What side are you on?

 A bunch of us were goofing off  gathered at the shop  recently and somehow we got to talking about beds, and which side of the bed we sleep on and why.  One of us  (you know who you are)   said  “I don’t have a side. We just fall asleep on whatever random side of the bed we end up on that night.”   I’m sure the collective GASP  was audible at the hardware store up the road.   NO SIDE? 

 I don’t know about you, but I gotta have my side. The right side if you’re facing the bed. And there’s a reason!  I sleep on my left side, facing out.  I need air.  As much as cuddling is good and great and necessary,  I need my air, free and clear of his – because  if I’m facing him he sucks all the air out of my space.  If  I’m sleeping alone when away on a trip?  I’m still on my side of the bed, can’t seem to bring myself to use the whole space and sleep in the middle.

  Another member of our group sleeps in a full size bed with her husband, always has. (as in twin, full, queen, king).   Another collective GASP.  They are average sized people and they have a very happy marriage (apparently!) and they are perfectly happy to be every-inch-up-against-each-other when they sleep.  Awesome!    But… what about the air?

 I also like to have a window nearby, preferably open.  If we’re on vacation  in a motel room or staying at someone’s house and my usual side of the bed is up against a solid wall, it isn’t gonna work.

The bedding here looks so luxurious and comfortable…

Donald Trump slept here….
This one’s for Carol Ann and I bet Jeanne would like it too…..
Ok, maybe alittle too much air….
You can actually buy this Croc bed for your dog…google it!

 So… what side are YOU on?

12 thoughts on “What side are you on?”

  1. How funny! My side has changed over the years. First house I slept on the left side. Second house left side. Third house right side. Fourth house right side. This house left side. I'm not picky about my side but he is…. and for some reason his side changes depending on the house… GAH… who knows? I don't have the answer. Really DO need my own air though and must be a King size bed since we are both tall. Love the doggie croc bed to pieces!!


  2. I take the left side because Walter needs the right. I think, originally (27 years ago), he wanted to be able to answer the phone if it rang and was one of his old girlfriends. Anyway, I moved into his house, and he was already set up on the right side of the bed. For me, since sleeping is on of my very best skills, it didn't matter, but switching bed sides would absolutely keep him from sleeping. Since I love him, I go with the flow.

  3. I'm on the right side since it is the closest to the bathroom for those little trips in the dark.

  4. Facing the bed… left side. Sleep on my right side. For the same reason: air!
    Funny, I was on a birthday party yesterday and the same subject came up in conversation. Didn't see you there 😉
    Love the tree-poster beds.

  5. What a great blog Karen! I sleep on the right and have for 39 years. We've tried to change sides but it doesn't work…. we can't sleep. I'm like you, if I sleep alone I stay on my side. Too funny…. we all have our habits I guess. Love the photos, it makes me sleepy just looking at them. 🙂

  6. So glad I caught up to this blog. It has everything, old stuff (beautiful house), great photos, and great writing. I love your sense of humor.
    And, I'm a sleep on the left side. My wife agrees. Once in a B&B I just flopped down on the right side, and not 3 minutes went by and my wife says, "This won't work" and we switched back.
    And, if I show my wife that Croc bed, we'll own it. I may keep that a secret.

  7. This post made me smile, and I love the bed pics! Here you go: Right side of the bed; fan on for background noise so I don't hear him snore like a tornado in a tunnel; blanket over me, no matter how hot it is; window open a sliver, even if in the middle of winter. HE has to have the TV on so he can fall asleep. I love to read. That one is still a challenge after 30 + years!

    miss you….


  8. I hear ya about the air thing and it's a little quieter when he faces away from me. Contemplating a room change… alone. Oh, and I'm right… at least on this one. (right side that is)

  9. Gotta have the right side and the AIR!!! And I love that purple pic! How did you know???? LOVE IT! And I seriously like luxurious bedding…million thread count sheets…ya know??

  10. I have my side, a king-sized bed, and an open window.

    My hubs is always on my side with me though and I'm always pointing out how there is a lot of bed on the other side.

    Occasionally I've had to hop out and get in on is side!

    I'm doing drive-by commenting this morning I do believe!

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