CSN Give-away WINNER!! and a spring give-away of my own…

Yes, I was going to wait another week to announce this giveaway, but I decided I wanted to give my followers a better chance at winning, so I went on over to Random.org  (thanks, kim)  and used their true numbers generator.  AND.. the number it settled on  was 39!   Comment number 39 was…

KATE the country girl! … Kate, I’ll mail you the code, and you now have $40. to use on CSN’s sites as you please.

 And so… I just reached the 200 follower mark!   It’s never been my intention to see how many followers I can accumulate… my blogging was initially  just a journal. However, it turned into much more than that.  It’s been such a pleasure getting to know you and the places you live and places you go – learning and creating and commiserating together.  I plan to blog for a long time, it’s a wonderful community.  To celebrate all of you – I am having a little give-away of my own.   All you have to do is answer the following questions in the comments section of this post and on Friday I’ll use the random generator again to pick a winner. The giveaway will be a box of spring goodness, contents a surprise.

1. Name three things on your bucket list.  

2. You’ll be stranded on an uninhabited tropical Island for a month. Name two items and one person – any person alive in the world today that you would choose to bring along with you.

3.  If you could chose any person at all to be the next President of the United States, who would it be and why?

4. Your stuck in an elevator for an hour. Who are you stuck in there with?  Jack Nicholson, George W. Bush or Charlie Sheen?

5.  What’s the first question you’d ask?

My answers:
1. To visit all the National Parks in the US,  to drive along the Pacific Palisades -California Coast, and to tour Europe. 

2. a gallon of bug repellent, a box of dry matches and the best eagle scout in America, whoever he is.

3. Brad Pitt.   Hey.. he’s easy on the eyes,  he’s a humanitarian and he already manages a small country amidst kaos.

4. George W. Bush.

5.  Question: ” ……………………………………………………..Really?!…………………………..”

25 thoughts on “CSN Give-away WINNER!! and a spring give-away of my own…”

  1. Congrats on 200 followers! Your questions are really tough!
    Bucket list: 1. To run this marathon in Utah that is completely downhill around the canyonlands. I went to Zion once and it's just the most beautiful place on earth. 2. To visit all 50 states – I have 9 more to go. 3. To raise my boys in such a way that they become socially conscious, responsible, and kind adults.
    2. Waterproof matches sound good to me. I'll also bring a water filtering system and that guy on the Discovery Channel that they're always dropping off in the middle of nowhere to survive on his own for the weekend. I think his name is Les.
    3. I have no clue! I'd probably pick someone from Canada if it was allowed. I kind of like their way of managing things sometimes.
    4. Well, definitely not the middle guy. I'd probably pick Charlie Sheen. Try to talk some sense into him. Always love a good challenge.
    5. Do you have any chocolate?

  2. 1. Name three things on your bucket list.
    a. buy a Winnebago and travel around in it
    b. go to England
    c. drink coffee in all of these places

    2. You'll be stranded on an uninhabited tropical Island for a month. Name two items and one person – any person alive in the world today – that you would choose to bring along with you.
    a. scotch
    b. coffee
    c. George Stephanopoulos

    3. If you could chose any person at all to be the next President of the United States, who would it be and why?
    Bill Maher. He's pretty good at saying what's wrong, I need to see what he could do right.

    4. You're stuck in an elevator for an hour. Who are you stuck in there with? Jack Nicholson, George W. Bush or Charlie Sheen?
    Jack Nicholson

    5. What's the first question you'd ask?
    Got any scotch?

  3. Congrats on 200 followers.

    My answers:
    1. do something good for the world (hopefully will accomplish that this summer); renovate an older home/cottage; live by the ocean.
    2. a jack knife, a bucket, my husband
    3. No idea on the next president – I'm not American.
    4. Jack Nicholson – at least he would make me laugh.
    5. How are you?

  4. Oh gosh… my brain is sloshed with coffee… I'll give this some thought and be back.

  5. First off congrats to Kate the Country Girl…$40 to spend on something fun, whoo hoo! And congrats to you Karen for reaching 200 followers, just the start for this great blog!
    Now on to the fun…
    1. Name three things on your bucket list.
    Travel, US and Europe.
    Eating out while traveling, Guy Fieri type dives!
    Cooking classes, I should start now so I can reap the benefits!

    2. You'll be stranded on an uninhabited tropical Island for a month. Name two items and one person – any person alive in the world today – that you would choose to bring along with you.
    My bed, camping is not something I do well.
    Chocolate to help me get through the hard days.
    Hubby, I kind of like him after all these years!

    3. If you could chose any person at all to be the next President of the United States, who would it be and why?
    At this point I don't really see anyone who can guide us out of this mess.

    4. You're stuck in an elevator for an hour. Who are you stuck in there with? Jack Nicholson, George W. Bush or Charlie Sheen?
    Jack Nicholson and Charlie Sheen wouldn't let me say a word, they don't even see another person in the room so I guess Geo. Bush.

    5. What's the first question you'd ask?
    Have you ever been stuck in an elevator?

  6. 1. Name three things on your bucket list.
    1. To live long enough to see my grandchildren married and/or happy in their chosen life.
    2. To be able to help as many peopleas I can, by giving all I can, on a daly basis until I am too old to do that anymore.
    3. To live by the ocean again-even if it is not full time.

    2. You'll be stranded on an uninhabited tropical Island for a month. Name two items and one person – any person alive in the world today that you would choose to bring along with you.
    1. A water purification system.
    2. A suitcase packed with durable clothing and books..(hey..I realize this is more than ONE thing-but it is MY fantasy island and it is all contained in ONE suitcase).
    3. Who would I bring with me depends on the how the day is going and how good of a mood MyHero is in.

    3. If you could chose any person at all to be the next President of the United States, who would it be and why? Well, I would really like to see a woman president. I think Oprah Winfrey would have a good handle on it. She is definitely used to being the spotlight so would not be affected by that aspect of it. She doesn't NEED the money…and she is rational.
    There are several other candidates I could think of but guess I will go with her.

    4. Your stuck in an elevator for an hour. Who are you stuck in there with? Jack Nicholson, George W. Bush or Charlie Sheen? I hope it is not Charlie Sheen. I think George W might be good for a few laughs. he does have a pretty good sense of humor.

    5. What's the first question you'd ask? "Do youthink your SecretService boys could boost us outta here?"

    Listen, I had great fun doing this but please don't count me in for the giveaway. I have won so many in the past that I would be ashamed to win another…and would feel greedy~ Hugs- Diana

  7. 1. Name three things on your bucket list.
    1.To be in and stay in the will of God till he calls me home.
    2.To see my children married and living for God.
    3. To travel the United States
    2. You'll be stranded on an uninhabited tropical Island for a month. Name two items and one person – any person alive in the world today that you would choose to bring along with you.
    1. good tent
    2. lots of dry matches
    3. my husband

    3. If you could chose any person at all to be the next President of the United States, who would it be and why? My father, if you knew him you would understand; no games, no political correctness, God fearing man.

    4. Your stuck in an elevator for an hour. Who are you stuck in there with? Jack Nicholson, George W. Bush or Charlie Sheen? You would have to pick these three wouldn't you! lol I would have to say Bush too, he has a sense of humor at least.

    5. What's the first question you'd ask? So how long do you think it will take for someone to rescue us?!

  8. Congratulations Kate!
    1. Bucket list – I used to have a bucket list long before the movie, but its changed so much over the years… I'd like to live by the ocean for a while, visit NYC for a weekend, and be depression-free for a week. (or a day, I'm not greedy:)

    2. Stranded on a tropical island – well, in my dream, the water will be pure flowing from a waterfall, so water proof matches, a camera, and my husband.

    3. Next President – joking here, it would be my oldest son. He thinks he has a handle on running the country, so let's give him a whirl.

    4. Stuck in an elevator – Charlie Sheen, I think, just to see how he really acts and talks.

    5. What's your name?

  9. 1. Bucket List – I want to visit Italy again, travel by train to the west coast of Canada and (blush, blush) make woopie again!
    2. Desert Island – A good tent, a soft mattress and Jane from the last survivor – she was friendly, my age and really knew what she was doing!
    3. Next president? I'm not from the US so that's a hard one ……. why not John Travolta!
    4. Stuck in an elevator with Jack Nicholson.
    5. Question – Tell me about the last book you read.

  10. 1-Travel to Greece and Italy, Read 52 Books a year, Learn French.

    2-Bug Repellant,My Own Pillow,and George Clooney.

    3-In 2016-Andrew Weiner (Congressman)

    4-None would be my choice–but I guess Jack.

    5-Do you regret anything you did or maybe didn't do?

  11. 1- traveling to Australia, going to a Stanley cup finals game, and getting a Ph.d.

    2- a journal, matches, and Jeff Probst, hey I want to "survive" on that Island 🙂

    3- Oprah, because she is going to need something to do!

    4- Jack Nicholson- hands down.

    5- Is that really you?

  12. 1 – Finish digging up my front yard. Live long enough to see my next great-grandchild. Spend a week at this old house, and watch Karen sell produce. 🙂

    2 – Crystal Light peach tea, waterproof matches, James Brolin.

    3 – I'm not going there.

    4 – Jack N.

    5 – What were you thinking?

    Congrats to Kate!
    And, to you!

  13. Ha what fun!!! Congrats.

    1. Bucket List –
    a)Travel to India
    b)See my daughter happily secure in life
    c)Walk the Camino de Compostella in Spain

    2.Good reading material, my daughter and lots of yummy food.

    3. Next president? Oprah Winfrey!

    4. Stuck in an elevator with Jack Nicholson.

    5. Question – "What was the advice ever given to you?"

  14. AGh Karen! You're making me thinkkkkkkk.

    1. Name three things on your bucket list.

    To get back in my skates; to live/retire in my cabin with the screened front porch facing the water so I can sleep there in the summer; take a winter vacation in a guranteed warm climate

    2. You'll be stranded on an uninhabited tropical Island for a month. Name two items and one person – any person alive in the world today that you would choose to bring along with you.

    matches; fishing pole; my husband!

    3. If you could chose any person at all to be the next President of the United States, who would it be and why?

    I want Bill Clinton back! My life was so good during his regime!

    4. Your stuck in an elevator for an hour. Who are you stuck in there with? Jack Nicholson, George W. Bush or Charlie Sheen?


    5. What's the first question you'd ask?

    Are you good in bed? Really?

  15. 1. See the pyramids, visit Israel, and Yellowstone National Park.
    2. My Bible and my chap stick! My husband, because he can do anything and I know we will survive if he is along.
    3. Newt Gingrich because I believe that he has the maturity and wisdom to turn this country around. One of the last statesmen that we have.
    4. George Bush so that the conversation will at least be intelligent.
    5. Do we have definite proof of UFO's?

  16. 1. Name three things on your bucket list.
    – visit Cape Breton, Nova Scotia again
    – see my son settled & happy
    – train my puppy not to pee in the house

    2. You'll be stranded on an uninhabited tropical Island for a month. Name two items and one person – any person alive in the world today that you would choose to bring along with you.
    – a comfortable bed
    – a bottle of wine
    – my husband (he's the only person I would be happy with for that long!)

    3. If you could chose any person at all to be the next President of the United States, who would it be and why?
    I'd have to go with Alice in Paris and say Oprah…she's got the smarts, the common sense, and maybe only a woman can help get the US back on track

    4. Your stuck in an elevator for an hour. Who are you stuck in there with? Jack Nicholson, George W. Bush or Charlie Sheen?
    Jack for sure

    5. What's the first question you'd ask?
    Can I try on your shades?

  17. 1. Name three things on your bucket list:
    Mine is a sand pail list (can you guess why?)
    • To visit a beach in the winter where it snows.
    • Own a vintage travel trailer and hit the highway.
    • Start a road trip from Jamestown, Virginia and follow the path my ancestors took to Georgia.

    2. You'll be stranded on an uninhabited tropical Island for a month. Name two items and one person – any person alive in the world today that you would choose to bring along with you.
    My camera, so I can post pictures on my blog when I return.
    A fishing pole.
    My son, he lives 2600 miles away from me and I'd love to have a whole month to visit with him. Plus, he loves the beach as much as I do.

    3. If you could chose any person at all to be the next President of the United States, who would it be and why?
    Myself, I have all the answers, just ask my friends, lol.

    4. You're stuck in an elevator for an hour. Who are you stuck in there with? Jack Nicholson, George W. Bush or Charlie Sheen?
    Jack Nicholson, he could bring his ax from the movie Shining and get us out of there!

    5. What's the first question you'd ask?
    Why didn't Karen give me better choices?

  18. 3 things on my bucket list:
    1. visit Mongolia
    2. buy and travel in a vintage 16' Bambie
    3. live in a foreign country for 3 months

    Stranded and can bring 2 things, 1 person
    1. camera
    2. Bible
    3. Dave

    Next USA President
    Colin Powell except Mrs. Powell said no.

    Stuck in an elevator
    1. Bush, at least the conversation would be interesting

    first question
    Was Iraq really about the money?

  19. Congrats to the winner Karen!
    3 things on my bucket list:
    1. Full Time in the RV for a year
    2. Have dinner with George Clooney and Julia Roberts
    3. Live on the beach in Bermuda for a year…or two…or three

    Stranded and can bring 2 things, 1 person
    1. camera
    2. iPad
    3. I'll agree with you and choose Brad Pitt

    Next USA President
    Bring Bill Clinton back…my life was pretty good then too

    Stuck in an elevator
    1. Definitely George Bush


  20. Hi Karen! Just had to join the fun…

    1. Name three things on your bucket list.
    Paint the mudroom, re-do kitchen, sand floors.

    2. You'll be stranded on an uninhabited tropical Island for a month. Name two items and one person – any person alive in the world today that you would choose to bring along with you.
    Items: Suntan lotion (I burn easily) and a book
    Person: My husband… someone has to help me get the lotion on my back!
    3. If you could chose any person at all to be the next President of the United States, who would it be and why?
    Obama. He is there, he is thoughtful, he is honest, and he is such a better choice than anyone who seems to be interested in running.

    4. Your stuck in an elevator for an hour. Who are you stuck in there with? Jack Nicholson, George W. Bush or Charlie Sheen?
    George Bush. First, Nicholson would scare me, and Sheen would bore me. I'd much rather be there with someone who would be sleeping.

    5. What's the first question you'd ask?
    Can I get you a blanket?

  21. 1. Name three things on your bucket list.

    Make THREE trips this year! Would love to visit family..priority number 1 !

    2. You'll be stranded on an uninhabited tropical Island for a month. Name two items and one person – any person alive in the world today that you would choose to bring along with you.
    I would want my Nook loaded with books, SOAP, and my hubby! He can get us out of anything! lol

    3. If you could chose any person at all to be the next President of the United States, who would it be and why?
    My husband…REALLY!

    4. Your stuck in an elevator for an hour. Who are you stuck in there with? Jack Nicholson, George W. Bush or Charlie Sheen?
    George W. Bush

    5. What's the first question you'd ask?
    Do you know how to get the elevator to work? (I wish my hubby was here!)

  22. Yeay Kate!

    Yeay for your 200th follower!

    1. To travel throughout the US in a vintage camper…to retire to a small house on the water…to finaly organise my desk!

    2. A loaf of bread, a bottle of wine, and Mr O:)

    3. I would vote for Jon Stewart if he ran:)

    4. I will have to go with George W…I do think he is pretty funny:)

    5. Can I hear a cheer?

  23. 1. Name three things on your bucket list.
    spend time with my mon
    go to Japan
    cook Indian food

    2. You'll be stranded on an uninhabited tropical Island for a month. Name two items and one person – any person alive in the world today that you would choose to bring along with you.
    A good kitchen knife and my bible and hubby!

    3. If you could chose any person at all to be the next President of the United States, who would it be and why?
    My dad..he's one of the finest guys who can straighted things out!

    4. Your stuck in an elevator for an hour. Who are you stuck in there with? Jack Nicholson, George W. Bush or Charlie Sheen?
    George W. Bush

    5. What's the first question you'd ask?
    How does it feel to be an ordinary citizen again?

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