If I could give just one gift

To all who visit here
 and especially those who join in the banter-
I feel so lucky to have “met” you.
Talented, funny, warm-hearted souls you are.
Grateful, I am.
Merry Christmas from This Old House to yours –

12 thoughts on “If I could give just one gift”

  1. Grateful, I am to have met you, Karen. You're a kind soul! Love your background and header!

    Have a wonderful Christmas surrounded by your love ones!

    (I will send you what u were asking about) 🙂

  2. Thank YOU. I've enjoyed your blog so much over the past year. Your headers and sidebars impress me no end. It's always a surprise and delight to check in and see what's new over here. I've enjoyed our banter about my remodel and your restoration and I always love your photos too. Hey! I live in Southern California and at this very moment, as I write this comment, I see that it's snowing right here at This Old House. So, thanks also for the feeling of Christmas you've given right through the computer! I wish you a most blessed Christmas. As always you're on my must read list in the new yeaR. I'll be back soon. Tia

  3. Merry Christmas, Karen! I love visiting you here…looking forward to a whole 'nother year with you! Hugs- Diana Blessings to you and your family.

  4. Merry Christmas from my home to yours. I am so grateful to have found your blog, you're an inspiration in so many ways.

  5. Karen,
    You have always made me feel special, welcome and cared for. You are a blessing in my life. And I thank God for your kindness and for having you in my life. I never once imagined that people could become so attached through this medium. Thank you for always being, rather than seeming to be, a friend. Merry Christmas,

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