
 Another year bites the dust…Or a fresh new year begins.  It’s all in your perspective.. glass half  empty or full kind of thing.  My spouse reflects with sadness on the ending of a year – … I’m all for new beginnings –

 Every year in the past  I have said the same thing –  “THIS… is my  year.  The year that I will get in the best shape of my life, the year that I will find the patience in all things that I have always lacked. More family time, less frivolous spending, more giving of myself, less eating CRAP.    The year that I will FIND MY BLISS.”   and ultimately, when I don’t accomplish all of the above, I feel failure.

 I’m not doing that dance this time, I’m finally realizing that the job I do in the important areas of my life, like family, is perfectly OK.  Even  more importantly –  exactly what I am at this moment… is enough.

 Instead of placing demands and unrealistic expectations on myself, I am going to embrace each day as it comes. Where I find inspiration, I will go with the creative  flow. I will not try to fill every moment with a meaningful existence. Where I find someone or something in need, I will lend a hand.  Impatience is part of who I am, and sometimes it really helps to get the job done… I accept it.   I love food and I’m not obese – perhaps a little restraint and more frequent walks with the dog is all that is needed, and I can handle that with joy. 

  LIFE.. is a huge gift. I think what I will resolve to do this year is to appreciate that I am here, now, living in the moment and doing a decent job of it.  The lyrics to one of my favorite Eagles songs says it best … Learn to be Still –

19 thoughts on “Resolve”

  1. Learn to be still-now, that's something I need to try and do more often. Indeed, life is a gift and not a test! 🙂

    Love this post!

  2. Yes yes, and yes!

    I just read another blog that was speaking to this very thing. For us to live in the moment.

    I have such a hard time with this and I often fear that something is passing me by because of it.

    Happy New Year Karen! I'm glad to know you!

  3. Happy New Year, Karen…. love you bunches! You are a beautiful soul and one of my favorite bloggers. Hope to see much more of you in 2011 and wish you much stillness and Peace!


  4. First off, gawjus header. Love it!
    I never make resolutions anymore because it depresses me when I don't fulfill them. Like you, I look on the new year with anticipation, and like your husband, with just a tinge of regret at the passing of the old. I like it that way.
    Happy New Year to a new friend! May you and your family be blessed in the coming year.

  5. Karen-What a great post…why is it that, as women, we always expect so darned much of ourselves? What is wrong with just being who we are and enjoying THAT? Hard to do though, isn't it? I love this post…it says more than a mouthful….AND I LOVVVE your new header! Hugs-Diana

  6. Wise! I quit a few years ago trying to create resolutions that I could follow all year and instead love the one word challenge. Just live your moments as they come! New Year's blessings to you!

  7. I too am impatient. Not one of my virtues. So I commiserate. But I resolve not to be hard on myself, which is my only resolution! Happy New Year, my friend!

  8. Love your attitude! I too am the "This is my year" girl, and at the end of every year, I feel like it was, and can't wait to wrestle the next one down!
    Picture of your kids: priceless!
    Happy new year!

  9. LIFE is precious…you said it all perfectly! I really have enjoyed reading your blog Karen! Great to know you… All the best to you and your family in 2011! Happy New Year!

  10. I'm reading your words and nodding, yep…yep…yep..yep.
    I LOVE the words in this post.It just makes so much sense. And I too, have loved visiting this place. Happy New Year to you and yours.

  11. Well written, Karen! You have such a way with words! Love the post! Happy New Year to you and your family! BTW, we drove by your beautiful house this evening on our way to friend's for a New Year's gathering it looked so warm and inviting! Love the tree with lights outside!

  12. Best post ever, Karen. And so true. I realized that with all my resolutions last year, I only really succeeded at one of them. Maybe the answer is to just do the best we can, one day at a time.
    Happy New Year, friend. See you in this brand new year.

  13. Rather than resolving to do something, I prefer to make plans for the upcoming year. Resolutions are too much like promises waiting to be broken whereas plans are positive, constructive things.


  14. as a self critical perfectionist, I can relate to this. Praying that it works out for you. And EAGLES lyrics are so very appropriate to all the different situations I've experienced.
    Have a great 2011 Karen.

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