For the love of a Jeep

  We’ve been talking about trading in my car because the miles were getting up there and it was in need of “stuff”.  It was either invest in the new “stuff it needed, or get into a new car before the trade-in value went to the floor.  I started looking at the different models available, and since the Volvo had served me well for quite a while as a dependable car and a solid ride, I thought I might do the same thing again. Until I talked to the dealership.  When I bought it years ago, Ford was an owner in Volvo.  That’s no longer true – China now has a hand in it.  I have nothing against the Chinese, but I really want to buy American where I can.  After doing more research I initially decided I didn’t like anything in the mid- size SUV range that wasn’t a gas guzzler… and so I decided to keep the partially Ford manufactured Volvo for now.  

But then… then… I saw it.  The Jeep of my dreams. (Actually that’s the Wrangler, but my arthritic neck begs to differ.)  My son and I  took the Overland for a ride and I loved it instantly.  I drove home all excited about finding something I really liked, and it wasn’t crazy expensive, and it’s AMERICAN… and the gas mileage was better than my Volvo! I was doing a Happy Dance, people!

I was met with ..

HIM:  “What, …NOW?  No.. now’s not a good time.

ME:  But… three weeks ago was a good time?!….what happened in three weeks?

HIM:   I just bought a much needed snow-removing tractor for the jobsite and there’s no way we can swing a new car now. You decided  you didn’t want anything new, remember?… so I bought the tractor for work. 

Ok then. 
(insert sound of  air deflating rapidly from balloon…  and maybe a muttered @#$%)
Because OMG I loved that Jeep.

I had a Jeep when we were first married. I kept it for six years.  Absolutely loved it madly.  When our family grew and we needed more room, I had to trade it in for something better suited.  On our way to the dealership,  I had to pull over.  I sobbed like a baby, not wanting to let go of my beloved Jeep.

  Back to the present  – So I went about my business for the past few weeks, admittedly pining for the Jeep I wasn’t going to get. Last Thursday I went up to college girls campus to bring her home for the weekend. Because she had another date   Because she wanted to spend more quality time with her folks.

On the way back I got a call from Mike.

HIM:   in an aggravated voice – You gotta come pick me up, my truck died after picking up the tractor as I was getting on the Highway.   I’m in Saybrook.  I’m gonna have the tow truck driver drop me off where the dealerships are, right next to the highway entrance.

ME:  The truck died??… OK, will be there in 20 minutes.  Which dealership?  You might as well  meander over to the Jeep dealer and look at the one I was drooling over!

HIM:  again in an aggravated voice –  I’m not looking at the freak’n Jeep, but actually that’s the closest so that’s where I’ll be.  Hurry up, we have to go to the garage and see what’s wrong with my truck.

So, we get to dealership row to pick up the Man.  I see him talking to the salesman I had talked to, and they are looking at the inside of a Dodge Ram truck in the showroom.  I walk in, dismayed that they apparently haven’t even glanced at the Jeeps.  I walk RIGHT PAST the black beloved Jeep … (which had been brought inside and had a big red bow on the hood).

 He talks more about the truck with Kyle Salesman, and then we start walking out. I make him stop and atleast please LOOK at the Jeep, there’s one in the SHOWROOM, for cripes sake.  He glances over and says… ” it’s OK.   Maybe next year.”   And keeps walking.

 I say.. WAIT.. you’re RIGHT HERE.  Can’t you just give it a better LOOK???…  and he says…
You like it?  
Yes. Love it.
It’s yours.  Go get your papers and “stuff” out of the Volvo and hand it over.
Really. It’s yours. 
WHAT???    Stop it.
See the bow? 
And I cried AGAIN…. for the love of a Jeep. 
… and the guy who made it happen  ðŸ™‚

40 thoughts on “For the love of a Jeep”

  1. Awwwwwwwwww! How nice a surprise is that? You'll love it…we have a Jeep also.

    Mrs. Turkey

    p.s. love your blog!

  2. That is adorably amazing! What a sweetie!

    I'm sorry you can't have a Wrangler though (I sport one and LOVE THAT DAMN THING MORE than I can say.)

    Cute and love your hubs.

  3. Husbands… gotta love the creatures… LOL Congrats on your new vehicle as I know you are in hog heaven… and what girl doesn't love a bad ass lookin' black jeep!!!

    He sure surprised you, didnt' he!! hee hee

  4. well now we know where you were yesterday. Congrats on new ride . Jeeps are gre at , the wife wants a wrangler but kiddos and a wrangler doesnt go hand and hand. take care

  5. I loved my jeep too! I did not want to give it up, but we HAD to go bigger for hockey gear 🙂 This is such a great story! I even read it to my hubby hoping he'd get the idea of how to do a surprise the right way!! Yay for you!

  6. SWEET!

    For the love of Jeep!
    For the love of a great husband!
    and for a great picture of the jeep and you. Have fun bonding.

    Also, your headers and back grounds are always so beautiful!

  7. I love me a man that can make things happpen, and un-happen! That was sweeeet of him to surprise you, all "come get me, hurry!" Your gonna love that Jeep!

  8. What a spectacular maneuver! How sweet is that!

    So, was his truck really dead, or was that just the ploy to get you there?

  9. What a great present and way of delivering it!

    A friend of mine had a Jeep once and she had to trade it in when she was pregnant. It only had two seats. It was an earlier model of your NEW JEEP RIGHT THERE!!! (Sorry, it's the excitement that made me shout.) Anyway, she loved it too and cried and is longing for another Jeep… But I'm pretty sure her husband will not surprise her with a gorgeous, shiny, black, comfortable new Jeep with a red bow. You lucky girl 😉

  10. Aw Karen…gotta love a guy like that! Congratulations! You did good! I have been car hunting, too. We need an SUV to tow the trailer and boat…hmmm…hard to find what we want that LOOKS like I want! xo Diana

  11. Oh my gosh!!!! Gotta love a guy like that. What a blessing for you. It is absolutely awesome. Enjoy and keep us informed as to how much you love that jeep.

  12. Awwww… and I bet it came with a freezer full of gelato, too! Your son is getting such great training right now of how to treat a woman well.

    If I were you, I would keep that man!

  13. OMG!!! SHUTUP Indeed!!! I would have Died. Right There ON the Spot!!! LOVE it Karen!!! Seriously!!! I totally fell in love with the Overland!!! We put an offer in on one and they wouldn't budge…so that's how I ended up with my Honda. KEEP that man…he is a GEM! What a sweet, sweet surprise!!!

  14. aw, Karen. this is so sweet! If he is willing to do this for you- you must be pretty wonderful to him, too! Sweet love story.
    Enjoy your new ride.

  15. What a wonderful surprise and a sweetie husband full of tricks. This was great. I do love the Jeep too. We put many,many miles on ours. Love the black!

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