
   I don’t have much when it comes to arrogance and ignorance.

 A comment left anonymously on my blog yesterday was put there by someone who believes all pit bulls are BAD DOGS, maimers and killers and they were bred for nothing else. This person would like me to please stop condoning their rescue…  and judging by the tone,  perhaps their right to live. 

 Anonymous, you were referring to Millie, who is an American Bull Dog mix.  Here is the description for that breed. –  American Bulldogs are typically confident, social and active dogs that are at ease with their families. They bond strongly with their owners. Young American Bulldogs may be slightly aloof with strangers but as they mature the breed’s normal confidence should assert itself. This breed tolerates children and can do very well with them, provided they are socialized early and understand their limits. The more exposure to good training practices, other dogs and people, the more likely the success at being controlled both inside and outside of their environment.

 I am going to assume, however, that you considered Millie to be a Pit Bull, judging by your nasty prejudice, of which this particular breed has unfairly suffered enough.  The description for that breed is as follows:

   The APBT is a breed that is loyal to friends and family, and is generally friendly towards strangers. Many have strong instincts to chase and seize cats and other fleeing creatures, including deer and livestock ( natural prey drive).  As with any dog breed, proper training and socialization at an early age is a must. According to the UKC, “aggressive behavior toward humans is uncharacteristic of the breed”  The American Temperament Testing Society shows a pass percentage of 86% for American Pit Bull Terriers as opposed to the Golden Retriever with a temperament of 84.9%   American Pit Bull Terriers generally have a lot of energy and benefit from exercise and stimulation to channel their energy properly and avoid becoming frustrated, bored, or destructive. 

When choosing any breed for your home or family, it’s wise to heed good advice and find a breed of dog that fits your own situation.

  As is the case with any dog, proper raising, handling,  and training in most cases make for a very loyal and reliable companion.  When cruel people enter the picture and torture these dogs to become something other than what they actually are, ( and certainly they PICK these breeds because of their strength)   this is where the problems arise and a dog can snap.  That doesn’t mean that dogs who have NOT been tortured aren’t capable of snapping, and that includes chihuahuas, cocker spaniels, poodles, schnauzers, golden retrievers, etc. etc. etc.

   The funny thing about pit bulls, Anonymous?….. even when they HAVE been abused… so many of them are STILL the loyal family oriented dog that you see described above.   Below you will see the proof, and these are just among a handful of wonderful people I’ve come to know.

A note from Hilary:  Many years ago, I rescued a pit, her name was Chicki. We ended up calling her Chickiwu, and most often….Wu. She was my first pit bull.  She showed me that in spite of the first horrible year of her life, that she spent in a crate, 24/7……that she still believed that there was love in the world. I think she set out to prove it. The only problem we ever had with her, was that with babies and all children, she wanted to lick them. I have fond memories of trying to do the NY Times Sunday crossword with her on my lap.

She ran across the road one day, a road that had about 10 cars a day, and was killed.

I cried for a year.

Her partner, another save, Eddie, was hit by the same vehicle……they were running side by side. He survived, but was so heartbroken, that he ate his tennis ball, had a bowel obstruction, and almost died.

Until his death two months ago, at the age of 14 and 1/2, he was loyal, loving, faithful, and true. He was a joy in our lives, that we will never forget. He never bit anyone in his whole life. When other dogs charged him, he wagged his tail until it was unavoidable that he had to defend himself.

Then there’s Roy. A big bundle of love. Who loves to ride in truck, go for walks, snuggle on the couch, sleep at your feet in the bed. He almost never barks, doesn’t destroy anything ever, doesn’t beg for food, smiles continuously, and loves hugs and kisses without end.

He is happy in the moment. He forgives, or forgets, that he was abandoned, and spent a year in a kennel.   Today is his day.  I will never have any other dog, but a pit. Their hearts are huge, their affection is unequaled. 

Someone told me once, that a pit will be whatever you want him to be.

Enough said.

PS. I highly recommend this book……..Inside of a Dog: What Dogs See, Smell, and Know by Alexandra Horowitz

And Deborah’s story… 

  I own an American Staffordshire Terrier, one of the bully-breeds targeted by media and ignorant people.  I purposely adopted a dog like this. I went purposely to a rescue and picked my adorable George.

I purposely adopted a dog like this. He is by far, the sweetest dog I’ve ever owned. Loyal beyond belief, loving, smart, his only want in his day is to please us.

Yet, I cannot believe, even from our own family, the ignorance and idiocy we’ve had to deal with.

I’ve heard that he’ll attack us in our sleep, he’ll turn on us when we least expect it. I can stick my hand in his food dish while he’s eating for crying out loud.

Let’s face it, this type of thinking is pervasive – towards some pets and certainly towards people.
We can help by living by example and putting the ignorance in a trash bag and tossing it in the garbage can outside where it belongs.


 My neighbors of many years have a granddaughter who is being raised on her parents horse farm with two pit bulls.   They granted permission to use these pictures, because they, too, are disgusted with the prejudice.  No more words needed here.. the pictures speak for themselves.

Enough Said.

41 thoughts on “Patience”

  1. One of the meanest dogs I ever met was a spaniel. He belonged to my in-laws, why was he mean? I have no idea, I guess he was just not a happy dog. Dogs are what they are all breeds have their issues, just like people I guess. Good for you for saying your piece train your dog and enjoy them. All the best to you. I have an Irish Setter and he is spoiled beyond anything he is great with the grandchildren and sleeps like a rock when they leave.

  2. Although I will probably always have a Lab, that doesn't mean that I wouldn't have loved a Pit Bull if we had raised one. I can't imagine a dog turning on me who I have loved and pampered their whole life. They are going to be what you want them to be. Expect the worse and you will get the worse. Expect the best and they will never disappoint you.

  3. Thanks for posting this. Our first dog as a married couple 30+ years ago? A beautiful brindle pit bull girl my hubs named Cindy. A gentle soul with a huge heart… who spoiled and protected me, and our cats. Loved and adored by us, and her memory certainly lives on. -Tammy

  4. Thanks for being their cheerleader. People say the same nasty comments about Rottweilers. We owned four over a period of 14 years and never had one.single.behavioral. issue. Bet that anonymous person also thinks negatively about rotts… idiot.

  5. That dog sitting on the graphic rug and looking up at the camera? CUTEST DOG IN THE WORLD.

    Oh wait! That's my dog.

    Karen – see? all the good peeps totally out number the anonypusses. Yay us! Good job from you as always.

  6. This kind of reminds me when we got our Molliedog…a Queensland Heeler. She was the cutest little thing…we took her to our vet of 20 years or so and he said "omgosh, Sheryl ..what were you thinking"? I'm like what?? Then I got a dog book and it said "These can be great dogs but they have the capacity of ruining a happy household."…What??? are we in trouble??lol..well, come to find out they are very very independant dogs…a working dog. She tolerates us…barely. They need hubby and I compromised…we became her cows!!…These dogs are not to be confused with the sweet Austrailan Sheep Dogs…Molliedog is a cow dog. Our friend said "Once you own a Queensland you will never have another kind of dog?…I had to admit I thought he must be on drugs…lol…Anyway, to make a long story short…Molliedog is now 12 years old…absolutely positively one of the best dogs ever! And yes, our next dog will more than likely be a Queensland Heeler…they are loyal beyond belief…I would trust my life with her (and have)…

  7. i am not a dog person at all, but i have been enjoying reading your dog stories recently.

  8. People are often influenced by the media in ways they don't even know, or they themselves have had a bad experience and then place a label on a particular breed because of it. Either way it's very unfortunate. Mean people will make any dog mean, it's a fact and dog behaviorists know this beyond a shadow of a doubt. Dogs are products of their upbringing and environments, much like children. We owned German Shepherds my entire life, but left the breed behind, not because of their personalities (which are amazing in so many ways) but because they were over bred by careless breeders who were after a "look," so they ruined the health of the breed! Rotties get a bad rap too, yet I have known lots of them, my friends own 2 right now, and I would take one of them any day of the week!

    It's a shame that when a Pit attacks someone it makes the news, especially when dogs of almost every breed attack and injure or kill people but just don't make the press. We love to vilify certain breeds or animals in general…look at how people fear and hate sharks, making them fair game to kill!

    If anyone ever had a doubt that Pit Bulls are mean, vicious killing machines regardless of breeding or upbringing they should visit this website. Many of Michael Vick's dogs, those breed to fight and kill, the ones lucky enough to be rescued from their own living hell, have now become beloved pets to people willing to open up their minds and their hearts to this special breed!

    Bravo for this post!

  9. you are ONE amazing woman….i hope you know that….thanks for sharing all of this and these stories with us…..xoxo

  10. I emailed this to you earlier, Karen!

    I just saw your post and I am so sorry you had to endure the wrath of a nasty anonymous comment.

    Some people don't have tact and some people are just plain assholes. Sounds like you got the latter.

    Our Zeke is half Pit/half Mastiff. Over the years we have had many friends and family make comments about, "keeping that kind of dog". But, as you know, our Zeke is the kindest, most gentle pup. He will nurture a kitten and love on an infant! He adores children and would protect me to the end of time.
    He came to us at 8 weeks of age, so this is his soul. Just pure love.
    How sad that so many do not understand an animal reacts to the environment he/she is placed in.
    Good for you for not accepting anony comments any more. If there is respect for you as a writer/blogger; that respect should extend to people understanding they must *show themselves* to comment!
    Arrogance and ignorance are the anony commenters First and Last Names, I guess.
    Thanks for all your hard work!
    xo, misha

  11. This anonymous person is extraordinarily arrogant, angry and ignorant. If she was a dog she would be dangerous.
    You can throw facts at people like that but they choose to wallow in their ignorance for some reason.
    PitBulls are the sum total of the care they receive from their owners. Unfortunately the gangta thugs and the wannabes in this society have given the breed a bad name. They did it to Rottweilers. They did it to Doberman's and now they are doing it to PitBulls.
    If anonymous were anything more than a petty bully she would educate herself on the topic. Until she does…IGNORE HER!

  12. There are a lot of ignorant people in the world as well as people who don't KNOW dogs and/or how to deal with them! My Copper is half "pit" and I wouldn't have him any other way…he is the most caring, giving, loving dog I've ever owned…:)JP

  13. Well said! My daughter adopted a pit from a shelter a few years back, and I will admit to being somewhat unsettled. But, I would have felt the same about any large unknown dog. Well, he has proved to be the sweetest big guy. Love all your posts about the upcoming adoption day! My husband and I adopted the sweetest Maltese a few years back that had been living in NYC on her own, outside for several weeks. I saw a bumper magnet a few weeks back that said "who rescued who?". So true.

  14. It's all in how they're raised. Some kids will grow up to be bullies. They might lie and steal and throw punches. As adults, they might serve jail time. But they were influenced all along the way by someone….

    I used to work at a vet in college, and the sweetest dog that ever came in was a Rottweiler named Shiner. Oh how I loved that big goofball of a dog 🙂

  15. I've been bit by a choc. lab, my son was attacked by a german shepard and my sister in law was chomped by a mutt. Get real anonymous.

  16. Before i had my son i used to work at an animal hospital. We had alot of Pitbull's at our place. Wonderful, gentle dogs. We never , ever had a problem with them. We all loved them. My boss the Vet also had a large number of Rottweilers that also get a bad rap. They were great dogs as well.
    It saddens me when people give this breed a bad name. I am from Ontario and sadly the breed has been banned because of so many idiots.
    I have to say the vast majority of injuries that my co-workers faced where from Chows!! They were the worst breed for biting!
    I love these photos!

    Pamela xo

    Have you heard of Maison Decor blog? Amy has a beautiful male pitbull named Dillon!

  17. Prejudice is an ugly thing, perpetuated by ignorance and fed a steady diet of hatred. The sweetest dog on our mountain is Ringo, a stray pit bull who came a sad, abused dog afraid of his shadow and is now a friendly outgoing fellow who comes daily to my door for his dog biscuit!

  18. Bully for you Karen!
    Dogs, like people, come in all shapes, sizes, and personalities. I'm sorry that racial prejudice carries over to all of the other species. Think how boring life would be if it was possible to characterize all living things by their like-images. I could get on my soap box about the stereotyping of mules …. different animal, same situation, and so infuriating!

  19. I just love dogs! Most biting dogs I think have been provoked or bite out of fear. I've never personally known a pit bull, but my son has a friend with one and says she's the sweetest dog you'd ever meet!

  20. They've actually banned them in our province.

    Hard to believe. Too bad we can't ban the bad owners.

    It's not the breed that has issues, it's certain owners.

    Thanks for sharing good owners!

  21. Incredible post, phenomonal photos. Have you read the book, The Lost Dogs. My cousin who has a Pit recommends it highly. I have it on my to read list. Thanks for all the animal love you show here.

  22. You are a champion and I love every word, every fact and photo and every bit of energy you have put into this post, which as a fellow blogger I can tell was immense. You are right on, and I, like you, cannot suffer fools.

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