
  We’ve been making little trips down to Stella to batten down the hatches in preparation for the winter season, the Un-Season for summer cottages. Frasier needed some one on one time away from the puppy a/k/a the terr0rist so last week I brought him with me and we  took a walk around the island to bid farewell to the summer breezes, the queen anne’s lace in the little fields by the beach,  the towels hanging over deck rails to dry, the water warm enough to wade in, still.  
There are no more boats in the water, all tucked away till next “season”.  Most folks who live on island for the summer have gone home. Out of the 140 cottages, there are about six winterized homes that are lived in year round.  That must be just a little lonely come those cold winter months.  Or perhaps the solitude is heavenly. 
  While on our walk I discovered a kindness rock placed near the roadside…
   We could all use that reminder, eh? 
  I washed bed linens, folded and stored them and the  pillows in rubbermaid containers lest the meese try to take up residence again.   They shant, I tell you, for we have fortified these walls with mighty….. well I don’t know what we fortified these walls with, but the husband hates meese, so I know he fortified it somehow.  Steel wool also works great in any leftover little peep holes, like where the plumbing comes in.  

   I also emptied the fridge and food from cupboards and the garbage has been collected and the bin taken away – the water will be shut off next week and we’ll blow out the pipes so they don’t freeze and burst.   I’m not sure if I’ll cover the furniture with sheets.  Any of you have a summer place you’ve closed up for periods of time? Advice? 
  I plan to check on ole’ Stella often, as she’s just 20 minutes away – and the dogs and I will continue our walks around the island through the winter if snow isn’t too deep. We won’t be alone, as several others do the same.  It’s sad to close her up, though, even for just half a year. 
Till soon, Stella –