Small town living

** I’m aware that some folks are having a real hard time leaving comments here on the blog – I don’t know what the issue is, must be a blogger thing.  I don’t have blocks set up and nothing looks amiss.  I’m sorry for the inconvenience and I appreciate that you’ve attempted to reach me. 

   We live just a few miles from a busy shoreline, but our little town is still considered by many to be living “in the sticks”.  That may have been true years ago, but if you judge by the through traffic that flies up the road past our farm and the fact that I have a Dunkin Donuts, a subway, a bank, a True Value Hardware store and a four star gourmet italian restaurant about a mile from my front door,  I think those who truly live “in the sticks” would get a chuckle at the reference.  The one thing we don’t have is a grocery store, go figure. 
   Because we live in a small town, not much is missed by the masses.  There is a small political group lead by a newcomer to town who are hell bent on trashing the good will we have all granted each other over the years regardless of our differing political views. The following is a piece I posted on Fb that kinda sums up how I feel about the subject of small town life around here…  I bet those of you who live in a small town community can relate.  The photo accompanies the post. 
   This is what a healthy community looks like. So many things this one photo represents- the obvious- a town owned farm long dilapidated and then resurrected mainly by many volunteers and civic groups who often come together regardless of their political affiliations for common goals that benefit generations.
This photo also represents a wholesome family activity away from the iPhone and tv screen and ear buds.. – the tables of pumpkin carvers were filled with all age groups, the young and young at heart. If you didn’t attend, you can still enjoy the fruits of their labor with a simple drive-by at night- the glow of this community effort will warm your heart.
I’ve lived in ******** for over 32 years. So many good and generous and community oriented folks here. I think it’s why we all chose this little town to raise our children. We have been lucky until recently that regardless of our different and varied political views, opinions, beliefs in what was best for our town, we pursued those beliefs while still respecting that we are all neighbors, our children are watching our behavior, and thankfully, political opponents have been respectful of each other. Most of us still believe in this way of life.
The truth about the party system- there are several approaches to building a community, it’s a multifaceted task. All parties have valid concerns and ideas and we won’t always agree on the method . We are not each others enemy. If we treat each other with respect, we can work together and separately to keep our town on track to thrive. It takes a village- and in this little village there is no need or use or want for nasty political jabs. Want to make a difference? Speak with respect and doors open, people listen.
A big Thank you to all the people in our community who show up, reach out, volunteer, speak up, participate, iron out issues and work through problems, differences, needs, etc etc.. together.
    We’ve enjoyed a crazy beautiful summer-like fall so far, and we’re taking advantage of every minute of perfect weather we can.   Stella’s leaves are all raked, acorns picked up, the rest of the furniture put away, and I took another kayak around the cove. The water was crystal clear and chilly, felt so good and refreshing on my feet and hands.  There were indeed some swimmers on Saturday, and I was so tempted to join them. 

   Katherine Hepburn lived just up the coast a few miles back in the day, and she swam in the sound in front of her home daily all year. (that’s her below )  That just seems crazy to me, but there are others who do the same and like Kate, claim it has great health benefits and clears the mind.  ( among other things, i’m thinking!) 


     My best girl and I also rode the mini ponderosa here yesterday on our trusty ponies – a glorious day with few bugs on the trail and still – late October, t-shirt weather.  I think the yoga  I’ve been forcing myself to do… and walking/hiking with the dogs  is helping with the stiffness and pain of the   fibromyalgia, because I have not been tremendously sore after these activities… it’s encouraging.

   Here are a few more pictures taken around the farm with my phone – truly these iphones are amazing –  If you had told me 15 years ago we’d be walking around with a little square box that is a mini computer, a phone, a camera, a compass, and so much more, I wouldn’t have believed it. Do you think we’ll see hovering cars in our lifetime?

The light has been glorious, the temps comfortable, the colors not as vibrant as they could be, I’m guessing due to the lack of moisture and the warmer air.. but fall has indeed arrived along with pumpkin spice everything ( I’ve got the yogurt in my fridge to prove it) and I’m savoring every minute.

 Till soon, friends –