Rise & Shine

A typical morning at This Old House
5:00 am (no good reason, just always up at that hour)
Light, no sugar.
Dogs go out…
(are you seriously taking a picture??  I gotta go!!!)
Dogs fed & watered
The Man is already at his desk with lists for the day…
The bear needs to be poked to get ready for school…

Breakfast of Champions, complete with lunch money
Chickens fed…
Horses grained, hayed, turned out and watered…

 See that bus up ahead?
 It’s the one we missed  this morning because I was out taking Rise & Shine pictures.
No, I didn’t make him run for it.
So I drove the rest of the way to school,
passed the bus on the highway, even.
Because sometimes, thats how we roll.
 (it’s dress-down day. For $5, you, too, can dress casual! )
What does your typical morning look like?
Tomorrow AM, if you’re so inclined to join me,
post a pic or two or ten that catches the essence of your typical morning.
I’ll post it here if you let me know the link.
Title your post “Rise & Shine”.

22 thoughts on “Rise & Shine”

  1. oh I like the idea of Rise and Shine, but mine would be boring! Pj's, couch, laptop, coffee. I've done the morning school run many, many times though and mine including feeding chickens, calves and a horse too, miss that part of my life sometimes :-/

  2. That's a great idea. Enjoyed yours especially the white blur in the 2nd picture! By the way, I love your home, could look at pictures all day!

  3. Mine is utterly unphotographable. Is that a word?
    Wake up…try not to move so as not to wake up dog…since my husband goes to bed at 6:30 am…try to shush dog while brushing my teeth and hair…take dog for mile walk…feed dog…feed cats (slop cats!)…pull Frannie the scaredy kitty from Narnia (the armoire she hides in) bring Frannie to litter box…brush kitties…give medicine to kitties…wake up daughter…make her breakfast…while she is upstairs getting ready for her day I eat my breakfast…get home school supplies ready…school for three hours…in between I list items for sale on Craigslist that I bought on Craigslist and check blogs! Then to lunch!
    I really love my life!

  4. Well, I've been waking up earlier and earlier too. Can't figure out why. I lie there and toss and turn, decorating the little blue house in my mind. I kept thinking about chickens…

  5. Your mornings and mine are pretty similar, except for the horses and the school bus … our school bus days are behind us. I love the photo of Ben and Bailey!

    Morning today was a bit different. Our grandson stayed the night with us, because his little brother arrived this morning!! Got him up and dressed and to school, and made it to the hospital in time to see our daughter before she went into surgery (scheduled c-section). Baby photo is posted!

  6. No kids. No chickens. No horses. No buses. Sighs over how boring my life actually is. Coffee and dog? Oh ya.

  7. I absolutely love this. I love having a glimpse of other's day to day…helps us understand people better. I think I would be too bleary eyed to take photos. I LOVE mornings, but when you are up all night with a new babe…it does something to your brain. Straight mush, I tell ya.

  8. I swear each day…your pics just get better and better!! Loved hearing about your AM. Mine is easy. I do not do mornings as I am a total night owl. Never go to sleep before 4 or 5. Love my nights!!

  9. Well, when I wake up I find myself sitting at Starbucks at 5:25 am (they see me there and open 5 mins early) and then I am off to work. Yeah…and then I look down and discover that I am fully dressed and ready to go!

    Loved your morning "roll"…xo Diana

  10. I think you might have caught my rise and shine routine in my last two posts, broken garbage disposal, leaking sink, messy kids…I try not to pay too much attention to the world around me when I first wake up!

    I really enjoyed your pictures…especially the ones of the chickens and horses. You must have the cleanest barn for miles!!


  11. Since I'm just getting settled into bed, as you are getting up, mine looks nothing like this. I'd never make it. Just reading all the things you do, makes me need a nap!

  12. I'm exhausted now after reading this! Great post! I'll try to remember to grab my camera in the morning… no promises tho since it's so early and the 'ol brain might not be functioning yet, lol!

  13. Is it light at 5 a.m. at your house? It's still dark here and stays dark until almost 7.
    Tomorrow, I'll take photos but it's going to be a different day; I'm working with 5th graders in a clean creek program.

  14. What a nice way to start your day Karen, even if you miss the bus and have to take him to school. I'm a morning person too and am up with the chickens, always cheerful and ready for whatever comes my way. Being retired ain't all bad.

  15. Up at 5AM? Now I see why you get so much done in a day…and why my morning is so boring!….I would only have pics of me with coffee on the computer:)

  16. Hey Karen, I'm a day late and a dollar short. Doing some catching up. Beautiful pictures. My day is similar to yours, minus chicks. I love the mini's and the shavings stuck around on them. Did you wake them up??? I've always loved the stonework at your place.

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