comment issues…

Are any of you having trouble leaving comments on other blogs?   On some, my comment disappears instead of posting.  On others, I can still leave a comment.  What’s up with that.

15 thoughts on “comment issues…”

  1. YES!!! i'm being automatically signed in now from my gmail account so i 'stay signed in' which means i can't comment on blogs that have the 'embed below post' comment setting.

    i wish they'd blow that setting away!!!

  2. This was on my last post….one of my commenters said that if you leave the comment from the google reader it works…which I finally figured out how to do and it does seem to work but a pain….blogger has suck all the fun out of blogging almost for me. Since google took it over they want you to sign in for everything everytime…sucking info out of us, I'm thinking…(conspiracy theory)…lol..

  3. I was messing with this the other night, and it seems to be some sort of incompatibility thing with Internet Explorer, which I use all the time. I haven't taken the time to completely diagnose when this happens and when it doesn't. The error I get tells me that my google account is not authorized to leave comments on the blog, and it tries to make me Anonymous.

    My husband downloaded Firefox to my laptop to test one of his work things the other evening. I tried it out when I was having trouble commenting, and I discovered that I can leave comments on troublesome blogs with no problem using Firefox, so I'm blaming the Google vs. Microsoft feud for all of our troubles.

    What I've started doing, especially if I take time to craft a well-thought-out comment, is to highlight and copy the text before I attempt to post it. That way, if it disappears or I have to start again, at least I have whatever I wrote to give it another try.

  4. it's interesting what hartwood roses said….i'm a mac girl and haven't had any issues.

    prior to being a mac girl, i was using firefox.

    if all else fails, sign out. walk away. drink a glass of wine. eat chocolate. take a hot shower. dance. eat more chocolate. sign back in. sometimes that's the only thing that helps 🙂

  5. I stay logged into Google, I never sign out and I use Firefox. I haven't been having problems with comments, but that doesn't mean I won't, at some point. Someone just left me an anonymous comment because of this. I have heard that embedded below the post comment boxes are an issue, so I changed mine a while back. Now, as well as before I changed my embedded box, I have been hearing that IE is an issue. I just recommended someone to try a different browser and comment again, to see if it will work.

  6. I was having this problem and did some research. Someone suggested to upgrade from IE to Google Chrome (free). Also to un-check the stay logged in box. I did both of these things and haven't had a problem. I would say I have had trouble commenting all summer.

  7. I've been having problems all summer…could only leave comments on some blogs, but not others. Thanks to your commenters, I have fixed it. Now…I have to get used to Firefox. It's hard to teach an old dog…

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