Pine, Poinsettias & Pizza

   Acer Gardens in Deep River, CT has a wonderful selection of poinsettias and wreaths and holiday greenery. Their prices are decent too and the staff are always helpful, knowledgeable and happy in their work – doesn’t that always make you want to bring your business to them again?    I have never understood the mentality of a business or shop owner with an attitude.  

 Yesterday we didn’t attempt to swim the strong currants of the Outlets downtown.  Instead  we picked out wreaths for the doors of this Old House at our favorite greenhouse location ~

 They switched bows around for me πŸ™‚
Last summer when I was trying to put arrangements together for big pots,
she gently told me what I was putting together was not going to be happy where I was putting it..
and helped me get it right.   She didn’t have to do that.
What I was going to buy was more expensive.  She picked out an assortment
that was much less expensive and thrived.

 One of their resident cats – I believe her name is Bernadette.
The men of the house had a pizza making contest last night…
Mike’s was pepperoni and oregano infused ..
The son produced a stuffed crust version –
both were delicious.
And now that I know they are capable…
I think this should happen more often, don’t you?

I might just go see Breaking Dawn – Part 1 today.
Yes, I just admitted it here. I read all the books, and have seen all the movies.
Hello, my name is Karen..and am a 46 year old Twilight Fan.
Nancy of a Rural Journal made this signature for me…
very cool … Thank you, Nancy

Have a wonderful weekend, All ~

29 thoughts on “Pine, Poinsettias & Pizza”

  1. Cute header!

    I read the Twilight series when I was preggo w/ the twins – it was good reading for someone who didn't have much focus. I haven't seen Breaking Dawn, and likely won't until it comes out on dvd, as I never make it to the movies.

  2. It's nice finding a business that's truly in it because they enjoy it! Makes a HUGE difference. Looks like a great place too!

    Those pizzas looked yummy! Always good to know our men can cook!

  3. Oh the beautiful Christmas greenery. I am going to head out this weekend for a couple of poinsettias.
    I haven't seen or read any of the Twilight series but I keep thinking I should at least go back to the first movie and give it a chance.
    Happy Saturday!

  4. Aaaah, another blogger and I were discussing poor customer service this morning. It tends to make you never want to return to the store.

    Age 57 and a total Twilight Fan here too! Let us know if you go and give us your review! Would love to hear it/read it!

  5. The twin wreaths look great, and I like the greenery in front, it sets them off really well. All those poinsettia, spoilt for choice! So good to find somewhere with helpful staff. We had a garden centre on the outskirts of our village, the staff could barely acknowledge you, even as you were paying. Despite the convenience of that store I started to go elsewhere. I suspect others did too because last time I went past it looked closed down.

  6. I love your new header! It's adorable.

    The wreaths are just so bright and beautiful. How fun!

    OK…you outed yourself so I will out myself. My name is Jill. I am 53 years old and love the Twilight Series. Loved Breaking Dawn. Will look forward to hearing what you think of it. πŸ™‚

  7. Such lovely photos and love the festive look for the holiday season πŸ™‚ The reds of Christmas are definitely my favorites…so bold and vivid against the natural green hues. Just gotta love a name like Bernadette for a cat πŸ™‚
    I've read the Twilight books as well…haven't seen the new movie yet though bc I'm letting all the teeny boppers get done at the movie theatre first πŸ˜‰

  8. Those pizzas look so good! Would you share that crust recipe if I begged? Loved the trip to the nursery, I can just smell those wreaths! Nothing as welcoming as evergreens, the ponies are decked for the holidays in your header!

  9. the wreaths are very pretty. LOVE those little squirts in your header! πŸ™‚

    yes, the men should do a pizza dinner at least once a week from now on, i think.

    and my 56 yr old hubby went to see breaking dawn this week – and he liked it (he's on the road for work). so there…

  10. So pretty-everything! It sure is lookin' a lot of Christmas!

    Love your header and background too. The signature is lovely.

    Have a wonderful day!!

  11. Look at that cute header and those beautiful wreaths! The only green around here, is from envy and I'm afraid it's not very festive.

  12. We are having such warm weather here. ugh. I fear any live decor will wilt!
    What a gorgeous place and pretty critter. Ah, the life!
    Your header is A#1 adorable. Those mini's steal my heart every time!
    Maybe that is what I should give Annie for Christmas! Ya think?!
    (J would kill me LOL!!)
    Have a wonderful day, Karen.
    xo, misha

  13. The header is priceless!

    Can't comment on the wreaths looking beautiful on your front door until Sinterklaas has left the country, you know πŸ˜‰

  14. I love the poinsettias. We were married on Dec. 23 several years back – simply because I love Christmas so much. We had multitudes of poinsettias all over the church. It was beautiful. AND Bernadette is adorable

  15. I agree, a business with an "attitude is not a great idea and sure to fail. And how likely are you to go back to those folks who treated you so well. Makes perfect sense to me. And the pizza contest……the cats out of the bag now. They looked delicious.

  16. Oh- I have not read one of those books or seen any of the movies…mainly because of lack of time~ My dil loves them though. I hope you do get to go and enjoy the movie.

    Now that you know those guys can cook I say LET THEM…but make sure they clean up after themselves…that is always the worst part for me~

    Hope you have a wonderful rest of the weekend. xo Diana

  17. I belong to the same club… Team Edward!!!!

    Those wreaths are gorgeous and I think you should declare pizza night at least once a week. Pick the day that you are the most tired!!!

    I thought of you the other day as I was buying my new fake tree. I pulled them up on Home Depot and did the compare. The one I was leaning toward was so beautiful but there was a close second. Number one was made in China so I totally ditched it with no qualms and purchased Number 2 which is made right here in the USA. You have made me be more aware of my consumer choices and I really wanted to say, "Thank you."

    I hope your Thanksgiving was wonderful!

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