What the weekend looked like

Both kids home
fire in the fireplace
football football football
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2  – twice
Great weather – beautiful sunsets
Maple Walnut cookies (oh good Lord – recipe below)
Perennial Gardens put to bed for the winter
A thankful heart for these days ~

 Recipe here :

the last of the mohegans in a vase on the table

 Hoping you had a good weekend
and did things you enjoy.
Put your favorite weekend activities in the comments section below.

33 thoughts on “What the weekend looked like”

  1. This weekend it was SHOPPING and that's good in all weather. Especially the perfect weather we've been having.

    Yours sounded fantastic!

  2. Waiting for fall weather to return to Texas! Also enjoyed dinner at mom's for my brother's birthday, snuggling with my hubby and daughter, Dallas Cowboy and TCU football! It is supposed to get much cooler here later this week…must have those cookies!

  3. Sounds and looks like a fab and cosy weekend……we went out for a country walk and then had a part lazy part busy day on Sunday! Finally tidied up the yard!


  4. I love all your photos, but the first one looks so inviting and cozy. My brother, sister and their spouses came to visit us from California. We had the best time, seeing the sights, shopping, eating and even spending a little bit of time at the casino (I actually won)!!

  5. Spent this weekend working the canine cancer benefit … just now beginning to feel human, after lots of work, long hours, and very little sleep.

    Your weekend sounds like my dream weekend … football, gardening, kids, cookies, fire … add a down throw and a glass of wine and it would be perfect.

  6. Well – obviously, seeing my old friend Arlo Guthrie was the highlight but I also felt like a million bucks because I took a spin class Sunday morning! Now – onto Thanksgiving planning amongst the chaos of my life!

  7. You made the maple walnut cookies??!! So were they really THAT GOOD?? I went out and bought the real maple syrup…now I need to make some!

  8. It looks like your weekend was just perfect. I had a really slow one…napped while the football was on {my saving grace}. Caught up on emails Saturday night for lack of company of real people. Napped again Sunday during football. I think I am sleeping my life away!


  9. Love your fireplace, I've wished I had one for a long time. The sunset is beautiful!!! Sounds like a great weekend! Lucky you!

  10. What a wonderful weekend it was! Not only was the weather perfect but family and friends were around. There were hikes, special ice cream dates, an informal high school reunion, a visit to my pregnant daughter, a delicious meal in a Cambridge restaurant, dinner and a movie with friends and so much more that it will take the week to recuperate…but that is the kind of weekend that I love.

  11. Karen, I am so happy you tried my cookies… weren't they the best!!! Now all I needed was that amazing fireplace and couch to curl up on. I guess I will just have to wait for the holidays when the Yule Log comes on tv. lol
    Thanks πŸ™‚

  12. Sometimes just sitting in front of the fire place is a great weekend. Mine consisted, this time, of a jaunt to DC which was quite fun.

  13. Looks like a tired Pop in the first picture. It just doesn't feel any better than beside a fire, except wrapped in something staring at that lovely sunset. Beautiful.

  14. I did a Saturday morning photo shoot and just hung out with the family since Tom just got back in town after two long weeks! So nice!!!

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