It’s the Real Thing

  Wouldn’t it be grand if just sipping a bottle of Coke could solve the world’s problems?  I believed it back in the 70’s, and I think my grandmother did too. We often had a weekend dinner and sometimes a sleepover on Bard Avenue. The very first thing I did when I stepped into her little galley kitchen was grab a coke out of the fridge.   She was brand-faithful, meaning there were certain things she’de always have in her house, never switching brands.  Coke, Ivory Soap, Laughing Cow Cheese and Jean-Nate Body Splash were among them.

HISTORY: Coke was invented in 1886 by Doctor John Pemberton,  a pharmacist from Atlanta, Georgia. He concocted the Coca Cola formula in a three legged brass kettle in his backyard. The name was a suggestion given by John Pemberton’s bookkeeper Frank Robinson. Frank Robinson also had excellent penmanship. It was he who first scripted “Coca Cola” into the flowing letters which has become the famous logo of today.

Coca -Cola was first sold to the public at the soda fountain in Jacob’s Pharmacy in Atlanta. Until 1905, the soft drink, marketed as a tonic, contained extracts of cocaine as well as the caffeine-rich kola nut. In 1887, another Atlanta pharmacist and businessman, Asa Candler bought the formula for Coca Cola from inventor John Pemberton for $2,300. By the late 1890s, Coca Cola was one of America’s most popular fountain drinks, largely due to Candler’s aggressive marketing of the product. With Asa Candler, now at the helm, the Coca Cola Company increased syrup sales by over 4000% between 1890 and 1900.

Advertising was an important factor in John Pemberton and Asa Candler’s success and by the turn of the century, the drink was sold across the United States and Canada. Around the same time, the company began selling syrup to independent bottling companies licensed to sell the drink. Even today, the US soft drink industry is organized on this principle.
Until the 1960s, both small town and big city dwellers enjoyed carbonated beverages at the local soda fountain or ice cream saloon. Often housed in the drug store, the soda fountain counter served as a meeting place for people of all ages. Often combined with lunch counters, the soda fountain declined in popularity as commercial ice cream, bottled soft drinks, and fast food restaurants became popular.On April 23, 1985, the trade secret “New Coke” formula was released.
Today, products of the Coca Cola Company are consumed at the rate of more than one billion drinks per day. 
That’s nuts. But you know what?  To this day, I still have Coke in the house for whenever someone’s got a sour stomach. The bottom line is, even though it’s loaded with sugar and there is no nutritional value… it still really works as a tonic.  

This morning I went to Target for cleaning supplies and really unnecessary stuff  for This Old House. Out of the corner of my eye I caught the logo…

  This is why I love Target… $12.99 and you, too, can have a vintage Coca Cola Tee.   I’de like to submit this photo to Snappy Di, who periodically posts “What Boomers Are Wearing” pics… Diane, I’m ALMOST a boomer, just two years shy of it..and this is what I wear almost always.  A tee and worn jeans. These have rips and frays, much to my delight and my husband’s chagrin.

As for the concept of being brand-faithful, my grandmother had something. You can still find Coke, Ivory Soap, Jean Nate and Laughing Cow Cheese in your grocery story.  I’ll admit I went to the other side for a while, but I eventually came back to Coca Cola.

  Although it hasn’t done for ME what it apparently does for HER…..

20 thoughts on “It’s the Real Thing”

  1. Hi Karen,

    I think Coke would be happy to have you modeling their T shirt. I think you look great in this picture. You would probably sell a lot of T shirts for them….have a nice evening….Tim

  2. Oooh, I LOVE the shirt, and you are so pretty.. The red suits you. *hops in truck and heads for Target* HA HA

    Oh, and I use my tripod a lot to take self portraits since Hubster isn't home often enough to have the time to photograph his adorable wife… hee hee

    Thanks of submitting the photo for Boomers. I didn't put the Boomers post up but will do so next week.

  3. Unfortunately the Coke you buy in the USA now contains high fructose corn syrup and not real sugar…I can get real Coke at Costco that is still bottled in Mexico that does NOT contain high fructose corn syrup..but sugar….the real thing in a bottle….Averages out to about $1 a 16oz bottle but so worth it!!

  4. Great, interesting post! You are SO right–there is nothing better for an upset stomach than coke. I've got to agree with Ain't for city gals about the high fructose corn syrup, though! Maybe if there was a grassroots campaign, Coca Cola could be pressured to go back to old fashioned, natural sugar. (Pepsi does have a version) Sugar is a processed food, but not nearly so much as high fructose corn syrup. Funny thing, when I grew up in the 50's & 60's and sugar was in everything, all dairy products were full fat, and we all ate nutritious egg yolks,– to see an overweight person was a rare thing! Makes you wonder!

  5. Great Post Karen! What's really funny is that I'm actually drinking a Coke right NOW!! Just poured one on ice before sitting down to read blogs!!

    I am a faithful Coca Cola girl!!! And, sadly, a boomer as well!! It's funny that you should mention those particular brand names as many of them could be found in my mom's house too!! Jean Nate was SO popular back then!!! I can still remember my aunt's room ALWAYS smelling like Estee Lauder…..SHE smelled like Estee Lauder back then and TODAY…even at 92 years old!!

  6. I've been known to be brand loyal as well, and here in Minneapolis, home of Target Corporation, we are practically REQUIRED to shop there.



  7. Yes, Karen, red is your color, looks really good on you! I love old, worn comfy jeans too! And, I didn't know that about Coke and a sour stomach…have to remember that.

  8. Hi… it's me again for the THIRD time on this post. Had to comment on your header photo! WOW. Handy with a camera there or what! Wish I had a field like that instead of just one bush of black eyed Susans. Must plant more I guess.


  9. honestly…the new blog design change is incredibly easy…..for fun you can set up a new blog that nobody knows about….use that as your test blog and then come back and play with your current blog !

    i've had a test blog since day one 🙂

  10. I want that shirt too now! You look great in it… baby boomer… almost? NO way! I wish they would do another round of the Coke commercials, they always make me joyful. Even though we are not soda drinkers in general, when we do have it, its a total treat.

  11. Gosh, you look gorgeous in that T-shirt. I'm having second thoughts about following your blog now. Not good for my self-esteem LOL
    I must NOT be jealous, I must NOT be jealous, I must NOT be jealous *sigh*

    Great story and pictures 😉

  12. OK people, I must tell you… thank you for all the compliments.. BUT… it's slightly darkened because I don't want you to see my allergy-weary eyes and the roll that hangs over the jeans if I don't suck it in. So, you know… there it is.

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