Aww shucks.

 Connie of Hartwood Roses  bestowed this lovely award upon me today. Thank you, Connie… for taking the time out of your more than hectic rose-growing, family raising, house renovation filled life to read my ramblings.  I guess I should let you know since we’ve become blog friends that I’ve been coveting your jeep for a while now.  *ahem*  
 I’de like to extend that thank you to everyone who reads and comments on occasion, I love hearing what you have to say and I especially enjoy checking up on your world too…
So.. I’m supposed to tell you 10 things that I love… hard to narrow that down! The given is my family.

I love spending time outdoors with my dogs…

I love walking along the beach on a cool summer evening…this is Elbow Beach in Bermuda a few years back…. it doesn’t get any better…. 
inhale devour candy apples during fair season…
I love old glass doorknobs on doors with more than a few coats of paint beginning to peel….
My favorite holiday is Halloween… some of my greatest memories of my children’s earlier years are the trick-or-treating walks in the evening autumn air, the smell of damp leaves,  giggles and flashlights…
 I love jeeps… this one would be really awesome. I had a jeep laredo for six years. When it came time to trade her in, we had to pull over about a mile from the dealership.  I cried.  And cried.  And my husband thought I was nuts.  Finally pulled in to the dealership to pick up the new vehicle – a 4runner – HATED IT… and felt like such a traitor.  I cried again as I handed over the keys.  There are some things you should never give up, I believe that jeep was one of them.  *sigh* 
Barn swallows are among my favorite birds…
I love Martha’s Vineyard… for a hundred reasons…
I love glass paperweights… have been collecting them for years… this is a Peter Raos, one of my favorite glass artists…
Horses have been a great love of mine since way before I lived anywhere near one.  This is my horse, Opie…  a trail ride with Opie is my therapist couch.
Now I’de like to bestowe this award on a few talented bloggers who I enjoy following…
Ms. Anthropy, Sarcastic Granny  (oh no, Ms. A… you’de better get busy.. bestowed twice!)

10 thoughts on “Aww shucks.”

  1. Cute post! Thanks for not bestowing the award on me… I'm an award free blog. They're fun but after having so many I totally burned out on responding to them.

    Love your answers!!


  2. Shucks, thanks! I can combine an old favorite with a new favorite. Life has been throwing some curve balls and I'm more than a little behind, again. Wait for me!

  3. Hiya, Congrats and thanks for thinking of me:) I am too busy right now but will try to do something when I get back:)
    I used to live and work in Bermuda years ago. I was 25. Love it.I also have a collection of glass paperweights, they are quite magical to me.

  4. Get another Jeep!! Mine is a Rubicon, like the one in your photo, except in red … the Rubicon package makes a huge difference in the handling and ride. I love mine.

    When I don't have time to respond publicly to an award, I reply to the sender with a personal thank you.

  5. Funny! When I traded in my 4-Runner for a mustang a few years ago, I cried and cried 🙁
    Her name was Midge-cause she had "red hair" like me. I cried as I told the dealed all her special quirks. He thought I was nuts!

    Only had the Mustang for 3 months! Hated it. Bought an F-250 which I still have and love. Her name is Lily. As in Lily white!

    I am trying to catch up with everyone. Your home is looking amazing, Karen!

    xo, misha

    p.s. Opie is a looker! I would love to give his muzzle a big smooch!

  6. Such a great list… while I've traveled quite a bit… I have never been to Martha's vineyard… and so want to! The beach would be another one of my faves 🙂

  7. Great post! And K., I have NO idea how you find the time or energy to post such wonderful entries So faithfully!
    I can't even find time to pluck my eyebrows anymore…let alone post daily!:)
    I had a jeep once! It was a gem. 1970 cj5. Primed gray, headers, back seat rusted out and was never reconnected,so it was like a rollercoaster ride back there for passengers who rode at their own risk! and an antique horn attached to the side (AWOOOOOGA!),
    took a case of oil every 2 weeks & I drove 'The Moose' from Madison to Westport everyday for 2 years! Crack me up! Top off (jeeps top…not mine:) ) and flying down 95 in high heels. I was very young and reckless back then. Thanks for bringing that memory back to me. Made me smile!

  8. Thanks for the honor, Karen. I loved reading all these things about you. I have never been to Martha's Vineyard but it seems like my kinda place. The horses, the beautiful paperweights, all interesting. But yes, the jeep. Some things you just need to keep.

  9. Aw, you're such a sweetie; thank you, Karen! You've been to some interesting and beautiful places and I just LOVE Opie!! 🙂

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