Curly Girl

 My girl dog, Bailey, sleeps on the bed with us at night.   I have a furry throw on MY side of the bed for those extra cold nights…  when Bailey lies on the throw she is almost undetectable. 

28 thoughts on “Curly Girl”

  1. Sometimes I wish my pups were still small enough to sleep on the bed with us…. they just got too big too fast. 🙁

  2. I've never had my dogs sleep on the bed with me (they never tried and I didn't push it) but my cats…yes, always. They are soooo warm and surprisingly heavy.
    I had a longer haired cat a few years ago that would perch on my shoulder (I sleep on my side) stretch out one leg so her paw was on some part of me and just barely touch me with ONE of her nails. Strange, I sure miss that cat (Gypsy)

  3. Ha!! You can barely make her out!! Our Murphy used to sleep with us and as her back got worse, we built a ramp for her to go up and down with. As she has gotten older, she has quit sleeping with us. It makes me sad. I miss my fur baby snuggled up. Bailey looks right at home and so comfy!

  4. My pups know that my husband won't let them stay in the bed, so they wait until he leaves for work (at 4:30 AM) and come running 100 mph to snuggle with me. It's the best way ever to cuddle up and go back to sleep! It's uncanny that they know the minute he leaves too, because they sleep downstairs in my daughters room and they have to make her wake up, and get up, to let them out so they can get to me. I guess it's more fun for some of us than for others.

  5. Bailey is super adorable. My little pups share our bed too, yet they tend to just snuggle up to me. I get a very small section of the bed!

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