Calm before the Storm?

What can I say, Irene…. you’re not welcome here.

Weathermen are often wrong, we all know it’s true.  A line from a young boy to his mother….

“Mom, when I grow up I want to be a meteorologist! You get paid to be wrong half the time, how cool is that!”.

I do get a kick out of the excited frenzy of weathermen when they have something big to talk about. Their energy is palpable! And they say the same thing… over…and over again, just to keep the excitement going. It only adds to the giddyness when they are filmed standing outside in the storm in their rain gear, wind and rain whipping in their face.  Why do they do that, exactly, anyway?  Because we won’t believe them if they’re not right out in it?

We’ve got Dog Days this weekend… hard to make the call on what we should have done… call it off? Try to get Saturday out of it and nix Sunday?   The rescues were given the option to make the call, because they are, after all, traveling with their dogs to our site.  Most decided…. LET’S DO IT.  

And so we will.   

If you’re the praying type (most often I’m not…. hypocrit that I am  )…. send a few prayers our way.. that we find homes for all 80 or so of the dogs coming to our event on SATURDAY, since we have now abandoned hope for Sunday…. and that these selfless rescue crews arrive and return home safely.  Those who are not local will be put up in area homes Saturday night and will ride out whatever part of Irene shows up here, returning to their regions after the storm.

Last night we had almost 80 volunteers sign up from our area, all for the love of the dogs.  I’ve got goosebumps just thinking about it.

This old house looks so serene this morning.  While the guys are putting all the outside furniture and fly-away objects in the cellar and the garden has been picked of anything that might be edible in the next week of window ripening, I grabbed the camera to capture the light.


31 thoughts on “Calm before the Storm?”

  1. Good morning folks and I'm sure some of you are watching hurricane Irene's movements especially if you live on the east coast. …………. I have a post called "Lancaster on 2 wheels" today on Amish Stories where i tour the Amish country side taking pictures and observations which I've just posted…………….Enjoy your weekend everyone and i hope your out of Irene's path and safe. Richard from Amish Stories.

  2. You know, the other day I google-mapped your address to see how long it would take for me to get to your place … 8 hours, approximately. A bit too long for a spur-of-the-moment trip to help at your adoption event … I will be there with you in spirit.

    Be sure to keep Ben locked up on Saturday so no one tries to adopt him.

  3. Stay safe.

    Sending prayers for you and all the others in Irene's path.

    My son in law is a meterorologist and he tells me he gets paid the same if he is right or wrong!


  4. I hope Irene changes her mind

    I would want a couple of those sweet doggies

    my little pug sissy died in April and I miss her so much

    we discussed it before she died and agreeed I wouldn't get another doggie LOL (really)

  5. I do hope the weathermen are making big production out of something….seems like they are building it up into a frenzy…glad you decided to forge on…will be thinking about you and sending positive thoughts…

  6. Be prepared no matter what. Have a plan for your critters. I am the Queen at being prepared for hurricanes. Not really something to write home about. Ha! But, I did write about losing our home in 2004.

    Good luck to all the pooches seeking their *ForeverHomes*! I wish I could magically bring them all here 🙂 But, somewhere, out there, a family is waiting for these sweet pups 🙂
    Stay safe!
    xo, misha

  7. Dear sister hypocrite. hee hee… hasn't the light just been perfect lately for photography. I don't care for summer but do like the light it gives us in late August. A bit softer looking.

    Good luck with the dog event! I wish every pup out there a new home to go to.

  8. I'm hoping that Irene veers off to the east and we are spared. Went to the store today to stock up on a few things – not a battery to be found!

    Best of luck with the dog adoptions- I will be sending positive thoughts your way.


  9. oh, i hope that everyone has safe travels, and that a lot of folks will turn out for your adoption event. i'm afraid folks might be distracted. UGH!

  10. Karen! I LOVE these pictures!!! Calm before the storm indeed…talked to my brother who lives by you and he is ready…but is really hoping that the winds are not too strong…his house is completely surrounded by huge trees. I don't think it's a good idea for him to stay there, but he says he's got alcohol so he's good. I hope he's right!! Stay safe girlfriend!! Wishing you and all of your volunteers the very BEST of luck Saturday at the event!!! Hope those pups all find furever homes!!

  11. If I were listening to animal ques or instints, I would be in for a big one. However, I believe my forecast has changed and I will be happy with a gentle rain and soft winds. I wish you the same and really hope all the dogs will be lucky to get new homes. The pictures are beautiful.

  12. Karen,
    BEEYOOTEEFULL photos! Thank you for sharing! Love the pear.
    My son is in Raleigh, NC, my daughter ten minutes south of Baltimore, MD. I hope they escape. I hope all escape unscathed!
    xo, Cheryl

  13. The only thing we can be sure of is that we don't know what will happen with the weather this weekend! I wish you the best and will add my rare prayers to yours that all goes well. We have prepared as much as we can today and now all we can do is wait it out.

    Stay safe! and Good Luck

  14. Life there looks so lovely and peaceful. I hope that it remains that way for you and Irene goes out to sea where she belongs.

    She passed over our old home in the northern Bahamas earlier this week, but it wasn't as bad as feared. I always prepare and if it wasn't necessary, breathe a sigh of relief. I'll be thinking of you.

  15. I don't pray either but it's times like these I want to. I pray that those little doggies all get good homes.
    Wishing you luck during this storm.


  16. Sending prayers up that you all stay safe who are in Irene's path AND that all those sweet pups find good forever homes! Bless all who participate!
    My daughter who lives on the 65 acre farm had ANOTHER dog dumped at their place this week. That's the third large breed pup dumped there this summer (not counting Rusty dumped there last year)! They now have 7 dogs! The last one is a full blood St. Benard with an interesting story. I'll be posting on it this week!

  17. I'm behind in my reading so the dog days is now history…. I hope that you squeezed it in before the rains hit and that loads of homes were found!
    Being from Louisiana, I've got a healthy respect for hurricanes. We lost our barn to Gustav 3 years ago and are really just recovering from the destruction.

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