I’m dreaming….

… of a white Christmas.  But so far, it ain’t happen’n.  

 Now that College girl has graduated, what do I call her here for you… grown up girl?  Sounds silly.  Hmmm…   anyway… Daughter is out for a walk with Ben this morning (HIGH PRAISE to the manufacturer of the Easy walker harness.  It’s a miracle item for those of us who have dogs who pull when you walk them.)     Back to the weather … It’s downright balmy out.  Weird weather for Christmas time.  How do you people do it in Florida??… it just isn’t the SAME,  I tell ya! ….

Today, the manchild will clear out the old ashes and restock the fireplaces for
the company we’ll have on Christmas day…
 but I fear it will be too warm outside to have the fires all aglow.  
I’m continuing the holiday baking with Oreo Cheesecake Cupcakes…
Why I torture myself so, it’s beyond me.
I lost 20 lbs. this year, and that’s a wonderful thing.
This holiday baking could throw it all to hell, ya know.
*sigh*, what I do for my family.

Mike loved George’s picture, and I love the topiaries I found to help the mantle balance out.
We’re also amazed at how the filtering light through the woods in this print
is visible even in the dark.  Now that’s some talented painter.
And this is just a copy!  I hope to see the original some day.

I am LOVING all your entries for my Christmas Day post.  If you haven’t done so yet
and you’d like to join us, send me a photo that represents the season  in some way to you…
Write a caption for the pic, and send me your blog link as well.

18 thoughts on “I’m dreaming….”

  1. Love the photo's. GUgirl looks very happy! 🙂

    Okay, now have you ever had Christmas in FL? hmmmmmm

    In l989, it snowed, it sleeted, it iced over the bridges. My next door neighbor at the time, Dottie Doolittle, told me the night before she was going to church come heck or high water. When we woke up on Christmas Eve morning, no one, not one single person was able to drive! I had run out of something, and walked to the store; I was the ONLY person walkin' that day! So, if I hear it's gonna do that again, I'll send you a plane ticket. 🙂

  2. We don't have snow here but we are having heavy fog or heavy frost every morning. Tonight is supposed to get down to 20 which is very cold for us. I'm a fair weather gal so this California weather works for me:-)

    What are your daughter's plans now that she's graduated?

    I don't have family here for the holidays so I refuse to do the baking since there are only 2 of us to do the eating. Dangerous!

  3. Great pics as usual Karen! Its mild here too 69 today way to warm for Christmas. Christmas is great no matter hows the weather! !! But I agree with u colder the better. Last year we had our first white Christmas in 60 years. Grown up girl looks so happy and proud! !!!!!

  4. It's in the 50's here, but damp. Not really winter, not really autumn… it sure doesn't seem like Christmas though.

  5. You lost twenty pounds and I found them. Gotta work it off. Pointless starting until after the holidays. Balmy, rainy and severe weather possible here today and rain chances all weekend. No, it sure doesn't feel right.

  6. Very warm here, too! Supposed to be in the 50's for Christmas Day 🙁

    Do what we always did when we lived in south Florida! We would crank the air conditioning (set on 50 degrees-ha!) and have a fire in the fireplace! We did this every year-works like a charm 🙂
    Lovely day!
    xo, misha

  7. I have to say I am enjoying that the temps are above normal here, but you're right, Christmas ain't quite the same without the white stuff!!!

  8. It's been balmy here too. Colder in the house than it is outside! I'd like it to be chilly, please because it's not feeling like the holidays without it.

  9. We used a Haltie on our dog Winston – who pulled like crazy – and it made a huge difference.

    I'm trying to stay away from the goodies, but….


  10. She graduated??? Oh my! Now she is the Big Girl!! Ha! It was 80 here today which I love but I must say it just doesn't feel Christmas-ish! The hubs wore shorts! I was going to but hello…. it is winter… I am not shaving my legs yet!!! Hee hee hee!!!

  11. What a great picture. Ummm…those oreo thingys…yeah…don't even start cuz you know what will happen.

    I have to cook tomorrow, too! It looks like your Christmas is off to a wonderful start. I suppose I shouldn't tell you that it got cold and we had snow here last night. Not a bunch but enough that is it white. We usually have about a 2-3 foot base by now. xo Diana

  12. My goodness, it was pretty cool here, which can sometimes be unusual, compared to your weather. There have been many Christmases we've had the AC on. It's going to have to do a complete turnaround for you to have snow. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!

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