Progress with the Industrial strength dog fence facelift



Garage Before…

We’ve still got this to get in the ground beneath all these shrubs…
maybe we should have a Pachysandra  Party!!…
Backyard Industrial dog fence Before…

 These are PG Hydrangea trees… right now they look pompom-like…
but as they grow, they spread out and have a more natural wild look,
drying flower heads in the fall…
which I love.   They have a romantic, vintage vibe.

I made a “fairy Garden” complete with betta bowls, moss covered rocks and elves
a while back.. It sat on my kitchen island.
I moved the fish and changed it up for fall….
Those are oreos in the covered pastry dish.
Don’t try this at home.
They go soggy within five hours. Go figure.

29 thoughts on “Progress with the Industrial strength dog fence facelift”

  1. I love your new blog header!

    Your property is looking great! I like all the new improvements! Very pretty!

    I awarded you The Versatile Blogger Award on today's post if you're interested! I think you're very deserving!

    Have a great evening!

  2. laughing at the oreo tip. 🙂

    i hope the fence works great! i know the mesh will help keep the doggies where they need to be, but keeps anyone else from being able to cross through too.

  3. Well, poop! I'm going to sit in my sinnin' corner, sulk and resist telling you how wonderful everything looks, including the photography.

  4. Karen, everything looks beautiful. We did a similar garden/fence project (that I've yet to post) this summer. My hubby and I laid the granite edging (what a task) and the planted little lamb hydrangeas and a rose of sharon, like you, we were very happy with the results.

    Your photos are just beautiful and I love the counter top garden! What a clever idea!

    Have a wonderful weekend.

  5. Just when I think it cannot get any better…it DOES! Fabulous!! I would never have the oreo problem at my house…they would be LONG gone in 5 hours!

  6. Karen, your blog header photos just keep getting more and more fabulous; this is the best one yet! And you've had some pretty fabulous headers!
    The house, garage and gardens looks wonderful; the evidence of a lot of hard work.
    As to the soggy oreos…you mean they last five hours? Not at our house unless hidden in the freezer!

  7. Karen,
    How pretty! Did you do all of this all by yourself? If so, you have been one busy woman…and a very talented one, too! Looks great!
    xo, Cheryl

  8. Terrific dog fence disguise! We're already debating how to fence our place that's under construction so that we have a turnout for the pooches. Our rental house doesn't have any fenced area so we'll be out walking dogs at all hours and in all weather this winter…… yuck!

  9. The fence area and the garage are looking good now! Love the hydrangea trees. And the display on the kitchen island is very pretty too.

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