17 thoughts on “White”

  1. Karen- Those are just awe-inspiring and beautiful. I love the one looking down the lane through the trees…and the graveyard has that cold, lonesome look but the hint of sun peeking through just gives it a whole different appeal to the senses. GREAT photos- Hugs- Diana

  2. I knew you'd be posting some beautiful winter pics today!!! I'm NOT a winter girl at all, but you certainly reminded me how spectacular this season really can be. The pretty white stuff hides all the imperfections. I should hire you to take pics of my kids!

  3. I'm so glad we finally got some snow! It's beautiful! and your photos are beautiful!

    ….and I'm glad that I am finally finding some time to visit my blogging friends to belatedly wish them a merry and bright Christmas season and a wonderfully joyous New Year!

  4. Gorgeous photo's! Everything looks so innocent and quiet. You take fantastic pictures.

    Are those your pigs or are those pigs? My eyesight is dim today; too much time in the tent. 🙂

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