
 So, I’m a high-rev person, which is great for getting things done, but kinda wreaks a little havoc on your body as you start to get (ahem)…OLDER.   I’ve been told I oughta try yoga by more than a few professionals, to calm my little self down.   The whole idea of Yoga has always been alittle off-putting for me…The chanting, the sweating, the poses (I am sooooo un-bendy) the Ooooms flowing through the Chackra.. or whatever.   And there are so many different kinds!  Sitting still with my restless mind, clearing my head of worrisome thoughts seems  just… well, impossible.  However I’ve come to the point where somethings gotta give,  so I’m going to give it a try.  Every day. Whether I like it or not.

  I’ve even bought two little Buddhas to put in my Betta bowls, just to go with the new energy flow here at This Old House.

  I can’t take a “class” because of my hearing impairment – (can’t hear the instructor)  so I’ll try it at home with a DVD – atleast here I can learn the routine by watching, and then get it right hopefully by repetition.   If you’ve had experience with Yoga, and in particular Yoga for the yoga-impaired, let me know about it in the comments section below.  My friend Lynn has recommended some good beginner tapes… I welcome any advice ~


26 thoughts on “Zen-like”

  1. Those are beautiful! Yoga is really great for you. Wish I could say I keep up with it. Have a couple dvds and have checked out the class at the gym a few times but, like all exercise for me it seems to be hit or miss.

  2. Go to Amazon, buy Richard Hittleman's Yoga: 28 day exercise plan.
    You can get it for $7.99, it is the best….I have had mine for 30 or more years…..cause I get ya, all driven and all……….we have to slow it down a bit. Or try.
    The book is so doable, and appealing for us crazy hyped up types.

  3. I used to attend yoga classes and really enjoyed it. I'm not sure why I didn't stick with it and often think of going back. Maybe you should ride your horse more like you mentioned:-)

    The sunset photo is gorgeous!!

    And I love Buddhas around my place. They make me smile.

  4. I've started Ti Chi and have had 5 classes…so far I don't find it very restful since I can't seem to remember the moves from one week to the next but…oh, AND I never seem to find the time to practice…But riding Dom every day this past week having lessons every day! WOW! It's done wonders, I'll tell ya!!!!

  5. Oh good luck to you! I am SOOO not a Yoga person. I have a hard time relaxing, too. It seems my best therapy has been discovering blogging and the computer! xo Diana

  6. While I'm sure everyone is going to give you great advice; I laughed my face off reading your post and understand what you mean completely about being 'unbendy.'

    I wish you best of luck in this endeavor.

    Your last photo is GORGEOUS.

  7. The fishies are beautiful and the last shot is amazing! Love the colors!

    Yoga? Yea. I bought two Yoga DVD's at the beginning of the year and haven't gotten up courage to check them out. I am rather 'unbendy' too! I like the concept of Yoga and have heard that it helps to build strength of your inner core. As we age, we need this strength. I hope to hear how is goes for you! Maybe it'll help motivate me, LOL!

    Good luck! And, have a great weekend!

  8. I'm definitely a first gear person! Pretty slow but efficient! I took one yoga class…ONE! But I liked it. It was more stretching than twisting up into donut shapes. Because of my hearing, I had my mat in the front of the class. I wish I had kept up with it but my pertner quit after the first time and I wasn't motivated enough.

    After reading Eat Pray Love, I am convinced that yoga is relaxing and that it can take you to another place all together. She found such peace in it. Wish we lived closer, we could take classes together!

    Hope you are having a wonderful weekend!


  9. I was always on-the-go-until-everything-was-finished! I miss that "me". I really do. It's hard to let go of that.
    I do think riding would be the perfect way to "center" yourself! Each day, take the time for you. Just you and the horse~alone!
    That sunset is perfect to look at for a calming view 🙂
    xo, misha

    p.s. Brutus would love your fishies!

  10. YAY for you!!! If you could see me now, I'm smiling from ear to ear!!!

    I really think you'll enjoy that Rodney Yee DVD, he is such an awesome teacher and pays real good attention to proper alignment, an important thing for any beginner starting out. You're an early riser, so make it part of your morning routine, afterwards you'll be so glad to made that time for yourself!

    Love, love, love the last photo…truly "buddhaful"!!!

    Sweet OMs to you…

  11. Sorry but I had to LOL
    My mother, who is 80, goes to yoga classes every week and has been doing so for the last 10 years or so.
    I mean, if she can do it… 😉 (Although I'm not sure if it made her calmer in any way. I haven't noticed a difference. But don't let that put you off.)

  12. Love your Beta's, such beautiful creatures! The photo named peace is so beautiful. It does feel peaceful and makes me feel that way! Yoga? My daughter does something called Hot Yoga, and she seems to like it, but I'm more for beating and boxing thingee. Don't know what it's called, but I would rather get rid of extra energy that way.

  13. It sounds like you would benefit from Yoga…I did not! I have low blood pressure…and low blood sugar much of the time! I'm a go getter and like to be busy all the time, I hate to sit! But the Yoga relaxed me too much! I felt like a wet noodle for the rest of the day! I like to feel ENERGIZED! That's why Zumba is great for me! I like to MOVE! The last Yoga I went to we were on the floor for an hour and a half and I was never so happy to JOG home in my life! I can't wait to hear what you think! Most people love it! ♥

  14. The only thing that's "on the go and busy" is my brain. My body refuses activity. Since I can't remember my dreams anymore, perhaps it's shutting down to refuel, when I'm sleeping. However, when I wake up, it's refueled and in high gear, constantly. If I could just get my body moving, to go with it!

  15. Tai Chi is good; a little easier and very good with movement. I think it's all about mindfulness and staying in the moment. I'm a little "high demand", and have tried just staying true to "the now". It's very hard. It doesn't last very long for me. Peace out!

  16. I used to take a yoga class with a group of ladies that I taught with. I would fall asleep every time at end in the "cool down" part. Or it would be so silent that I thought everyone had left me and I would have to peek out from my mask to make sure I wasn't alone. My one friend poked me one time and told me I was snoring. I don't think I am a yoga expert but it is awfully relaxing!

  17. I was just told the same thing…."you should try yoga to de-stress" . I may have tried it had you been able to go, I was always that kid who needed a friend to try new things. But for now I am gonna jump on my bike & pretend I am 10 years old again! If you ever think about going…keep me in mind! 🙂

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