged as is… a girl can dream, you know.

 We walked around the outside only, M wanting to determine if the house is sound before pestering the realtor. The pics are taken through glass, a bit rude, but there are similar pics online, so, hopefully no offense.
I love the old fireplace. We’d sandblast it to get the paint off and bring it back to  its original face.


 This New York Times, sitting on a table at the window is dated July 25, 1979.

 Not crazy about the very bulky, busy seawall…
if we ever had the chance, I would want to soften it somehow.


I bet you’ve fallen for her too 🙂 

36 thoughts on “Another Grand Old Dame”

  1. If there's a newspaper from 1979 on the table, I can only imagine what other treasures are inside! Curious to know what year she was born/built.

  2. I can see her all done up and a beauty! She is just gorgeous and I wish I were closer. THAT is a project I would love to take on. I have rehabbed 14 houses over the years and this one could be smashing. Where is it? What state? I am smitten-just like you! xo Diana

  3. Oh yeah!! I can see you there, working the magic, Karen. I hope there is some way y'all can get it; for you of course, but also for us to see it from start to finish. 🙂

  4. Love the house… the fireplace, AND that purple door knob! Jeez…. could you get it for me please… :-))

  5. Hi Karen,

    With your decorating eyes and Mike's rebuilding skills, this place could end up a fabulous family seaside resort. It looks like it might be in Clinton or Old Saybook? Am I correct, or not?


  6. What a cool old house. It would be fun to see the after pictures! Look at my blog after I get the current post finished, Maybe you will want my dream house, it's only for sale for about $988,000!!!!!!!

  7. Oh Karen it could be so gorgeous right on the water wow!!!!!! Good luck there's nothing like the breeze off the water!!!

  8. Be still my heart.

    The purple knob will be something I dream about tonight.

    I'm also googling to find out what a seawall is. I'm so ignorant sometimes, it hurts.

    The house is amazing! It makes me want to skulk around, hear about who lived there, what their life was like, etc. Do the people who own it now, was it a family home? Do many of these old homes stay in the family?

    I have about fourteen thousand questions…someday I would dream to visit your part of the world. I would just looove to hit the east coast of Canada too, sometime. I can dream, I can dream…

  9. Yes. Fallen for her big time! Your photos are gorgeous too. You have such a good eye for detail and atmosphere. That newspaper… Oh and the purple glass knob… Very nice. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you (and her) 😉

  10. I am sure you know which pictures are my favorite! Those purple knobs!!! How cool is that fireplace?? I see what you mean about the seawall. One of our neighbors at the cottage redid theirs totally in the most beautiful stone work. I cannot even imagine how much they dumped into that place…but when it was done…it was stunningly awesome!!! Another neighbor did kind of a wooden / cedar type thing…I'll have to see if I can take a pic of it for you next time we head up to the cottage. This one might be yours Karen! Maybe?? Such promise that place holds! Location, location, location!! Fingers crossed for you!!

  11. yep, I have too. Too bad old houses like this are abandoned. any idea what happened. It looks like they just left for the day, not forever. Houses fall apart without TLC and I hope you get to give it to her.
    Love the purple handles. I have clear ones that are vintage and I love them too. Never even knew they made purple ones
    peace n abundance

  12. Hmm… as beautiful as it is; location is priceless. It likely would be cheaper to build a new home on the property. I might add, a new home that oozes charm and character to boot.

    Salvage the best and toss the rest.

  13. Those doorknobs are something else aren't they? I've gone in old houses before…it always seems so odd to see stuff everywhere. Like someone just got up and walked out and let it all. It sure is a beautiful setting! ♥

  14. It's on such a beautiful site. I love it. It would be so marvelous to bring her back to health. That would be something to see.

  15. Don't waste your money on it Love. Especially since Hurricane Irene visits regularly… you just never know your luck.

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