
  There are a few things in just about everyone’s life that give them the willies.  I love MOST creatures great and small.   The two exceptions are alligators/crocs and sharks.  Just can’t get past the fact that up against one of those babies, I don’t stand a chance of charming my way through the experience.  And so I will never live on  or near a glade in Florida where there is the possibility of an alligator climbing up out of the waterway to see what’s on my b-b-q grill or at the end of my dog leash.   AND.. whenever I’m in or near the ocean, which is frequent because I do love it so…. I’m on my guard for sharks. Martha’s Vineyard is one of my favorite places on earth… except for the shark possibilities.

 Last night college girl took this picture of me…
When I came home I looked at it and lo and behold…

27 thoughts on “Shark!”

  1. When I was little and saw Jaws, I wouldn't go in the ocean that summer during the family vacay! Ohh, my Dad was mad!
    We have had quite a few experiences with gators living in south Florida. J has so many stories he tells! They are nasty, scary creatures!
    I think you should go back and paint teeth on that babay 🙂 Ha!
    xo, misha

  2. That totally looks like a shark in the background! Imagine that?! I've been watchin' "Shark Week" on Discovery Channel all last week…eeeeekkk!!!

  3. What a hoot!
    I was just saying to my Hubs, if we ever go somewhere where the water is lovely and warm for swimming how will I ever get in it when sharks live there!?

  4. dun dun….dun dun….that's the start of my jaws music 🙂

    and honestly, i think that's the coolest rock EVER….i'm glad you still have all your appendages after such a close encounter 🙂


  5. Im from Florida, so i would be on a rock if i were still there from the fear of sharks. Then again im almost afraid of everything,lol. Richard from Amish Stories.

  6. That is hilarious!!!!! I have a love/hate thing with sharks. I love them and think they are amazing creatures, but I am terrified of being eaten by one or having Jemma eaten by one. That is always a fear every time we go to the beach! Now alligators are awesome. We have several in our neighborhood and I just find them amazing. Hello…. they have survived since prehistoric times! That is cool and they always run off if you get too close. I haven't tried to go near the big one (he is about 6 feet) but the little ones are cute!

  7. The rock is hilarious!

    My DH grew up in South Florida – his house backed up directly to the Everglades!

    Check my recent blog posts for an awesome dolphin video — in which you can here me telling my youngest son "It's not a shark, get out of the water" LOL

  8. LOL!

    Funny girls, you two. 🙂

    I've never seen an alligator I liked either. But, have to say I've had fried gator tail and it is awesome. Have never understood why people pay money in St Aug to the alligator farm, even though some nitwits in my family have. 🙂

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