You’ve gotta be kidding me

Bristol Palin and Levi Johnston reveal exclusively in the new Us Weekly that they are getting married.

And, they tell Us Weekly, former vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin has been kept in the dark about their plans … until now.
“We got engaged two weeks ago,” Bristol, 19, tells Us Weekly. “It felt right, even though we don’t have the approval of our parents.”

I’m no fan of Sarah Palin, and I know that will offend some of you because she does have many faithful fans. But I do feel just alittle sorry for her at this moment.  Do any of you remember this lovely young man’s interviews after his breakup with Bristol?  The things he said about her family, her mother? …his apparently soon-to-be mother-in-law.  What is this young woman thinking?  I sure hope this is not the way SP found out, on the cover of a magazine.

This is why people should never be married before they are atleast 25.  ATLEAST.   Although, it’s also true that age does not guarantee the absence of stupidity.  


16 thoughts on “You’ve gotta be kidding me”

  1. What???? Oh my lord. I'm am not a fan of Palin's either. These two are not ready for any sort of commitment. Yikes.

  2. I'm basically a Conservative Agnostic. And I don't mind Sarah, although I don't agree with everything she espouses.

    But this is the pits!

    Whether you like her or not, you have to be sad for her, on this.

  3. Bristol is young. I think as she grows up a bit she will realize her mistake and boot him out. I'm not a Sarah fan either, but this dude said some really awful things about her and I think only heartache will come out of this union.


  4. I had to go google this myself to see if I've somehow missed something… this feels so right out of left field to me… it just seemed to lack a solid foundation from the beginning and I am sad that I don't have a great feeling about this news…

  5. Another freak show with a baby involved..sad.
    I've been thinking about this, and even though I'm not a fan of Sarah Palin, I do feel badly for her. The one I'm most worried about, though, is the baby. Having to live through this fiasco will leave lasting effects on the child.

  6. We naively think that when we marry, the opinions and approval of the extended family doesn't matter, only to realize later, just how much it does! Marriage is hard even when everyone is for it.

  7. NOT a good idea! I couldn't believe it either. I also couldn't believe they had not told the parents. Forgiveness is one thing, but he just trashed everything they stood for in those "post break-up" interviews!! Unbelievable…

  8. Well, I hate to say it, but nothing surprises me anymore (I guess this is due to old age). HA!!

    *Sigh* πŸ™‚

  9. Just goes to show that all families have problems–What does a 19 yr. old girl know about life? I feel we will be reading a whole new story about this before too long.

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