Needing a home

Hilary over at Crazy as A Loom  – see link below – takes in stray cats who wander on to her property in Upstate, NY.  She feeds and care for them, and then if they aren’t neutered or spayed, they take a trip to the vet for that too.  This little girl is the newest to arrive and Hilary knows she wants to be a housecat, not a barn or porch cat.  She is a love and would prefer to crawl into your lap than up in a hayloft.  In the next week or so she will be spayed.  If you or someone you know might give this girl a loving home,  contact Hilary through her blog.   If you live in Connecticut and want to adopt her but don’t want to drive that far, I will personally go pick her up for you.

21 thoughts on “Needing a home”

  1. She looks like my angel, Mabel. We are owned by six cats, all were strays except for Duchess who was abandoned in an apartment and left in a shelter for EIGHT years! I cannot imagine my life without them.
    I will repost this on my blog.
    She should have a home soon!


  2. She is adorable! We are owned by 4 cats and I always have to hold myself back…maybe if my oldest would come back to the states and take his kitty home…sigh…

    Hilary is one busy lady with a huge heart! As are you!!

  3. How I wish I could take that cutie! Unfortunately with my cat having feline auto immune deficiency I can't have more cats at this time…

  4. Very cute. We have a gray female right now that resembles her. We are also "owned" by 4 cats..all came to us at different ages and all were formerly strays. I want them all, but unfortunately can't have them all!

  5. OMGosh- I almost started crying when I saw her! She looks just like my little Mistycat that we lost. I wish I lived closer…I would love her to pieces. xo Diana

    ps…love your header!!!!! No-seriously- LOVE it!

  6. Oh she looks so sweet 🙂 We used to get strays at our door in Idaho all the time. We took in several and found homes for them as our dog was having none of it. But seeing this one makes me want to try all over again! Bless you for being so active in finding homes for all the animals 🙂

  7. That is so sweet of you. I hope she gets a home soon. Her face says it all. Hilary is wonderful to care like she does.

  8. so sweet….someone's gonna fall in love with that face…no doubt about it.

    i was recently told that many retirement homes are now taking in cats.
    that the owners, who are widows or widowers who are having a tough time of being alone, are allowed to house cats in their rooms. isn't that sweet ?

  9. Ah, ah, aaaaahchooooo! As cute as they are, I'm allergic. Hope she finds a good home. With you in her corner, I don't she how she can miss.

  10. Oh I do hope she has found a lovely home already. If not… you're not willing to pick her up and bring her to the Netherlands I guess? She's cute and you're the best for posting this!

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