And so it goes…


CollegeGirl:  MOM I feel awful. Have I ever had strep?

Me:  No, you’ve never had strep. What are your symptoms?

CG:  I ache all over and have a stuffy nose.

Me:  Well if you start to feel alot worse or develop a fever, stop in the nurses station at school and have them check for strep,  ask if the flu is going around campus.

CG: Ok I will.


CG:  I feel really lousy and now I have a fever. I went to the nurse, she doesn’t think I have the flu but she gave me this horrible tasting stuff to take.  It’s #######.  I’m going to bed.

Me:  Want me to come pick you up and you can convalesce at home this weekend?

CG:  Noooo, but thanks. “M” is making me chicken noodle soup from scratch!  And he went to the store and got me “stuff ”  to take. I think I’ll tough it out here, but thanks mom     ( “stuff”  here, when it was described to me later, was a freak’n arsenal  –  Nyquil so she could sleep better, dayquil for when she has to be alert, sore throat lozenges and half the contents of the local CVS too, I’m sure. )    Have I mentioned that “M”, who showed up around Christmas time and had us frantically looking for a present to give someone who’s –coming home for Christmas- that we don’t even know yet –    turns out to be a pretty decent guy by anyone’s standards from what we can tell.   Good thing I didn’t get that light-up reindeer Christmas Sweatshirt after all, huh?

And… I think I lost my day job.

Where… do the years… go.

23 thoughts on “And so it goes…”

  1. Oh…Karen…I know…I really know…bittersweet, isn't it? And just when you think you have lost one of the best parts of your life one of them presents you with a grandchild and your life takes on a whole new meaning…or they just present you with a new "son" or "daughter" and if it's a good match you are enriched by just getting to know and love this new family member…. oh, yeah…and it is also better to have the new "son" or "daughter" before you are blessed with grands! Really~ xxoo Diana

  2. It's really hard giving up that particular day job, I know the feeling well. I guess we can take comfort in the fact that we often get replaced by other good help!

    I hope she feels better soon, but it sounds like she's in good hands!

    Kat 🙂

  3. I don't know, but they do. My babies are 39 and 30. We blinked and they grew up. But to tell you the truth, I still worry and fret about them and I've added grandkids to the mix! So glad she has a good boyfriend to take care of her when you can't be there…he sounds like a keeper! she is adorable!

  4. We always worry, that's one of our jobs. Hope she gets to feeling better soon!
    Oh, I got a very special package today and will blog about it tomorrow:))

  5. That would be hard, knowing your child is away from home and sick. They do grow up fast. But sounds like she has a good friend to help take care of her.

  6. She is so cute, little and bigger! May I tell you something about your day job? Sometimes, they come back, and then they come back again. Just ask me!! 🙂

    I hope she feels better soon!!

    One time when Patti was in college; she had her "then" boyfriend call me, and told me she had fallen; she got on the phone sobbing "I just wanted to talk to my Mama, I feel better now!" LOL

  7. I know just what you are going through. My daughter has been sick for two weeks, sore throat, cough and today she has lost her voice. It's pretty hard to have those Mother-daughter conversation we need 5 weeks before her wedding! Yikes, your's too will get there one day.

  8. Making chicken noodle soup from scratch?! I guess I would say he is very nice! Food always gets me:) Yes, the years go by way to fast…

  9. Its a hard adjustment Karen! She's found herself a nurturing fellow. At least you are only a phone call away……. Don't ever give up your day job!! 🙂

  10. I know — it's so difficult to actually see them grow up to be competent adults like we planned –oh, wait. What? Haha!

    She'll be fine Mom. 🙂 Have a great weekend, Karen.

  11. Well crap… now I am crying. I just can't stand the thought of Jemma growing up! It really kills me. Now I am listening to the words of the song and the tears are rolling!!! I am going to lock her in her room. Forever…

  12. Oh gosh, sweet post! (She still phoned you first, though.)
    This is our family's state of flux also, kids growing up and leaving. But our two that are married have brought us the most wonderful "sons". I have a sense of our family growing rather than diminishing. But you are right, our job has certainly changed.

  13. Hmmm, I think if he's making chicken soup from scratch and buying her everything he can think of to make her well again…. she might want to keep him around for a long time. That last photo should is so amazing. This is such a sweet post! ……but with a zinger?

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