28 thoughts on “The one where she says the S word”

  1. We may get a few flurries here too…. I am wearing my crappy looking slippers and some white mens socks up to my knees. Fashion, for me, totally goes out the window when it's cold outside. Love your snow flurries shot!

  2. What the what???? It was 82 here yesterday, but it is only going to be 71 today! Brrrrrr……. 🙂 Do you need to come visit?

  3. Ohhh, no, not yet… never truly ready for the S word… unless its Christmas Eve and there isn't enough around for a White Christmas 🙂

  4. Seriously??? I'm just grateful for the cold front we're having (at the minute) since it's been hot and I'm still without AC. The entire system is being replaced this weekend, hopefully BEFORE the cooler weather ends. We usually have it running at Thanksgiving and often at Christmas.

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