Is it just Me?

 In an Article from USA Today, Arizona News – by Bruce Horovitz

“The economy may be in the dumps, but don’t count out bargain-priced luxury items for the holidays.
That has to be the lesson learned by Target — and its biggest competitors — after a shopping frenzy more typically seen around Thanksgiving repeatedly crashed Target’s website on Tuesday and sent shoppers by the hundreds waiting in line for sales on limited-time offerings on its Missoni for Target collection of clothing, housewares, luggage and even bikes.

“This talks to how people still have a taste for luxury brands, even if they can’t afford them,” says Pam Danziger, president of Unity Marketing and author of Putting the Luxe Back in Luxury. While most folks might not be able to shop on New York’s Fifth Avenue or at Neiman Marcus, she says, who can’t afford a trip to Target?”

   I love Target, I do. The fact that it’s still an American company thrills me to no end. My daughter and I were going to take a little trip to Target yesterday to stock up her dorm room on stuff she was running out of.  One can never have too many buckets of Twizzlers, power bars and bottled water.  Turns out she had too many things to do on campus so we nixed the trip.  It’s a good thing, because apparently it was a mob scene for the above mentioned reason.

   I don’t get it.  Is it me?.. or is it kinda outdated looking. The Mod Squad comes to mind. No offense if you really like this stuff,  inquiring minds would like to know.

 Is anyone really getting excited about this bike?

32 thoughts on “Is it just Me?”

  1. I might as well just stay home…this looks like the same stuff I already have. Target used to be my favorite store because for a long time they resisted made in China…it is no longer the case, I'm afraid.

  2. You already know that I'm a jeans and plain-color t-shirt kind of girl, so this is totally out of my comfort zone … maybe sweater or other fun accessory, but not a whole outfit. I think I'm getting a headache. (not the bike, either.)

  3. I told my daughter- I did this once (in the 60's & 70's) and I'm not doing it again! A bit TOO retro for my taste. I love that Target is doing so well in such a poor economy though! Gotta love those American companies that are succeeding.

    BTW-I LOVE your new header! xo Diana

  4. I'm totally underwhelmed actually. Though I think some of the clothes would be cute on little kids…have to agree with NanaDiana–been there, done that!

  5. Whoever buys that stuff at Target should pick up some Advil while they are there. If they don't need it, those around them will.

    I'm with Hartwood Roses, a solid tee and jeans are always a safer bet.

  6. i'm such a plain jane girl….jeans, flip flops or uggs and solid colored tops….BUT i did go to target after i heard about the "crash" and was not overly impressed.

    i did buy one of the kids sweaters {lucky for me the girls XL size fits me} and a notebook, undies, socks and a headband all because they were missoni….but the full overall look head to toe….well there's no way i could ever pull that off….and even if i could, i wouldn't 🙂

  7. Just a bunch of cheap plastic stuff… not sure why people get so 'into' stuff like this. Perhaps the media had something to do with it since it was all over ABC's morning show.

  8. Too much hype in my books. The bowl is pretty, but I wouldn't wear any of the clothing. Like someone else mentioned, I wore this stuff in the 60's, specifically a sweater with zigzags just like these. I wasn't crazy about it then either.

  9. I have to admit that I do love the iconic Missoni zigzag designs…but I would never dress head to toe in them:) Maybe I would if I were a teen though! I love the bike but my red one will have to do!

  10. Hi Karen… the designs pretty much look to me like the things you get in your eyes just before a migraine…lol. Hope that doesn't offend anyone.
    I think seeing all the patterns together is what's throwing me off.
    I do like Target and shop there often.

  11. I can't tell you how many younger people I know that are into retro. Since I never get rid of anything, I could just dig some out, from my heyday… but I'm afraid I couldn't get one leg in it now, much less my WHOLE body. Hard to believe I was ever that small.

  12. Mod Squad, been there, done that. I do love the bowl and must have! I bought two new tops at Sam's Club this afternoon that have like India style print, it's that old dog thing that prevents me from trying anything but black, white or navy!

  13. I've enjoyed catching up with you, Karen. Love the header!

    I saw this crazy stuff on the news and had to wonder what the hype was. To each his own. 🙂

  14. Can't wait to see who would wear that around here on our campuses. But … I do like shopping Target. I can spend a little time in there. Love you're new header of your horse; really pretty.

  15. Guess who was AT Target today??? Yes, Today. Because I knew that yesterday was going to be a mob scene. I couldn't even get onto the website. I was purchasing costumes for the girlz for Halloween! I always get them at Target. One must purchase EARLY to get two of the medium sized ones…at a great price!! I did check out some of the Missoni stuff. Not that I am a fan of the clothes…or the bike…or alot of the BUSY stuff. I did, however, check out a few of the black and white patterns…in the dishes and a couple of the stationery items. Those were pretty cool. But, there were not alot of available items there today!! The cashier told me that people came and bought SHOPPING CARTS full of stuff…presumably to sell on EBay. That's just wrong. That should be outlawed!!

  16. After I saw all of the hype over this throwback to the 70's, I immediately went over to e-bay and had a look. It was just as I suspected – over 52,000 Missoni items for sale! One of the dresses was listed for over $400. There did not appear to be much bidding going on and I am afraid that a lot of people will be stuck with their items and it serves them right.

  17. The bike is just all kinds of wrong. But hey, that's just me.
    Good thing we don't have a Target nearby. Too tempting, despite this line, which is so not me.

  18. Tell people something is a "limited edition" and hoards will show up to buy it, whether they need or want it. Just human nature.

    Not a big fan of the 70s harvest colors. Unless it's a vintage canister set. 🙂

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