The Way I See It

  As each year comes to a close, talk around the table turns naturally to  what we leave behind and what lies ahead.  During these discussions it  occurs to me that I have a mental image of what a year looks like, a road map of the weirdest kind.  I’ve often wondered if other people have a shapshot of the mechanics of a year, an image that just pops up when you’re thinking of a years’ block of time.

 There’s no way I can accurately describe what I see mentally – and the image I drew above  is not what I see as far as written words or lines. It is, however, the form I see when thinking of a year, the cycle.  

  There are a few things I notice when I examine this diagram.  July and August have the biggest block of space. I love summer – easy analysis, wishful thinking.  September through June are a typical school year. That’s one looong stretch.  December, or really Christmas.. is the anchor of my yearly model.  I have no idea why a year looks like this to me, and its been this way since I was old enough to imagine.  One other interesting fact … the year runs counter-clockwise. 

   So I’m putting this out to the Universe. I’d like to know what a year looks like to you.  Is it one long continuous string of months from left to right?  Is there a circular cycle in your minds’ eye?  Are you wondering if I lost my sanity among the gift wrap, boxes and christmas cookies I threw in the overflowing garbage cans outside This Old House…..

19 thoughts on “The Way I See It”

  1. Oh, this is so interesting and something I've never really even given much thought to…now I'll have to ponder it a little more and get back to you! I like your vision of a year though!

    Kat 🙂

  2. I guess I've never given any thought to what a year looks like. I do know that I wish October and November could last for 6 months or longer. The summer months bore me and are very uncomfortable and have been in every state I have ever lived in. I suppose if I were to draw a year that it would have to be a circle or ellipse. A straight line just won't do.


  3. In my mind's eye, my year looks like 12 months hanging on a ribbon. January at the top. When I reminisce, I backtrack on that years ribbon. Have ALWAYS seen it that way – in my mind's eye! Good thinking question, girlfriend!

  4. Mine, if I had to diagram it, would be oval from left to right. March-would be the first mp you could read…coming around the left part of the oval…but small..getting into the much bigger months June, July,August…Sept, Oct, Nov- would be the same size as Mar…I love Fall!

    Love your Header…is it a photo?

  5. I like your image much better than mine the past few years. It seems like once it's January, then it's Christmas again in the blink of an eye. I especially like Summer, though. 🙂

  6. Well, I guess I am the odd man out…er…that would be woman. I am a box kinda gal. I compartmentalize everything into boxes…and so my own year would be one of boxes…each falling into a bigger box…ie..The Spring box would hold April, May & June (we have late Springs here), the Summer box would be July & August, etc… It's funny but I never thought about anyone else thinking about their months being in an order other than calendarly. We bloggers ARE a funny bunch, aren't we? xxoo Diana

  7. Karen,
    I had to comment on your post not because of your question about the year past, but because of the background music!! Dan Fogelberg is my favorite artist of all time! I miss his music and was so sad when he passed away. As soon as I opened your page, I could not concentrate on anything but how good it felt to listen to his voice. Thank you for that nice memory of my high school and college favorite vocalist!

  8. I'm with Nana on this one….not that I have ever really spent alot of time thinking about it…I'd have to go with the straight line / box theory! Not a fan of summer or hot weather…I wish September and October would take up about six months!!

  9. I guess I'm probably a straight line girl. (I know….boring.) I have to say I absolutely love the fact that your summer takes up so much space. I think I spend my summer in a subconscious panic that it's speeding by too fast!
    Love me some summer.
    Happy New Year, Karen

  10. Karen!
    You're funny telling me my comments about you're photos ia a high mark…haha! Yours are so professional! Back at ya..thanks for your compliments!

    Okay, please walk me through how to change the setting so its easier to reply!

  11. For me, the year seems to begin when summer ends. LOVE SUMMER!

    For some reason, a slinky keeps springing into my mind. The years tack on and spring up to meet me with every fist pump. Or something.

    You think in a circle because you're creative.

    P.S. please come here and help me with this fancy-pants camera. Love, Deborah

    Happy New girl!

  12. You think like an artist!! I love your concept as life is in a cycle and it keeps repeating. Counter clockwise shows your creative side. Great post, have a great New Year Karen!!! 🙂

  13. very interesting…i've never thought about what the year looks like to me….i suspect it's a bit too linear for what i'd feel comfortable drawing. i'll have to ponder this…

    i love that yours goes counter-clockwise. there's something deep in that.

  14. Thanks Karen…I never did that setting with the email…because I so rarely checked my email before.
    I have a smarter than me-phone now, so checking is handy, easier.
    All this to say-"But, the email associatd with my blog is extinct. So I would not want to set it up to recieve..I can't even open it up anymore!
    So here is my E-mail should you want~

  15. That is really interesting and something that I have never really thought of before. I think I am more your traditional box calendar kind of girl even though I do try to stretch out those summer months and the month of December!

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