Our First Egg!

 We’ve had a small horse farm for 22 years… but This Old House is the first homestead of ours to have a chicken coop.  Last night when I brought the chickens in for the night, I found our first egg!   It’s on the small side, but just the cutest thing.  Here it sits next to a standard sized egg.

Judging by the color, I think one of the Buff Orpingtons left it.

More rain today, thunder and lightening last night. 
Surely this is a record year for percipitation. 
For those of you in Texas and the South, I wish I could send some of this your way.

29 thoughts on “Our First Egg!”

  1. Oh, what an egg-citing day (groan).
    Who gets to eat the "first egg?" I think you should… 🙂

    I watched the weather channel last night and saw all of the rain up and down the east coast and thought of you. Rain is good, as long as it's not too much too soon.

    Love the photos — especially of your sweet puppy.

  2. You new header is perfect for this change in seasons. Stopped raining here but a chance we could see more. Wettest Sept. since we have lived here!

  3. I've always thought keeping chickens would be fun (and healthy). Alas, now I'm in town, I probably won't ever get the opportunity. But I do love them from the Farmer's Market.

    Raining today in Nova Scotia as well. Nice to chat.

  4. We always got excited about our chicks first eggs too!

    Don't ya wish we could send some of the rain we get over to Texas and other places that have been having a terrible drought?

  5. Hope that rain isn't adding problems to your already soaked ground. I know you'd gladly share it with Texas. Oh those beeyouteefull eggs… God gave us a wonderful thing when he made chickens!

  6. my sister has chickens and LOTS of eggs….sometimes they can hardly keep up with them….but oh it's so much fun to go to the coop and find warm eggs…something i had never thought about until she lived on her farm and "showed me the way"

  7. I'd gladly take a little of that rain! Kudos on the egg! Bet with a horse farm, you have plenty of horse eggs! Dad used to tease me, until I tried picking one up because I wanted to hatch a horse!

  8. Congratulations!! I know this would be very exciting to me, especially since this can't be easy work for you!

    We've been having rain quite a bit, too, and it looks like we may get some today. I almost feel guilty when I think of the southern states.

    Love your pictures! Your pooch looks a little miserable over the rain!! ;-D


  9. There is nothing better than farm fresh eggs. I buy mine locally. Someday, I think I'll have some chickens. Hugs, Deb=^..^=x4

  10. You must have been so eeggcited when you made your discovery! What fun after all your hard work!

    The rain is great, but I'm a little tired of it, I feel like I'm going to sprout mushrooms soon! Like you, I wish I could send it south, especially to Texas.

    Have a wonderful week!


  11. Your first egg, sweet! Oh the omelets you will be a makin'!!!

    Poor Ben looks disgusted too with all the rain we've been having!!! That dog has such a people personality! Love him…

  12. Karen- I see one of the girls made a good job of it! What a fun little surprise!

    I can't believe the rain there and the drought in Texas/OK. The weather is just all around strange this year! xo Diana

  13. I think you should hard boil the egg and then slice it up and each family member gets one slice!! Love the Peace Collar!! Hasn't the weather been weird???? We are in a pocket here at the cottage…tons and tons of RAIN all around us…but not here!!

  14. It must be fun having chickens and waiting on your first egg and wondering when and where you will find it. Love the rain and it looks like you already have some mums out. Its still just a little warm for me to put them out, I think although the garden centers have tons. Love your new header; very seasonal.

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