A cheesecake retraction

 When I post a recipe, it’s usually one I’ve been making for a while and I know it’s good.  The pumpkin chocolate cheesecake recipe I posted about this past week?  Not so.  It looks beautiful, the ingredients suggest it’s probably a good one, and in all honesty it wasn’t horrible.  BUT.. I like my cheesecakes to be OMG mouthwatering rich and creamy and deliciously rich and creamy.  And rich and creamy.  And rich.

This.. was not. It was OK. Just that.  Beautiful in it’s presentation, but in my opinion the beauty truly only went skin deep.  Just thought I’d let you know, so I don’t let you down if you try it and feel the same way. No offense intended to the creator of the recipe.

The Death by Chocolate trifle?  It was like crack, people… It’s an awesome, easy to make, deliciously chocolate whipped creamy YUM that I recommend highly for the holiday season.  It’s in the recipe tab above if you missed the recipe.

We had a nice day with family yesterday, good food, relaxation and football by the fire.  I hope you had a good day too 🙂 

How fast they grow up.  *sigh*

15 thoughts on “A cheesecake retraction”

  1. Crack, you say? Well, ya know I've got to try that recipe. (Sorry, couldn't help it.) 🙂

    Your kids and their cousins, precious!

  2. See, now you've made me forget all about the cheesecake and I have to go check out the crack! Cousins make every holiday an extra special one!

  3. Sorry about the cheesecake. That sucks. But thanks for the heads up.

    Love the photos of the cousins… most of our grown up kids/cousins were absent from yesterday's holiday for one reason or another and it just wasn't the same.

    About the signature — I made it using http://www.mylivesignature.com/ and picnik. If you are not handy with these, or want one of your own, let me know. I'll be happy to make one for you — how abouta snowflake by your signature? 🙂 Let me know. xoxo

  4. you see for me, i'd be eating the leftover death by chocolate for breakfast this morning…..DID YOU ? DID I CATCH YOU ?

    and thanks for a photo of our packers….they're amazing aren't they ?

    and kids really do grow up too fast…..which sometimes is a shame, and other times, not fast enough 🙂

  5. It's always annoying when a recipe looks good but disappoints, and it does look really good.
    Glad you had a good Thanksgiving.

  6. Sounds like a perfect Thanksgiving, food, friends and football, can't beat that. Loved the "…like crack people….." line, LOL.

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