An Hour of Your Time

  Did you move your clocks ahead?  I do love this practice… a big step toward the arrival of SPRING.

 This morning the light shifted…. as the sun rose and spilled over the back fields, the light cast a warm golden hue.    Robins are scouring the earth for worms and the bluebirds are staking their claim .

I think we’ve arrived, people.. my soul is rejuvenated.

22 thoughts on “An Hour of Your Time”

  1. I'm loving that we wake up to the light instead of pitch black skies. Oh, and my forsythia is so pretty right now. I need to go take some pics of it today. Enjoy your Sunday!!


  2. The most glorius sight on Earth! Love the bluebirds busy, busy building their nests and just the sound of birds again is so uplifting. I think I have the worst case ever of Spring Fever!

  3. Good morning, Karen,
    Great post. Love the new pic.
    Thanks for reminding me of the hour ahead!

    There are a couple bulbs that have started to emerge from our cold Illinois soil. I have not seen any buds yet but haven't ventured through the boggy yard to see if the forsythias at the back of the property have started to pop!
    Happy Sunday. Enjoy the sun!

  4. I'm with you Karen! I love spring and love the long evenings. Today is a beautiful day here too. Maybe I can get outside and get some early spring work done. 🙂

    Have a great day.

  5. Wasn't it just a fabulous weekend?!! LOVE your birds, how that picture says SPRING! …We can all enjoy an extra hour of vitamin D!!!

  6. Your photos are always amazing! Do you have any owl boxes up? They sure are getting more popular. I can only imagine the beautiful images you could capture!

  7. Well, I am always happy to set them ahead…except it means that now I get up at 3:45AM for work…oh dread! Lovely photo! xxoo Diana

  8. I love your blog and your amazing Old house 🙂
    I wish that some day I will have the guts and the opportunity to move out from NYC and love in some beautiful place 🙂

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