Winds of Change

I’ve been at odds lately ….
Stevie Nicks, one of my all-time favorites, 
 asks the question in one of my all-time favorite songs -.Landslide
“Can I turn with the seasons of my life”
Easier said than done.
The thing thats tugging at me the most right now is simply this..
This job…the one I’ve held the longest,
the one I’ve cherished the most
is slowly being outsourced.
 my kids don’t need me so much anymore.

They are slowly but surely getting what they need and want

from the outside world… as it should be.
But… that leaves me slightly at odds. I’m a little lost in that knowledge.
The not know.
And the what next?

16 thoughts on “Winds of Change”

  1. Your children still need you, just the ways they need you will change. Or that is what I found…but it is a gradual process. Your job will never be discontinued, trust me:)
    Lovely decorations and I am crazy about your dog!

  2. Welcome to my world ( we have cookies!)Lol;) …..they will always need you but now is the time for you! We will talk……….*hugs*

  3. You simply go with the flow and be there when they DO need you. Perhaps time to re-invent yourself, and that can be very exciting!!


  4. I seriously dread that time and I shouldn't. I am already feeling their independence from me and wondering what's next. I wish I knew…

    Do you have any ideas about what you might like to do? You can come decorate my house for me 🙂

  5. It's hard and awesome at the same time, but I like hearing you're taking the time to grieve it a bit. Because it's sad!

    But you'll find it. Creative people like you just do.

    Look at me! I'm a total geezer with ancient kids (24 and 28) and I'm in school! {thunk}

  6. This probably won't happen to you, but my one has been back home living with me 3 times!!!!! And, this time two others came with her. hahahaha

    You'll adjust to whatever is heading your way and I hope it will always be good things, Karen.

  7. I've been outsourced for a few years now, and yes, it isn't easy, just life I guess.
    We still are needed, just not on a daily basis, more like a bi-weekly basis.
    And when I get that call that begins with, "Dad, can you do me a favor…" I'm like "Yes!" with a fist pump and all.

  8. My theory is that I've done my job right if my son is independent, and a productive member of society. No matter how long it is between our visits (and it can be very, very long since we are half a country apart) he stills loves to come home and have mom look after him.
    This is your opportunity to find something else you love to do…the sky is the limit…dream big!

  9. I seriously dreaded the empty nest for years! Since my adult children all live near us it really hasn't been so bad–and believe me the grandchildren really fill up the empty space!!!
    I can't wait to try the carmelized apple dessert–looks wonderful!

  10. Ugh… and I have been stressed about her going every morning to 4 K. Girl, you will never be outsourced! Your babies will always need you. Do something that you have loved and always wanted to do. Now is the time to go out on a limb!

  11. It is a change…fortunately it is a gradual one that starts as they separate in kindergarten…my girls are now married and living their own lives…and I am actually enjoying it. I didn't think I would ever be able to when they were young:)….of course I see them as much as I can…I don't know what I would do if they lived on the other side of the country!

  12. It is difficult to adjust to the change Karen. Particularly so when you only have one! I don't feel as needed…but every now and then…you'll get a call like the one noted above…there's this mouse!! Holy Cow…..your house looks even more stunning than the last time…all decked out for Fall! Gorgeous!! You will always be their Mom… the relationship just changes…a bit from time to time!!

  13. I often wonder what my life will be like when all my kiddies are older. Maybe you and will be neighbors and make pies!! ; ))))

  14. I don't have children, karen. Hence, the huge collection of 4-leggers! So, I guess I am not of much help on this one!

    I do know a few years ago I made my first turkey for Thanksgiving. But, something just didn't look right. so I called Mom. She went over everything with me….and then I realized I put the turkey in upside down! After positioning the turkey right-side, Mom asked if she could go back to bed.

    I hadn't realized it was 3am!

    Your kids will always need you. How could they not? You, Miss Karen, are a fantastic mom!
    xo, misha

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