24 thoughts on “Happy Easter from my Peeps to yours!”

  1. oh so cute…nothing more perfect for Easter! The eggs look delish, I have rolls rising already. Happy Easter to you all…

  2. Awwww, real peeps are so much better than the marshmallow ones.

    I know you must be busy today, but between now and Tuesday, I'd love it if you'd share (link up) one of your photos at Your Sunday Best — over at my blog. I'm sure my other readers would enjoy it. Happy Easter!

  3. Baby chicks and deviled eggs, in the same post! Could it get any better! (Ummm, I just realized those deviled eggs are peeps with their futures cut short! I still LOVE deviled eggs!)

    Happy Easter, Karen!

  4. Oh, how sweet!! I was completely expecting to see Marshmallow Peeps, and here you have Real Peeps! 🙂 What a nice surprise.

    I hope you had a Happy Easter!

  5. I've had my fill of regular old squishy peeps so it was nice to see some that I won't eat here….well, I mean I could eat them….someday…but…wait…there is just something wrong about this whole reply, isn't there? Happy Easter..okay? xxoo Diana

  6. Brings back memories for me!
    We only had chickens once when I was little and when they got bigger, we had to send then to another farm. I LOVED those little babies.
    These photos are precious!
    Happy Easter.

  7. Wow basket pics are beautiful. Easter reminds me of my school days , how we used to sing that song aloud in the singing room – "Easter time, Easter time , Flowers blooming Easter time . Church bells ring children sings , Happy Happy Easter Time'!!!!! What fun!

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